Dragonfly days and a pilot like me

The curled tales & ambiguous textarities of a mousey mind.

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Dragonfly days and a pilot like me

Post by mousey1 » July 2nd, 2006, 6:50 pm

I find it odd that such gauzy clouds can hold so much rain
that even on a sunny day it falls

no butterflies yet
no rainbows either; but I'm not worried
I'll know I've arrived
when I see the dragonflies

happy times
the ties that bind

I've just now realized
that I've missed them
synonymous with the little girl in me
the one who tied strings
to their tails
ill-conceived notion of
kites in motion -
if you can't fly
attach yourself to that which can
by a thread

(if I did it now
would you shake your head
I don't understand
I don't understand
adult dread)

I knelt quite happily
the colorful yarn
absconded from somewhere
clenched tightly in my fist
as I eyed several likely candidates
for the maiden voyage
the prima flight

lovely when seen in soft summer's light
iridescent wings flashing
tails perfect rudders
for a pilot like me

what was I
ten...maybe eleven

what days
what daze lay before me
I never thought past tomorrow
or did I

remembered now
in perfect light, in undeluded contrast
in perfect shadow
I can paint the picture
set the stage right

childhood hanging by a moment
a tiny thread, a silly memory
no one flying this dragonfly but me

I best look to the horizon
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mtmynd » July 4th, 2006, 2:27 pm

Nice read, mousey... revealing your innocence. That can be a difficult thing for me to do when writing.

When I reached this part -

"the one who tied strings
to their tails
ill-conceived notion of
kites in motion - "

I was quickly taken to a time when I would tie a loooong thread
to a June bug and watch it reach the limits I'd put on it. Not that that was on my mind at the time.... just the joy of keeping in touch with it as it soared about the skies. Sometimes, often times, after a few minutes or so, the thread would drop from the skies... on the end I'd find the June bug's leg. booo me.

(there! there's my bit of innocence! :) )

Thanks... and I am enjoying your trips!

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Post by mousey1 » July 5th, 2006, 7:57 pm

Thank-you for sharing your bit of innocence...it was an absolute delight.

Delightful to realize someone else was as foolish as I in childhood...well I suppose we all were...maybe still are 'cept we keep it so well hid...some of us. :P

Poor little June Bugs. "booo" you as right! I don't believe I ever did harm to my dragonfly copilots in flight. But the memory's a bit foggy of the events...pretty sure though that I didn't tear any tails off...I would have been inconsolable!

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Tickled me to no end.
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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