
The curled tales & ambiguous textarities of a mousey mind.

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Post by mousey1 » June 17th, 2006, 3:50 pm

Not aimed at anyone, just random thoughts that popped.

A great chasm crops up in my thinking when I read all the absolutes.

It ain't a black and white world motherfucker!

As much as one might wish it were, it isn't.

The gray areas murk out all the rest most of the time.

Do this, do that, do the right thing. This is this.

Well, this may be this but a confused mind will not get it right the first time or even the last time oftentimes.

Can you, should you, allow a child to witness the confusion that reigns supreme so often in the adult mind. The guesswork that comes into play.

The dredging, the scavenging of life lessons learned as a child
now to be whipped into play
to guide another child's mind,
the fertile ground
that lays so fallow and malleable.

God bless the parent
and give them the patient fortitude
the strength of Job
in these modern times.

Give me a cave
a candle
a fine tipped pen
a small opening
with which to see out
view the world
crawl out
if I must
a healthy dose of skepticism
a large dose of smile
and a filter
a finely meshed filter
to strain out all the shit

keep me sane
"help me to keep my wits about me
when all around me are losing theirs
and blaming it on me"

and may I have the uncanny ability
to keep my own shit to myself
and steal the words of others
to make myself appear
glistening bright
which clearly I can't
since I keep smearing it on these pages
like an offering of some sort

and for the kindness of strangers
who accept me as I am
for it matters not

thus speak the childless
in their wisdom
of naught
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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