Update December 27

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Update December 27

Post by judih » December 27th, 2008, 8:33 am

i posted a little something on my blog, in case anyone is reading about what's going on in Otef Aza and the Gaza Strip today.


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Post by stilltrucking » December 27th, 2008, 11:57 am

I heard about it at three thirty this morning. I fell asleep with the radio on again. It woke me. It has been in the papers here for days that an attack was forthcoming. But I was still hoping it would not come.

For now all I can only hope that whoever has replaced Peretz remembers to take the lens caps off his binoculars.


I think of you constantly, I do my best to think good thoughts peaceful thoughts. But still I fear for your safety.

Take care
I wish
No I will
try to think of something beautiful to write, something joyous and life affirming.

But I am just angry now.


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Post by Doreen Peri » December 27th, 2008, 12:18 pm

i wish you safety and peace

i wouldn't be able to live in your area.... it would be too much stress for me.... hell, i get scared when i hear a siren ... i think my house is on fire or my daughter's been in an accident... panic attacks.. no kidding

please keep us updated ....

i pray with you for peace

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Post by judih » December 27th, 2008, 2:18 pm

hoping for a fast ceasefire.
we're on high alert
but so far, things are okay.
watching the news and dashing to the internet to stay in touch.

we all have our situations.
no one gets off easy, yet life's a constant learning condition

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Post by stilltrucking » December 28th, 2008, 3:37 pm

I am waiting for the guns to go silent
For peace to break out again
It always does

take care j

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Post by Artguy » December 28th, 2008, 9:09 pm

Wishing for peace and safety for you and your family.

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Post by jimboloco » December 29th, 2008, 4:12 pm

hi judih'glad i found your blog
as was thinking about you
being there

i have to say
congrats to palestinian president abbas
very hopeful in that direction

this heavy hand into gaza
is different than the expanded air war into lebanon
which was illogical
here the israelis are forced to be more concentrated
which is what they should have done in southern lebanon

callin up th reserves
hillary get ready!
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by jimboloco » January 2nd, 2009, 12:46 pm

been following this situation
my opinion is somewhat stated in this hamass' endgame post in th culture shock scroll

click on "RadioActivity for 12/30/2008"Tuesday, December 30, 2008, 12:00:00 AM | WMNF 88.5 FM Tampa, FL
and listen to a debate (starts at 12:45)
between ben cohen american jewish committee in new york
and ahmed bedir(?) the host of "true talk" talk show alternate fridays at 1 pm debating the gaza airstrikes

(there is the end of democracy now first and then a service announcement/interview about disposing of computer and electronics waste and then)
slide over to 7:45 to get a musical interlude and intro to the debate
which continues on at 12:45

at 51:35 i call in for a talk

tex tiles at the wailing wall

judih on the armistice line
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 2nd, 2009, 7:01 pm

Judih... how close are you to this mess?

worried about you

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Post by judih » January 3rd, 2009, 1:27 am

this is my life, at the moment
Hey, the newspaper published a list of which areas are getting the most qassam rockets and mortar fire, and my area was on top.
88 hits since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead.
But our area makes the least noise because we're kibbutzniks and we're more or less used to dealing with what there is, and also because the media prefers to concentrate on those making the most noise.

In any case, there's my blog, in which i say more or less how i'm dealing, but i don't spell out landing locations of rocket cause it's uncool to print that kind of security info.

As I tell my parents and mykids, don't worry. Worry never helps.
And we have a shelter about 14 seconds from the house, so that's within the 15 second window we have when the warning alert goes off.

There's no school - it's been postponed until the area is more secure. The kids are scattered around, more or less unable to concentrate, even though 'online learning' has been suggested.

It's saturday - let's see what the day brings.

Thanks for commenting.

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 3rd, 2009, 1:40 pm

I see. Well.... if it were me, I'd get the heck outa Dodge.

You can't tell me not to worry. I mean, you can tell me, but it doesn't do any good.

My philosophy in such situations is, "run like hell." Would love to hear that you packed up and flew outa there for a while.

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Post by Dave The Dov » January 4th, 2009, 8:21 am

Ugh stop it already!!!!

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Post by judih » January 4th, 2009, 9:44 am

sounds like a plan

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Post by one of those jerks » January 4th, 2009, 1:18 pm

Man, I am glad to see you have not lost your sense of humor.

In Texas they got a saying that is just the opposite of what we used to say back east.

In Texas they say, “Hang tight” we used to say, “Hang loose.”

Hang in there j, I know it is a cliché these days but Abe Lincoln said it too “This too shall pass away” and I know it will.

Cheer up, the longest war ever was only a hundred years long. I remember something about a Hundred Years War from my high school history class. History is a lot of laughs. I used to love it.

I got a million questions about civil defense I would like to ask you but I am sure for your own safety you can’t answer. Will talk about after the war maybe.

I like those songs you posted to your blog

I been thinking about doing a riff on that Neil Young song, call it Young Man Take A Look At My Life I was a lot like you are.

Love peace and taco grease from the Republic of Texas.

This is going to be my nom de guerre for the duration.

you know me sister
still crazy after all these years
so I won't appologize to you for my sick sense of humor.
She is twice the man I am.

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Post by judih » January 4th, 2009, 3:00 pm

still crazy after all these years
thankful for the small things in life (like the amount of sanity given and maintained)

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