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Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 10:29 am
by Sober Duck
Day off
Day off
What does it mean
Feelin weird this off day
First one of the year

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 11:36 am
....a lil traveling music
movement into the
wild blue yonder
up above the it's
so cloudy outside...........

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 12:23 pm
by mtmynd
where's January
the skies are clear
the air is warm
winter is in the wings

where's January
it's been years
since the days
have looked like this

where's January
no snows
no ice

where's January
and what's it up to
holding back
like an avenger

where's January
no, not the Clay one
but the month
that I entered earth

Where is January...
in disguise
nowhere to be seen
but yet it is January

in sound alone
it whispers change
and reminds me
January is where I am

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 12:24 pm
by Lightning Rod
I know it must have been a good new years
because it's January second
and I don't even have a hangover yet
I'm hoping I can forstall it until at least the fourth of July

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 12:38 pm
by Sober Duck
Hangover, Hangover
What's that?
Sober Duck Hasn't had one for 16 years now.
I guess you can say I've had a hang under.
Last hangover I had I puked one of my eyes out of it's socket.
Now I have to be careful when I sneeze.

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 1:32 pm
by whimsicaldeb
good heavens ... what a post to follow
eyeballs falling from their sockets
hangovers out of date
or stashed away inside a future dated pocket

from where i've been
to where i'm at now

seems this gregorian new year has started
with laughter and hugs, warmth, fun, contacts (both far and new – hello, hello, and hello again!)

cozy rest with playful movements
rain, food, bird songs and brief times of sunlight with snuggles under blankets on the sofa, and conversations by candle & firelight and late morning risings

2006 has started out with things
better off leaving behind...
left behind

and the space ready
empty with expectancy
for the unknown that's ahead

tomorrow; the 3rd it's
hi ho hi ho
it's off to work (school) we('ll) go

ahhhh yes ... i love celebrating new years
and just think ~ we still have two more new years to go

Chinese year 4704 - Year of the Dog - begins on Jan. 29, 2006
and Tibetan Year 2132 - Year of the Wood Bird - begins on Feb. 2, 2006

the glory of it all is that anytime we need to begin again
anytime we need a new year or time or start to begin again
start over
release and renew
we can

at any time

our private new years
are just as special as society's socially accepted ones

and what's not to love about that!

taking the train

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 2:01 pm
by Dandylion
oh Im always so late to these things,
never knowing what the day will bring
as I trudge along lifes never ending path
creating havoc and perhaps gods wrath
against my very soul..
im turning old....

But Im retiring from this pain,
laying it down,
letting seeds flutter away
to a sky tht never called my name.
Im still here,
no matter what the number..
I will always be here,
waiting for that last train to take me home.

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 3:27 pm
by iblieve
Dandy made it isn't that grand
lost in this barren land
found her muse hiding in the darc
brought it here to spark
my creative side
so don't hide
come and jam at studio eight
no such thing as late
this thing runs all week isn't that great.

To Ap you are beautiful to me
we see the alien free spirit that shine so bright
we bask in the warmth of your poetic light.

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 3:28 pm
by jimboloco
Got to give some blood
in the mood
feeling good
for mead and the underground stream
the Xmas ghosts stopped rattleing their chains
Dubya is reading up on FDR
We have nuttin to fear but fear itzelf man
and your lies and machination
and Chicago girl is makin waves at my heart
once agin with gin and a peek of her countenance.
Thazz all I ever wanted.

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 3:56 pm
by Sober Duck
I'm greatful I'm not a miner and my heart goes out.

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 4:35 pm
by Sober Duck
Way back when during the holidays I would wrestle with an Elephant.
Badest beer known to man.
If an elephant drank one he would pass out.
I could only drink five. Number six would put me to bed.

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 5:12 pm
by Sober Duck
I dream of
one day being
a Mushroom Man.
Where do I sign up?

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 5:15 pm
by Sober Duck
Wonder if mushrooms grow
in elephant patties?

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 7:30 pm
by mousey1
This New Years week jam
is taking its time
simmering on the back
of the stove

I'd turn up the heat
and feel the burn
but I can't find
the right knob to turn

"Elephant paddys"? I've heard of rice paddys but this is news to me. Must be a bitch come harvest time! :shock:

Posted: January 2nd, 2006, 7:33 pm
by Sober Duck
I edited paddys with patties. I guess I should have said elephant pies.