
Prose, including snippets (mini-memoirs).
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Post by creativesoul » October 6th, 2014, 10:21 am

those thoughts roll on thru- can see from above the things that during the day,,, had been tucked away - like they could be made to lie still-the dog looks on with big brown deep eyes- he wants to play frisbee- it is 6 in the morning- having had tea - all i can think about is moving- not driving - new shoes for walking- a bike = better then the one i have- and the food- ah hillbillie food- is not ok- and columbia county has murdered the side dish- they shoot cops in rainier= one lost his thumb knuckle and the other his life- i met his wife and daughter- they named the highway after him- and they have white chocloate mochas named after him- the chief painter mocha
the coffee lady looks like she might be the wife of a cop- she told me one guy was jacking off in her line and she called the cops- they found him thru facebook-
so - i dunno if i would call the cops if someone was jacking off in thier car= and ordering coffee- i would say the dude was multi tasking- and stay away from him= but the cops?
do not worry soon that will be illegal too-
listening to my sons talk about women is funny- ' i want one that is 35 and already has a career'
i didnt say anything but - really- i was implanted with a microchip and i was going to have kids with the guy that the microchip was designed for-
i was lucky my microchip found a good man-who i was designed for- still confused about this -
so all the little designs and dreams i had would have been worthless when i met primo- we were from opposite sides of the universe- i was from palm springs california and he was from limido comasco italy- he was logical and organized and had a loving family- i came from hollywood dysfunction= i thought that if i hung around with traditional people maybe some of that would rub off on me-
sorry about my luck.....
primo used to say 'jana jana what are you doing jana?" in this voice
that my frenz all make fun of now-
his neck would get really red and his face- 'LOOK WHAT YOR CHILDREN ARE DOING/"
IN THE CASE of him finding the fake I d s - i said 'primo this is America it is NORMAL'
reason is over rated, as is logic and common sense-i much prefer the passions of a crazy old woman, cats and dogs and jungle foliage- tropic rain-and a defined sense of who brings the stars up at night and the sun up in the morning---

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