Why I took German I five times my sophomore year in college

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Why I took German I five times my sophomore year in college

Post by stilltrucking » July 6th, 2005, 8:31 am

That is probably and exageration, I know for sure I took three times, maybe over the years I embellished. this is forty five years ago. The insanity (neurosis, OCD?) kicked in. I remember the day it started. the day the instructor told me I spoke German with a yiddish accent. Up until then I loved German. But then the big short wave radio and the darkened room the flickering light from a wood stove, the light from the radio tubes, the dial, and that voice and a language which frightened my grandparents so much. That all came back and that was the end of my love affair with German. Until now. Wantabe scholar, I will never learn Classical Greek, or resume my high school Latin, but not too late for Spanish maybe.

No not a philogist, an anthropologist, cause we all know the proper study of man is not war, but woman.

Poor old Hector, the goddess left him to die like a fox on the run.

This civilization when are born into, from one womb into another, our post partun womb. This civilization is all a woman's fault. First came agriculture then surpluss, the priests and their temples. Oh that mighty smighty god of my mothers. When I sit, I can have compassion for him

I love the sound of German these days, especially the low German.

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Post by joel » July 6th, 2005, 1:07 pm

Nun bin ich hier in Deutschland...auch ein Mensch, der Deutsch mit einem Akzent spricht. Meine griechische Bibel ist hier; meine hebraische Tanak ist auch dabei.

A veces, quiero hablar espanol tambien--pero quien sabe cuando recibia el tiempo? Jedenfals muss ich immer zuerst meine Deutsch verbessern.

But in the end, what you do with your words--in your English in this case--is powerfully clear. Ironic the clarity an idea can hold in one language and how lost it can be in another. Same message...just human inability to get it.

Viel Spass und danke fuer deine Arbeit!
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Post by stilltrucking » July 6th, 2005, 7:43 pm

Viel Spass und danke fuer deine Arbeit
I got a good copy on that.
yes yes
and thank you too.

Same message...just human inability to get it.
The Human Use of Human Beings, hardly remember the book, read it back in the sixties. One line still stands out. "when we arm ourselves, we arm our enemies." then there is some stuff about language, communication and jam.

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