In the beginning..... what's next?

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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In the beginning..... what's next?

Post by Doreen Peri » May 4th, 2008, 4:18 pm

OK, I finally figured it out. When I woke up this morning, it dawned on me.

In the beginning there was a very odd chemical reaction which caused this one cell amoeba-type thing to come alive. Before that, nothing was alive. The chemicals were all dead but they combined in an unexpected way which caused a virus and when the one cell emerged from it, it started to divide and became multiple cells which mated with each other until the one cell creature turned huge and contained all the cells there were in one being.

This being was being attacked by all the chemicals floating around in the atmosphere because the chemicals thought it was a virus and was trying to kill it because if it continued to grow like that, then it would overcome all the chemicals and eliminate them because it would need that much space.

So, the chemicals kept attacking this huge being which was the only thing that was alive at the time and as a result, because of a self defense mechanism necessary for self preservation, the being developed intelligence and got smart enough to figure out how to protect itself with some kind of cellular shield because it didn't want to die.

After some time went by, the huge mass of cells which was the only thing alive became so smart that it realized it was the only thing alive and it got lonely. It wanted companionship because alive things need other alive things around them to truly flourish.

That's when it decided to split itself up into various different parts, all of which were alive. Some of these parts that it split into became plants and other parts became animals but all the parts were alive and all the new beings were companions to the huge being that became alive because of the weird virus-type reaction caused by the dead chemicals in the beginning.

Eventually the animal parts also became intelligent because they had to in order to keep themselves alive and protect themselves from the dead chemicals which were continually trying to kill them.

I'm pretty sure the plant parts also became intelligent because they now know how to reincarnate themselves by sending out seeds and becoming cyclical in their life stages which is really way smart when you think about it.

And so the animal-type parts were hell bent on self preservation just like the huge being which was originally created because of the dead chemicals combining to form a very odd virus-type thing. They had to evolve and get more and more intelligent in order to try to keep themselves from being killed off by the dead chemicals which continued to attack them.

In the process, the dead chemicals also got hit by the weird virus and there was a reaction which caused the dead chemicals to become live chemicals and to also become intelligent enough to try to keep themselves alive but the way they did this was by zapping the life out of the plants and animal parts which were also fighting for self preservation.

Some of the animals developed into what we are, human beings, and other animals developed into smarter creatures like cockroaches which are very resistant to being killed off and have lived hundreds of thousands of years.

So much time had gone by that the human beings didn't remember that the only reason they became intelligent to begin with was because they were split off from the huge being which was formed by the original chemical viral reaction from the dead chemicals which were now alive.

That's how it all started. And here we are now. What next?

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