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Posted: November 25th, 2004, 3:16 pm
by stilltrucking
yes yes yes
I love the way old dean moriarity would say that


but I got to go
see you later

Posted: November 25th, 2004, 3:57 pm
ya know I'm wired and chillin'
to thoughts that are willin,
yeah! I been from tuscon
to tucumcarie, and I know it's
all a roll on a ball and powder
blue it doobie brothers be, yas
I am from D.C. and came to the
Charm City with a plan, lettin'
it all out poetry man, loud!!!!!!
standin' tall.....walkin. along
a wall, knowin' what's on the
other side just might be my
guide.....once again a happily
married man, jumpin' from the
fire.......sizzlin' in the frying pan
"All Abord!"....ride that train, hell
yeah I know it's all goin' down the
drain...but I ain't-a-gonna let it get
me down...nah! I ain't gonna let it
get me a wise man I
know said, ya gotta live this only life
ya got to the fullest and be a great
big "ZEN CLOWN"...........................wired

black jack's blues

Posted: November 25th, 2004, 11:13 pm
by stilltrucking
YESSS it is YAs yas yas
black jack's powder blues
eighteen hammers pounding home sweet home
the feeling of running a thousand miles
and a thousand more
it takes the long haul to break free

from one ocean to another a river of lights

nothing left behind is important
the road ahead is where it is going
but time is the unbending deserter

when johnny u hung up his cleats
and the magic splinter laid down his bat
old age ain't for sissies

cat green eyes don't see in the dark no more
but old men still dream of home
the desert at night
clear skies and stars
from tonapah joe's to tehatchape

the wabash cannonball got nothing on me

a little jingle and jangle but most of all
a steel heart throbbing the mystic syllable


Posted: November 26th, 2004, 12:50 am
by stilltrucking
Masters Of Content

Sacred Zuni clowns

General Jubilation T Cornpone ... ical.shtml
"Though he's gone to his reward, his mighty torch is still lit.
First in war. First in peace. First to holler, "I quit!"
Jubilation T. Cornpone;

Jubilation T. Cornpone, he really saved the day!"

what is in a soldier's backpack

pictures of home


a autographed copy of General Tommy Franks life story

how I lead my people into the mouth of hell
the jaws of death
and used my golden parachute

I got mine and I think it is a good time to retire
take the money and run, they will not let the grunts go home but generals can cash out anytime.

oh god I can't believe it is happening this way
I ought to pinch myself and see if it is a bad dream

we will save Iraq if we have to destroy the village to save it

Masters of content
and I used to sleep at the foot of old glory
until I awoke and found myself the victim of
the great compromise
and will our plastic flag decals still
get us into heaven
masters of content
not to compare Goebbels to ROve
but he was the first to appreciate
how technology gives us the power to create content
send in the clowns
send in the poets
Junior probably goes to bed at nine and sleeps like a baby
a job well done Mr President
you are going to be history's bitch

maybe now I can sleep thanks a lot home boy
I am going to make it my business to find out who Celine is
in case you are not a big John Prine fan I ripped off a lot of his stuff on this one.


Posted: November 26th, 2004, 1:18 am
by stilltrucking
I was googling around and found my friend Levi

from here

to here

just because I say he is my friend

to quote the man from Hibbings
"just because you say I am your friend don't mean that you are my friend" I think he wrote that but I can't find it in any of his lyrics.

maybe I was thinking of this one
"Just because you like my stuff doesn't mean I owe you anything."

Posted: September 15th, 2005, 4:57 pm
on a roll...on a blue ball....the thrill!!!!!!!!!

Posted: September 18th, 2005, 7:22 pm
by mnaz
Oh that technology...
If only its powers were used
for good instead of evil.

the lines of evolution
advance at such different rates.
We're pretty damn clever
at certain things.

When a particle whizzes by,
scientists put on their sirens,
stick a flashing light on top,
apprehend their chosen data.
They always get their man.

Leaders are incompetent, I say,
but would the race fare better
if led by those who stage battles
between protons and anti-protons?

It's still an open question.
We haven't done our homework,
or we've over-analyzed our stay,
or is there any real difference?

Posted: January 7th, 2006, 10:57 pm
on a still night the heat "clicks" on...........

Posted: January 8th, 2006, 10:42 am
by stilltrucking
Oh that technology...
If only its powers were used
for good instead of evil.

it is all a woman's fault, that fruit of good and evil, the knowledge of the bottom line, consumer confidence is high, how much does it cost, I'll buy it. I need it, my friends all drive porsches, and the love of money don't we all. Money can buy me happiness, look at all those happpy people on TV commercials. Adam should have ate a peach instead of an apple. What is good and evil? We got plenty of room for land fills. OUr trash will be our treasure. After the flood next time, after the fire, after the fall, we going to be busy trash miners trying to recover bits and peices of our shinning technology and it is early sunday morning and I can

it gets harder

to stop

hydro carbon man still lingers

a guy making mini windmills that can power a laptop

hand crancked portable computers

bicycle powered generators

solar cells

we stand on the egde fo a golden age when diseases are cured, the hungry could be fed, if not for blood encrusted MArs, who won't go gently into his good night. All we have to fear is man.

Posted: January 11th, 2006, 5:14 am
by mnaz
Hot breath of smog starts to boil.
Hydrocarbon man bounds across the earth,
in giant carbon bootprints, tank treads.
Sand vampires dribble their inky blood,
in giant carbon fixes of the undead.

Hydrocarbon haze wafts over the wells,
embracing its roots, a fine toxic buzz
over a tangle of grasshopper pumps,
up and down like good Christian ethics,
like my faith.

I caught up with the candidate,
still counting his votes in a Texas suburb.
I asked him if he had an energy plan.
He pointed at his new Hummer & M-1 tank
and replied, "yes, I do".

Posted: January 17th, 2006, 12:10 am
by mnaz
Ok, I'm sorry.

Re: masters of content

Posted: October 10th, 2018, 12:21 am
by jackofnightmares
me too
I am so sorry for the children that will inherit the meek earth
they say the trouble with kittens is
they grow up to be cats
and children grow up to be people

it is too late Clay once said to do anything about now

"Perhaps the only true dignity of man is his capacity to despise himself." Santayana

just a late night ramble
don't mean nothing
now I lay me down to sleep

and pray the lord my soul to keep
i should die in the arms of a nightmare before I wake