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Elderly Victims

Posted: March 19th, 2005, 11:20 pm
by Sober Duck
Elderly Victims
Richard Moylan Jr.
As life continues we all can look forward to the golden years but for some the golden years are far from golden. Plagued with age related illnesses, technology that has left them behind, and relatives who are unable to take on the responsibility of caring for someone of age leaves the golden years much to be desired. Many elderly are left to fend for themselves.
When someone of age finds that assistance is necessary to carry on, they don’t have many choices. They can sign over the old homestead and move into a home or they can hire in home care. I’m sure most would rather stay home. Unfortunately, hiring someone to care for the elderly may be asking for trouble. Most elderly are caring, trusting people not always aware of how cruel life can be. They are an easy mark for one who might take advantage and that happens all the time.
Recently, I have seen the damage someone can do to the unsuspecting elderly. Unsavory types can sweet talk their way into the hearts and bank accounts of anyone they prey on. The are professionals at what they do and have years of experience. There is always something going on in their lives that requires a lot of money and the elderly hold the meal ticket. Trusting their new found care giver is how it starts handing over money time and time again until they start to catch on. That’s when the stealing and the more complicated lying starts. “Oh someone stole my purse and I’m afraid that hundred dollars you gave me to shop with was in it.” Some even have friends collaborate stories, I’m sure for a cut of the take. Friends and family members of the care givers start to call on the elderly hoping to take advantage of the easy pickins. Before anything can be done the elderly find themselves picked to the bone, cleaned out. Sometimes a relative or family friend might step in and stop such crime but usually more than not they go un-noticed. The outcome of such a crime can be devastating and cause some to give up the will to go on, to be a victim who’s only mistake in life was trusting.