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am i really?

Posted: May 14th, 2016, 2:09 am
by creativesoul
i was crying
lately the sadness just sort of rolled off my face, there was no logical reason for sadness
salmon and rice
late night walks
art school cannot hold me back
now i think pancakes would fix me
like bad tv
is going to cure what ails me
in my heart i am blue and sleeping under a tree
glutten free pancakes was the best idea ever
or was it that that sliver that had been floating off to the side
conversations with GOD

Re: am i really?

Posted: May 15th, 2016, 10:40 am
by saw
simple pleasures
custom creations
to ease the anxious night
we know is temporary
bide your time
indulging yourself
with maple syrup
and farmer's butter
slather it own
like sun tan lotion
that protects you from UV
rub it in your soul
rub it all over your belly
til the morning comes
and you are on top again
swaggering down the street
without a single tear

Re: am i really?

Posted: May 15th, 2016, 10:52 am
by creativesoul
going to move
cheaper smaller
it has me crazy
psh oiut
but dont stir it up