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muir overlook path

Posted: April 12th, 2006, 3:58 pm
by whimsicaldeb

"Travel me!" it seemed to say "For not many have today."
Lucky for me, and so I did ...

I would have stayed
and stayed
and stayed
and stayed

--Muir Beach Overlook Trail
Marin County, California
April 6, 2006

Posted: April 12th, 2006, 5:33 pm
by Artguy
...each step leading to the an infinite place...

Posted: April 12th, 2006, 6:37 pm
by Doreen Peri
Step down with me.
Let us walk to the cliff
on the edge of the world
and stare out to the sea.
Let us toss wish petals
and a shiny metal coin
to skim the surface of a
moment, to show our
yearn to swim a dream,
our desire to become one
with the melody of the ocean,
you, with your Japanese shoes,
toes poking through, me in my
5-pocket Levis ripped at the knees.
Step down with me to the sea
and we will see where our harmony
takes us when we turn to step
back up.

Make a wish with me where the
world ends and the infinite waters
begin and we will be transported.