Good guys bad guys - bandits 2

Prose, including snippets (mini-memoirs).
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Good guys bad guys - bandits 2

Post by creativesoul » May 3rd, 2015, 11:49 am

Magnolia you sure do love yourself now don't you? Like a real white bitch on her way to get her hair done-- I never could stand women like you- always giving advice and talking about the weather- ha ha you thought you had me fooled- first chance you got you threw me out of your house - fuck you and mingo too- heartless son of a bitch- watch out lady- life is an inside job-
Outside fixes for an inside job!
You who thought you walked on water like Jesus or somethin
Fuck you too
I have had it with the drama of control. Locked
I know people that have come home and it had been seized by the IRS
So I have been a nomad awhile now- forget it that I have 4 walls and a life-
No one will ever have the chance to hurt me like that again
My art is mine
You cannot steal it
Cannot lock me out of any house
Magnolia your days as an example of good manners are over
reason is over rated, as is logic and common sense-i much prefer the passions of a crazy old woman, cats and dogs and jungle foliage- tropic rain-and a defined sense of who brings the stars up at night and the sun up in the morning---

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Re: Good guys bad guys - bandits 2

Post by dadio » May 11th, 2015, 2:52 pm

Honest as the day is long. Love your work 8)

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