The wrath of cupid

Prose, including snippets (mini-memoirs).
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The wrath of cupid

Post by Tjflowers80 » November 5th, 2014, 2:20 am

The lovers call me Cupid. My superior calls me a pain in his ass. Ever since the dawn of my beginning I have been known to make men blind to the wiles of women and women stupid when it comes to the stupidity that men can create.
It is a game I enjoy playing throughout the ages; it brings me joy to watch as I place an arrow in my bow, pull it back and let it fly into the ass of some unknown fool. Though as my arrow strikes it does not leave a wound upon the physical being; no; it places a laudatory sense upon the heart leaving the mind to loose control.
But this is not a story of how my joy creates a mess in the hearts of men; no; this is the story of why spring is the season of love. This will explain much as long ago my superior decided that I needed no respect and tried to take what dignity I had by placing me in a skirt and diaper. Needless to say I was unhappy; for years I allowed my dignity to be ripped from my essence and along with it my pride in what I had been appointed to.
When I was a younger god I loved the job I had been given; to watch as I found similarities in the passersby; it created a glow in my soul and placed my mood in the clouds of heavens eternal high.
Hundreds of years passed before my superior grew jealous; I could see it in his eyes; they would grow green; his attitude became more and more impossible to deal with.
My features didn't help my situation for I had the chubby cheeks that a baby had my body was short and stubby; maybe that's why he decided to put me In a skirt and diaper. I guess he thought it would be more humiliating than normal.
Whatever his reason had been I had been placed at the edge of my own darkness. Forcing myself to keep the ruse of helping men and women to find each other in tides of love. It was my only solitude for so long; I kept quiet doing what I was placed to do; each day growing angry at my superior and all the humility he had placed with each millennia and the commercial images he had sent to the human population.
Finally one spring day I snapped; I do not know what year it had been but I finally had lost it.
I sat there thinking how I had let the turmoil of my soul go on for way too long; it was getting too much to bear. I was watching everyone else rise above while I remained a minor waste.
It was so vibrant; the flowers had just sprung their first bloom and they smelled so wonderful; yet I had not taken the time to breathe in their fragrance for so long it was like I had been born anew.
I lost control; I stood up with ferocity in my heart; I rose out of the ashes of my gloom and took my bow to aim. I let loose a fiery arrow right into the ass of some unsuspecting fool. He was a tall man with eyes of blue and hair of black curls, his face was slim as was his body; I took to noticing him playing shy at a pretty girl across the way; she was average in height, brown hair blowing within the cooling breeze, she slightly lifted her head to reveal her soft brown eyes; they seemed so filled with pain and sorrow but nevertheless she smiled at his rosy cheeks and chuckled as he fumbled over to where she was sitting. Their conversation took to flight and soon they were both laughing to the others jokes and I felt happy at their first meet.
I turned seeing another only this time a female; her eyes took to glance at a gentleman with green eyes and strawberry blonde hair; i again took my bow to aim and struck her in the soft spot of her ass that she had been sitting on.
I started laughing and looked for my next target. The day had progressed with much pleasure radiating from my soul. I could feel myself glowing with much anticipation. And as the day came to a end my being felt liberated, but it did not end with just one day.
The season progressed and I kept my bow firing without end; people fell for each other several stayed together; some did not; I did not care wether or not they had anything in common I just picked people at random and shot my arrow into their asses. At the beginning of summer I had felt like a champion and looked to the sky where my superior held his home; knowing he was watching my fury being unleashed upon the unsuspecting eyes glowed red with anger and I reached my hands to the sky and yelled " you see now; not so big in your way to stop me; you don't have the balls."
I laughed with an evil tone; I was reborn; I felt fury to begin anew; amazed at my spirit I decided spring would be my time to free my heart from the evil depression I held throughout the year.
I am Cupid; the creator of loves; some everlasting; some shorthanded; I will make men crazy to the wiles of women and women stupid when it comes to the stupidity that men can create. I am Cupid!
And above me the stars align
But not yet with my own
And the night birds sing
Whilst the demon haunts this restless soul.

Jessica Taylor

Posts: 4658
Joined: September 15th, 2005, 3:23 am

Re: The wrath of cupid

Post by creativesoul » November 7th, 2014, 10:35 am

Belissima! Vero- bravo- impressive- impetuous
Awe fucking some
reason is over rated, as is logic and common sense-i much prefer the passions of a crazy old woman, cats and dogs and jungle foliage- tropic rain-and a defined sense of who brings the stars up at night and the sun up in the morning---

Posts: 303
Joined: October 17th, 2014, 9:10 pm
Location: Heber city, utah, usa

Re: The wrath of cupid

Post by Tjflowers80 » November 9th, 2014, 12:34 am

Thanks! It is my favorite one so far.
And above me the stars align
But not yet with my own
And the night birds sing
Whilst the demon haunts this restless soul.

Jessica Taylor

Posts: 4658
Joined: September 15th, 2005, 3:23 am

Re: The wrath of cupid

Post by creativesoul » November 9th, 2014, 11:40 am

Never stop
Write until the eraser wears out
Sometimes when I am writing or painting its like
I have to hunker down with " supplies" and really -" keep going"
Go to coffee house writers groups at " meet up" and READ it to ppl- rock on!!!!
reason is over rated, as is logic and common sense-i much prefer the passions of a crazy old woman, cats and dogs and jungle foliage- tropic rain-and a defined sense of who brings the stars up at night and the sun up in the morning---

Posts: 303
Joined: October 17th, 2014, 9:10 pm
Location: Heber city, utah, usa

Re: The wrath of cupid

Post by Tjflowers80 » April 21st, 2015, 8:19 pm

Creativesoul I thank you. Your work is a blessing, completely blows my mind. I love your work. Makes me dream.
And above me the stars align
But not yet with my own
And the night birds sing
Whilst the demon haunts this restless soul.

Jessica Taylor

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