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Posted: December 16th, 2009, 6:56 am
late night into
early morn
he ties a sock
to a tree
makes a wish
if only beggars
could ride

Posted: December 16th, 2009, 9:36 am
by judih
tree tries to hug me
i back off
long traumatic series of hug encounters
therapy, i promise
oh tree

Posted: December 16th, 2009, 9:44 am
somewhere in estonia
a shaman resides
forest medicine man
these daze he's all
we can afford
to the forest he sends
his healing implore

Posted: December 16th, 2009, 1:07 pm
by the mingo
well, let me
just hug everybody
with issues
and that's that
- xcept 4 the forest medicine men
they come at u with huge false faces
but it's to heal u by
scaring off your demons

Posted: December 16th, 2009, 1:59 pm
by judih
ry a little
cry for me
brew your shamen tea
stir your psychotropic herbal oneness
somewhere there's a totem
with our name
last black hole
five light years from here
watch for it

Posted: December 16th, 2009, 2:44 pm
by the mingo
I'll be building a snug cabin
right there on the event horizon
come on in
tea, anyone?


Posted: December 16th, 2009, 5:45 pm
by Steve Plonk
Tea takes me into 360 degree visuals of
Humongus latkas and we wade through
Sour cream in a misty Chihuahuan desert evening,
Complete with fresh herbal essence
Wafting through the giant bowl of
Chicken soup which we quaff we gusto,
Seeming to grow up to a gigantic height
Where we find a treetop of a giant cottonwood

Then, we're shrinking again as
Natural mystic brings us onto a latka which becomes
A floating barge in a hughmongus bowl of chicken soup,
We dip our spoons, as we row and partake of the soup--
We awake on a futon on the sunporch in a cabin
Down near Salado Creek, where the horny toads start
Fussing because dawn has lashed their collective asses--
We groan from the dreams and the overeating the
Night before and drink a huge glass of orange juice to
Ease the gas and bring the day into focus...

Posted: December 16th, 2009, 9:13 pm
by Arcadia
ficus resistance
(second ficus that have died in the living-room!)
though various cactus, palms and helechos
seems to be very happy...!
last monday at the plaza feria
a strange plant was offered to me
two qom indigenous woman
in the next tent
became suddenly very interested:
first very silent,
then one of them said:
"that plant at night become bigger and bigger
and zas! it eats you!"
we laughed a lot
and she kept saying that from time to time
betwen laughters
(I didnĀ“t bought the plant
maybe next time!)

Posted: December 16th, 2009, 11:38 pm
by judih
ficus appetite while i sleep
my plants eat outside
my futon is a non-food zone

opening the tea ceremony
around the pot
passing the time

Posted: December 17th, 2009, 11:01 pm
by the mingo
9.7 degrees above ZERO
Billy the Kid says: "Climate Change, anyone?"

Posted: December 18th, 2009, 1:07 am
by judih
500 feet below sea level
walk this way
underground community
time for change
revolution wonderland
bring your own ozone


Posted: December 18th, 2009, 11:25 am
by Steve Plonk
Yes, the day has begun, and I reach out for a leftover bagel from
Last night, and begin spreading some cream cheese on it,
Being more fully aware of the sun coming into the sunroom as
I eat on my tray on the futon...
A chorus of crows and horny toads punctuate the sunbeams &
Passing clouds as the breeze picks up,
I turn on the TV and see a documentary about the Dead Sea...
Hmmm...kind like Great Salt Lake except with more intrigue...
Going deeper, 500 feet below sea level, where salt loving bacteria
Live and the great Qumran scrolls were found...
I imagine being on the shores of the Dead Sea after hearing a speaker...
I become a salty cave explorer...

Posted: December 18th, 2009, 11:49 am
explosions of life
beneath the volcano
under the sea
deep down where
the angler fish
plays cat and mouse
with the locals
jam on me

Posted: December 18th, 2009, 12:13 pm
by judih
octopus rides coconut
octopus rides coconut
octopus rides coconut
way under the sea


GO, page 4 etc.

Posted: December 18th, 2009, 5:07 pm
by Steve Plonk
Meanwhile, wishes & wonders of the seasons of the deep
Seeps into the old salty cave--
Steve, the explorer, scrambles about the cliffs, sees
Various centipedes & scorpions scurry deeper into the cave
As the explorer shines his flashlight up into the various
Small crannies looking for permitted artifacts near water level...
Is that a scroll that Steve sees sticking out of the wall of one cave?
Why, yes it is... Steve, the explorer, carefully opens the scroll and it
Says: "Kind folks & gentle people, we hail you, and announce the
Coming of a new kingdom, not of this time, reigned by the coming
Messiah and framed by the spiritual laws of G-D of the heavens &
Earth...He who will make all paths straight & all riverbeds wet with fresh
Water & foam of migrating fish...Cleanse the thoughts of those who read--
Take heed of the kingdom to come and collect not your treasure on
earth, for all treasure belongs to heaven... Let these writings of the knowers who, with the angels, make known the straight & narrow paths for all the ages... G-D, the all powerful, all knowing, has a large paradise
waiting for those who repent and receive these messages from beyond their times, Be you content with the scrolls messages,
Knowing, cetainly, that this current manifestation is true...
We, Essenes, have , through living more simply, welcomed the coming of
the Messiah with our hearfelt prayers & offerings collectively--
Though we may have exited this world ,by the time you read this, We
proclaim our truths for all times & worlds ..."(or words to that effect)...
Steve, the explorer, stands holding the scroll in awe: So there were
others living as though the Messiah was arriving--
Those who foretold the "Son of the Morning Star, First Born of G-D of Heavens--Elohim!" Were these the "wise men" ,of yore, who wrote down
What they knew of the coming...ZZZZZ...then Steve, the TV watcher, awakens from his nap, on his futon, while the TV still runs & wonders
What goes on deep under the sea...& in the corners of the air...