december 6, 2007

Graffiti and other wanderings.

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december 6, 2007

Post by judih » December 7th, 2007, 11:13 am

Just crawled my weary self from a delicious afternoon friday under the blankets.

Drinking some Lemon Grass tea. Listening to the water boil for G when gets up.

Had an interesting thought today. Wonder if I'm shrinking. When does it start?
Till just the other day, I was hopeful that I could still grow taller, but maybe it's too late for that sort of growth spurt. Maybe it's time to get shorter.

It doesn't really matter here if you're tall or short (at least for women). Things are pretty much even. Models and basketball players are better when tall, but the average citizen can make it as a short person. But that doesn't mean that i'm looking forward to losing even a few precious millimeters from my height.

Are you? Would you mind getting shorter?
Just asking.

It's Chanukah vacation and it could be that as my mind melts from frozen teacher mode, i shall have other such wandering thoughts.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 7th, 2007, 4:33 pm

As long I as I don't get too short of breath I can deal with it.

I'll get as short as I need to be I suppose

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Post by Arcadia » December 7th, 2007, 8:21 pm

Would you mind getting shorter? mmm.. I´ve never thought that before :shock: one or two cm woudn´t be a problem...30 cm would make me have a whole new vestuario... (maybe that´s not a bad idea at all :roll: ).
have great days, teacher!!! :wink:

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Post by stilltrucking » December 7th, 2007, 9:21 pm

It's Chanukah vacation and it could be that as my mind melts from frozen teacher mode, i shall have other such wandering thoughts.

My thoughts been wandering all over that too. Chanukah in Baltimore during world war two. memories of candles and black out curtains.

And love, these awesome powerful women who convinced me that they/we/I were special. It is a good moment in a man's life when he sees the same humanity in every one. Even so I hang on to those memories of childhood happiness in a fearful time.

I been wandering all over this holiday j
did not know it was to celebrate a victory by a jewish army
Because of the darkness of those firs tsix years of my life those candles blaze in my memory
it was a holiday about the miracle of light
From the child of five to myself is but a step. But from the new-born baby to the child of five is an appalling distance. --Leo TolsToi
I wish you pleasant wanderings on your vacation.

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 8th, 2007, 1:09 am

I AM getting shorter. And I don't know if I mind it or not because I never really thought about it until tonight when I stood next to my sister who used to be an inch shorter than me in the photo we were holding from back in the day and today she was an inch taller than me and I had boots with 3" heels on them. Geesh. Or maybe in the photo back in the day, I had 5" heels on and she was standing in a ditch. It's something. That's for sure. We can't figure it out. Theme of the day.

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Post by judih » December 8th, 2007, 2:32 am

definitely have to ditch those ditches
and i don't do heels anymore - the highest i go is my special silicone sole on my reeboks.

So, if this is such a great vacation (hi, arcadia! you'll have vacation soon), still, why am i waking up at 2 in the morning or 3:20 like last night?

i become possessed by thoughts of students - weird, bizarre students who i've been trying to teach. Weird bizarre behaviour from said weird bizarre students - so bizarre that one thought and i wake up, adrenalized, unable to get back to sleep.

vacation. if i don't go mad, i'll surely find insights to how to deal with bizarrities.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 8th, 2007, 9:50 am

What I have lost in height I have more than gained in width. So everything is okay.

Nothing to do with your bizzare students probably but I was reading this bit last night.

Sex Art and American Culture. Camille Paglia.
from the chapter on
The Big Udder, Suzzane Gordon's Prisioners of Men's Dreams

But I dispute Gordon’s classification of teachers as “care givers” Her idea, now so common, that “self-esteem” is the purpose of education is one of the main reasons for the increasing scientific and intellectual mediocrity of American students.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 10th, 2007, 10:28 am

I don't know if paglia is right about not being care givers and self esteem, I can hardly follow her sometimes, it must be a guy thing, maybe some truths are too much for mymale vanity to bear.

I can't hardly remember early educational experiences. What I remember about grades 1 to six is how bizzare and weird the teachers seemed to me.
I forgot what ages you tought?

I still have not lit any candles yet, no need too, It must be getting to the end of your vaction I think.

If you need any practice with dealing with bazzarities help your self to me anytime sister 8)
if you need to check my bono fides as a weirdo
check with anniefay, over at litkicks
I hope she is well
I never see her post there anymore
maybe I missed her.
do you ever correspond with Levi anymore
do you know what plans he has for the haiku archive is it just a temporary glitch?
I have not checked it in a couple days.

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Post by Artguy » December 16th, 2007, 4:32 pm

" bight makes you smaller, the other makes you tall..."

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Wylie Shambles
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Post by Wylie Shambles » December 24th, 2007, 1:48 am

"Anybody over 5 feet six inches tall is a weed."
that's a quote from some English author, don't remember exactly who. W.H. Auden, maybe.

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Post by jimboloco » December 24th, 2007, 12:26 pm

i can see some changes taking place in me
not in my stature tho
i am getting soft jowls


and it takes a little while to get the stream going

but otherwise i forget that i am not a kid unless i look in the mirror

and i practice stretching my neck and standing up atraight

oh yeah my top of head is partially above the hairline
nut not shorter

the tai chi teaches says that if you do tai chi regularly for several years, your feet will get bigger, his look like a hobbit's
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by judih » December 24th, 2007, 1:33 pm

nice toes.
t'ai chi toes
my feet aren't bigger, but they do demand no-nonsense shoes
will they start taking over
dressing me in canvas and rubber with laces up to my neck?
my stretched tall neck?

as i see it, it's the younguns, who insist on growing taller without end, that are the source of this form of query.
if not for them, we'd all merrily shrink and continue, feet growing and all.

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