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Posted: September 5th, 2005, 12:04 pm
by lovingpenfull
Andrew Burden, face of Niro, scar on bridge of nose, half beard; he likes to argue. I first met him in my last job orientation, I was the one questioning authority amid general head nodding, and he noticed it right away and was talking to me after the meeting. It was agreed that we two would dissent together. After that I talked with him a while and found him to be pushy and easily angered, but really an interesting guy. Having been a bit of a professional movie extra, he had been on a few big movie sets, in some big movies, with big name actors. I was impressed by his general attitude and 40 year life history. Interesting things seemed to happen around him: banks handing out conterfiet notes, fights, arguements, upheavals of joking and laughter, running into odd characters, the challenging of authority, etc. We parted ways after just over a week and hardly heard from each other afterward. It was after I quit my job that I found that he too had quit and was living in Bangkok, doing nothing, running around, sleeping in all day and roaming by night Khao San road. An avid collector of facts and articles, he has a small library in his backpack; small scraps and footnotes, crumpled napkins with scribbled handnotes, books of any sort, magazines, newspapers, anything that might fit into the Book, the history of his world. I am again running around with him, waiting to be on my way to India, and I meet him everyday when he wakes up and we go downtown and have coffee and we talk about anything and he teaches me how to argue, a Dialectitian of the Quebec school, he always seems to have a logical thread to lead us back to some common denominator that proves he is right. An ex-military man and journalist, he takes pride in his stoical stance on any subject; I just watch the Old Bear and nod. I hope that he succeds in getting out of this Bangkok funk he is in and gets over to South Korea where a life of English teaching awaits him. We'll see what becomes of Burden.