
On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Post by sonofthesun » April 3rd, 2010, 1:47 am

which shall take precedence
to fight or to enable
to deny or accept
acceptance always wins out
as its all accepted in and of itself
no matter what you do
you end up everyone and everything
living while sleeping
til another chance of experiencing ones self

so much made out of sillyness, "adults" are to blame
children would not be caught in such a simple game
know what is important let the rest slip off your breast
know that "god" is real and as you are
this chance need be exalted
not downtrodden and debased
apon purely selfish delusions
passed down for generations
let our children save us
from ourselves
a paradox fitting within this beautiful momentous occasion
let the tyrranny of adulthood die its long overdue vain inglorious death
to be reborn as our children show us without telling
to cry for its own sake
let the emotion be pure
let it wash over you
bathe in its purity
be anointed

need to tweek this maybe, but as i wrote it just now this is what it is, and seeing as i never go back and change things unto this point, i guess this is what its going to be, hope it gives you thoughts
There is no empty space

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