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The serpent-haired pimps of freedom

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 11:32 am
by firsty
This is a very bad day for freedom. Vonnegut is gone, forever. Normally that would be enough. I knew the situation was bad a couple of years ago when the only very well written voice of dissent was Kurt’s. He was too old, then, to be the leading voice of common sense in America. And now he’s gone. But it’s worse, now, too, because we’ve sunken into a never-ending chasm of progressive suicide. We sure are fucked, now.

This Imus situation is going to destroy the mainstream attempt to take back America. The left are doing what they have been chastising the right for doing, and this proves that neither mainstream party or even movement is really interested in anything beyond political gain. It also castrates the ability for these “leaders” to accomplish anything, and brings every one of their thrusts towards freedom to a painful halt.

Then again, I’m not sure that there ever even was a mainstream attempt to take back America.

Superficial minds may believe that Imus’s MSNBC death (and imminent radio death) is “about green, not about black or white.” It’s easy to point the finger at the show’s super-rich sponsors, after a week of media and civilian moaning. Once the sponsors pull out, it was always only about the money.

There is no freedom of speech in America, or anywhere else, when all accessible speech is attached to the strings of cash and future funding. This is the brilliance of a fascist nation. Privatize everything (as defined by the government), and then nothing is protected by government. Government can dismiss any and all charges of state censorship by pointing to the natural life-form that is the free market.

Because superficial minds cant see that it’s the government which is enabling and even funding this so-called free market.

The “nappy-headed ho’s” comment was hardly a straw that broke the camel's back. If it were more than a straw, even, like, say, a needle, a very sharp needle, in the haystack of Imus’s career, it would never even have been heard. But now we have even so-called liberals, progressives, so-called feminists and minority leaders of America, not merely speaking out against what Imus said (which is fine), but actually demanding that he be fired. This has gone way too far, and is even represented at Newsvine by normally level-headed progressive individuals.

Folks, freedom of speech means freedom of speech. It means, necessarily, that some of that speech will offend some people. If the only speech we allow within this realm of freedom of speech is that which is inoffensive, there is absolutely no need for an expressed freedom of speech.

Recently, and as appropriately represented here at Newsvine, there are increasing mainstream efforts to bring about the overdue but necessary changes in America, changes that are necessary if we are to become the beacon of freedom that we either used to be or yearn to become, depending on whose history books you read.

Even The View is taking on the issue of 9/11 truth. Thats a big step, to say the least. I have been a very outspoken critic of Rosie O’Donnell. Her blog represents a part of the ongoing death of poetry, for instance. But she is brave for taking on the system regarding 9/11, and I commend her for that.

But these mainstream attempts at making sure that America stands for truth and freedom will die on the vine, here and elsewhere, literally and otherwise, because of the liberal murder of Imus’s program.

Our only hope, now, is something so grassroots that it makes your pants dirty just thinking about it. It’s true, folks — the only answer is revolution. The powers that be are purely politically driven, held back by permanent and tragic blinders. It’s only a matter of time before the advertisers who own the Newsvine banners start getting pissed off at our words. In fact, that day will come as soon as our words make an impact. To survive, we must commit a suicide of the truth, and that cannot be acceptable for writers or artists or truth-seekers of any ilk.

Freedom is for the brave. We must be brave enough to not cry like fucking children at every offense. We must be brave enough to recognize when our government is controlling even the free market, and therefore the “money issue” is but a red herring. We must be brave enough to allow dissent. We must be brave enough to realize that the path to truth often hurts, it stings our eyes and scars our feet.

But are we brave enough? We're brave enough to cheer our troops, to commend their bravery. But while our troops are out there dying, we cant handle the idea of an old man making a joke.

We're not brave. We're a bunch of fragile little glass kittens.

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 1:09 pm
by Lightning Rod
This is an insightful piece, firsty. The whole Imus thing has been disgusting me too. Somebody should listen to Rosie. The brand of severe political correctness that we are witnessing just chills me to the bone, no matter if it comes from the left or the right.

Al Sharpton has always been OK with me. I mean anybody that does such a great James Brown imitation can't be all bad. As politicians go, he is at least entertaining. But to hear him railing on Don Imus for an offhand remark is puritanical to say the least. Imus is a fuckin' COMEDIAN. This wasn't a Makaka moment. Imus doesn't hold office or make policy, he's just a guy that makes wisecracks on the radio. Rosie is right. Get over it, awready.

thank you for your fine writing

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 4:25 pm
by firsty
i like al, too. he's no saint, he still never really apologized for the whole tawana brawley fraud. your words are dead-on. imus is a comedian. he gets paid to make people laugh.

and so the sponsors pulled out before the viewers could even react. thats not a free market reaction, thats politics.

we in trouble now, sez brer firsty, sezee.

Posted: April 16th, 2007, 6:31 pm
by Axanderdeath
you guys have a revolution now you asre fucked.

if you guys (americans) weaken you will be bombed to shit--one way or another--

it is too late for ya I think...

and no one but maybe a couple morons think that the USA stands for peace... 9/11 was a cross roads and you guys went down the wrong road and scouble over whether you have or not.

itis not-what can we do

it's-you should of done this!

it's-why you do that... you are whats wrong with america

it is not-this is what wer have to do

it's-someone should'a

you'all are fuck bro--become marshall law and maybe you'll be writing the history books...

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 10:57 am
by firsty
it's not too late. we're rolling full steam ahead, we're going to bring down the house.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 12:09 pm
by stilltrucking
Imus brought it on himself.
He should not have appologized to Sharpton

I am afraid he blew it. And I am not happy about that. Now his defense is that he is just this 67 year old white guy who just thought he was getting down with the kids.

just my opinion

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 1:21 pm
by stilltrucking
What I am trying to say is I wish Imus would have made more of a stand against Sharpton, he might have created a movement. Maybe he can go on a tour of colleges but who is going to listen to some old white guy who was so clueless that he thought he was getting down with the gurrrrls.

I am sorry he got fired. Like you say radio isn't carrying much except slimebaughs and righto ratfinks.

Geoff you better hope not cause we will be storming your gates
your country will be over run with illegal immigrants from the US.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 4:14 pm
by firsty
i think imus apologized because he really didnt mean harm by his comment. i used to listen to him every day, and he reminds me a bit of someone like me - he'll say something simply because he thinks it's funny, regardless of the potential consequences.

i'm pretty sure imus is very shocked and upset by this.

and, yeah, i can jump to canada from here, if things go bad. then we'll wreck that country too, that free queen land.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 4:41 pm
by stilltrucking
Just curious
I wonder if Sharpton was ever on his show?

Why did he appologize to sharpton? Did he ever say anything about sharpton on his show.?

I could see where he should have jumped on a lear jet and flew to Rutgers and make his ammends there. But I don't understand why he did not go down fighting. Sharpton hangs out with people who say worse things then Imus. "shoot the ho in the face" Imus could have made a stand for integrity. He might still come out of it. I have never heard his show.

Do you think he made a hypocrit out of himself by pandering to sharpton?

I suppose he was willing to do anything to make the money for his good works.

Hell firsty he is a better man than me I am sure.

It is such a pleasue to read you even if I don't agree with you.

I say Canada is wasted on the Canadians. I say we need an Operation Canadian Freedom. Lets go.

Posted: May 12th, 2007, 4:13 pm
by Axanderdeath
stilltrucking wrote:Just curious
I wonder if Sharpton was ever on his show?

Why did he appologize to sharpton? Did he ever say anything about sharpton on his show.?

I could see where he should have jumped on a lear jet and flew to Rutgers and make his ammends there. But I don't understand why he did not go down fighting. Sharpton hangs out with people who say worse things then Imus. "shoot the ho in the face" Imus could have made a stand for integrity. He might still come out of it. I have never heard his show.

Do you think he made a hypocrit out of himself by pandering to sharpton?

I suppose he was willing to do anything to make the money for his good works.

Hell firsty he is a better man than me I am sure.

It is such a pleasue to read you even if I don't agree with you.

I say Canada is wasted on the Canadians. I say we need an Operation Canadian Freedom. Lets go.
your last comment here gave me the idea to write 2017...


Imus Is Back

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 7:08 pm
by roxybeast
Well that didn't take long did it? Controversy boosts ratings, ratings boost ad revenues, and when ad revenues are up, executive bonuses and salaries go up ... all thanks to the Don. So now they say "I Miss Imus." Knappy-headed who? We need more ratings, Don gone it!

I posted a good piece on my Studio 8 column about this whole I-Mess when it first happened ... and firsty, since you like sports, check out the couple of pieces I've written on college football ... would love to know your thoughts. Getting a nice new piece is always good!

B. Isbell
The Pregnant Pope