lets play a game of sharing

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lets play a game of sharing

Post by sonofthesun » May 15th, 2010, 2:31 am

what is really mine
but the thoughts i think
should not the truth be true
for adults as children
or is it just to stop them crying
cuz i aint got nothing
nothing at all
but im willing to share
even when im dead
you can have of my body
chop it up for the vultures
help me on my way
conservation of energy
there is no waste
just stupid fucks playin at god
goin to church and worshipin makebelieve
as children look up to kindness
without need for a higher reason
its just what needs to be done
we invent so many things to complicate
the simpleness within the infinite
love needs no spokesmen
what is it that attracts us to charlatans
what is the lack that corrupts
the child we were born unto
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Post by jimboloco » May 21st, 2010, 11:55 am

sunny, you bring out the best in me
i'll have to read your poems more often

dedicated to my mother and to my father's great nephew
who is a poet, to show him men can write poems
as though their lives depended upon it, and this is good

my mother was a wounded bird

my mother was a wounded bird
first a young widow then she married a man from kansas
who was stern and scary to us kids but warm to her
until we grew up then he was learning too,
finally he was my friend for a little while, then he died
compassionate with a big heart, his spirit revealed
"you are the one who had such a hard time and now you are doing so well!"
he said to me with much difficulty, unable to remember my name
yet remembering who i was, dear pops it's never too late!

i know you were on a learning curve because of all us radical kids
out of the epitome of steel and world war two, you went around it east·wards
out of america, through north africa, the suez canal, india, burma, china, shanghai,
a train to kansas out of los angeles 4 years later, then you made it complete
when ya sold my ma a hot dog on coney island, hey!
it sure woulda been sweet ta have ya for th whole ride, but
you were wounded too, like all men the past ten thousand years, bru·tal·ised

had to leave your first kids in kansas
cause my rebel sister margie was in th womb of my mammy
dude, 'sides you were going anyway, you had seen the world in a war
and just believed in what a man's gotta do
had to leave my kindergarten girlfriend because of you
went out west past buttes and mesas, then
back over to arkansas where we lived on a couple of farms once we got settled,
then you went to texas where i had my second girlfriend, 8
and you put me down when i got my sister's stolen bike back
and i still didn't know you were mean
you didn't know this either
"forgive them, for they know not what they do"

it was a short term affair a tryst across the street in her garage
in a side closet she took me there and pulled me down
then we moved an next girlie was when i was 12,
became a mischeif maker nights camping out
bad kid theif 13

nice and lonely at home so it goes, got away
was cannon fodder for a war to make my parents proud
pops even insulted me when i got my commission
said i didn't look like a louey with a scornful mutter,
got away made him proud, then
told him it was a crime
you can imagine the alienation

us radical kids split asunder yet we stayed in touch
it's definately getting better now the curse has been killed
the fall of man has been revealed at last as the fall of men
girls rule an guys drool men don't rule alone never
not before not in the future
yes we are still in repair and rebuilding
what we once had before ten thousand years ago
and we'll get it back because we are better men
we're not tea party people anymore
they're nothing new
just a reminder of the snakeskin we are shedding
that's all
we like our colors and our colored friends
tea partiers are being shed as we now speak
bye bye

my mother's mother married a womanizer carouzer career military man
lots of alone time.......
my mother's mother's mother married a profligate gambler who
lost all his inheritance.......
my mother's mother's mother's mother married an entrepreneur
got rich left it all to his sons.......
the other son married my mother's mother's mother's sister
ran away with his money.......
left his wife and daughter, my great aunt nelle
a spinster who became a happy woman in california
lived with my mother's brother, my uncle, her nephew, she coped

at one point i was living with 5 generations of ladies
sister, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother
the women have always cared for one another
i remember nanan, great grandma, hunched over smiling at me
the house was dark, a sunny backyard quiet and peaceful

mother's mom told me "james, you are independent" when i was 5
that's all i remember as she was passing thru arkansas
on her way to california to live with with my uncle bless him,
her son, and my great aunt, her cousin
grandmother marie died young, broken and dejected
the one who had nothing left to give
became a christian scientist
refused treatment for a fluttering heart

mary baker eddy was a magnificent lady
her teachings are alienated from the material world and it's a sign
the pathos of spirit and coarse matter at odds
christian science, if taken as complimentary instead of as an alternative,
would help to heal that rift
and change how we use these things
and it's hopeful that this wonderful teaching
will become reconnected for the benefit of all
  • -o-
we men are on a learning curve
when i fully understood what my mother went thru
where she came from
i can see how she was damaged goods
and know that's why she was never able to be a strong loving mother
her strength went into coping

i love her now with insight
a lot i can feel it now
before it was a shadowed question
the rational mind wants meaning in spirituality
there is spirit in logic if allowed the intrusion
only took me almost 63 years to get it

will is rational god's gift to people
the intellect to learn about the material world to live better
took us over 100,000 years to make a bronze sword
thank goodness we had time to learn how to live well before this
in clans and tribes there was no warfare in northern europe
before the vandals and the goths came on horses with swords
they only had to defend against theives and wild beasts
and so we are indoctrinated into this cruel mystery too
except something did not click for us,
we knew something was wrong
adam and eve
and we had to carry it with us
the heavy weight of this secret of violence within us from before
was in dissonance with what we rationally knew should be
eve and adam
she's under the tree offering him a fruit
look here, she says, this is good
we know good and evil
like we always did

the snake is the tortuous way she had to heal man
the lord works in mysterious ways
through a patriarchal myth
and 4 male holy men
three jews and an arab
and all the asian and shamanic forces as well
coming alive now as never before
the prophet of the future will be maitreya
and maybe a shamanic woman you never know
that this is possible within human beings is known
shamans have always been with us everywhere
natural ministers from human beings
with a celestial faith
there's a grain here
tell me i got it down it is what it is
what it is

disillusionment is the first unfortunate experience
you have to live a full life
to begin to untangle the mess we were left with
son, your disillusionment poems are good
very very good
right living
watch for the abyss
deep faith has a sanctuary there
inside within

sky burial
me too
my priest is judas
he was disillusioned, too much so it will destroy you
been there almost done that
climbed back outa th abyss renewed yet still shaken
not judas he died loathing for what he had done
but even more, he knew they were not ready for his master's teaching
he knew what would happen
the corruption of the word

when moses came down from the holy hill
he saw them with a golden calf on an altar
with celebrations of joy and carefree abandon
he said, "i don't care if it is a golden cow or a golden fish
ya can't share it in thanksgiving
and ya can't make god protect you
with all your measured gold
melted down into an offering"
and he broke the stone tablets
they stopped dancing
he went back up again
came back down with another set of stone tablets
reminded them the intent to give thanks
is all they need for salvation

muhammad knows moses and jesus all too well
he came here later to steer us back again
the golden cross raised on high
is like the golden calf
we slay in the name of jesus
recruited by pope urban retiring in gaul
our jousting knights and peasants were fodder for the wars
they suited them up in tunics with crosses at the front and back
and gave them indulgences, praise and forgiveness,
marched them out of the towns with trumpets and fanfare and well wishing
they felt stronger and better than ever before, crusaders
on the way east, they practiced killing to overcome their fears
the po·groms against the jews on the crusades is not well known
we killed them all when we could
sometimes they killed themselves first before we could shame them
then fierce and brutalised we went to our slaughter
when we met the muslims in turkey 'cause
every good muslim knows moses was telling the people of the book to live right
and still we did not understand

kinky freidman, the jewish texan who ran for governor
said the ten commandments should be the ten suggestions
"you will not kill" is an im·per·a·tive and is not even tenable
it's impossible so we detach from it
we say to ourselves, "god really means it this way"
as we shake our heads and kill anyway
because it's so carved in a stone ideal and not real
and therefore we let our pope and bishops
tell us what we want to be true
we want glory for god and sacrificing ourselves
in mortal combat with the unbeleivers is our way
of imitating the martyrdumb of christ
and it's not even stated that way
"thou shall not kill" is softer anyhow
it's harder to kill with a plow

god never really wanted any sacrifices
the early shamans made sacrifices of animals
for thanksgiving
and sharing and sometimes
for alleviating fear and uncertainty, 'tis true
but their motives were pure
the sword corrupted them too
sometimes they sacrificed other people
like us only without pretense

the return of the early ways is on the rise
we're modern men we know how to compromise
give thanks and be gentlemen in the company of a lady

so we are here now and we are almost ready

goodness is next to godliness
be strong live strong
for the meek and lowly
Last edited by jimboloco on May 29th, 2010, 11:37 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by judih » May 26th, 2010, 11:10 pm

and when the words pass
the crowds line the streets
in silence

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Post by jimboloco » May 28th, 2010, 11:58 pm

taps first then clam up
no revelie grain of sand
waiting for mother of pearl
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Post by still.trucking » May 29th, 2010, 12:52 am

Vultures I thought of that it sounds expensive. I been putting a lot of thought into my final expenses is that morbid? Sorry. These forlorn rags of old age ain't so bad if an old man lives simply and dies cheaply.

It really is a problem a human being dies... It is so simple when a cat dies. No paperwork, red tape, no bureaucratic dog and pony show about human life and death.
Cat dies just chuck it in the garbage dumpster.

I wish I knew
I will share what I don't know if that is any help

I don't make believe on Sundays or Sabbaths anymore. It was a comfort to me when I was in my thirties. Organized religion I mean. But it is hard to make final plans I mean they control the grave yards don't they? I am trying to make another five years. 75 seems like a ripe old age to me. But I been saying that since I turned sixty then years ago. I found a Burial Club here in SanAto. Not religious just the basics of planing the disposal of disposed bodies...pretty stoned right now. words passing into silence

pardon the ramble.

I am making believe 24/7 these days
I suppose that does not say much
Does it sound glib?
I am
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Post by still.trucking » May 29th, 2010, 1:17 am

You ask what corrupts the child we were born into.
When I learned to lie, I mean when I acquired language.

"they say I was a rebel till I reached the age of five
that's when I got caught up in the struggle to survive"

It was about the time I learned to talk, words corrupted me, than they freed me and now they just amuse me.

pardon the multiple replies.
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Post by jimboloco » May 29th, 2010, 11:19 am

sunny don't mind jamming
he's digging out more disillusionment
just like you shadowy slumming

it's a cornucopious supply
and so well done, too real
poets of th lament with feeling

th alienation of spirit an gross matter
can't live a lie can't die a lie neither
we were all fundamentalists tho we didn't know

no salvation from ignorance
giving thanks brings grace
spiritual sky burial ecological logos

people try to find ways
we always have tried
long before the fall of men

fly your ashes down a highway
mother earth will claim you
don't rob her of your poems
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Post by jimboloco » May 31st, 2010, 6:19 pm

from my sister
- hi, brother. I gotta say, man, your poem to/about Mom is kind of mean and demeaning in my opinion. Also a bit too revealing about intimate family details. I think you should consider removing it from public view. That's my two cents and that's about all it's worth.
to my sister
I give up on you wimp asses.
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Post by SadLuckDame » May 31st, 2010, 8:55 pm

I can tell you've changed this up a bit, I know I liked it the other times I read, and I still like it. Always got a like for poems that get me thinking, and this does.

I don't know the answers, not to women, not to why we do things in strange ways and sometimes they end up harmful, even to the children. I had never wanted to hurt my daughter, I tried not to think for myself, and then years of it and I find out I'm truly just hurting my daughter, then I ended it, which also hurt her.

What are the best answers for mothers, and for women, too. As much freedom as I feel in today's world, we're not free as daughters, and for a lot of us we go from being daughters to being wives, and there's even less freedom in being a wife. I just don't know why I'm replying this way.

I guess saying it this way, cause I don't know why we hurt you, but maybe it isn't what was intended.

Liked your poem, felt the heart of it and love shines in just being real and truthful, even if the details are tough, love for your mother, sisters, are there in it.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
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Post by jimboloco » May 31st, 2010, 9:44 pm

i was sorry for my initial response to my sister
she has diatribed ongoing about her abuse as a girl
from fear and intimidation to a beating to running away too young
and now she is afraid again of hurting my mother's feelings?

i just thought i was finally getting on the same page with them and discovered how trapped they are into their cold comfort zones

i am hurting today memorial day
if not for the quakers, alternative radio and studio eight
i would be uninspired and wasting but instead wind up jamming

my wife is back
i hugged her
i hope my sister is allright
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Post by SadLuckDame » May 31st, 2010, 10:01 pm

Women can be pitas, truly
and they do have habits of talking a lot
prolly just to hear themselves talk.

Not all,
I know there are some great ladies out there, but...

Hope it works out between the two of you
and gain acceptance, love and returns.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
~Lewis Carroll

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Post by jimboloco » June 12th, 2010, 9:27 pm

i am gaining strength and insight maybe
or i am deluded
i did get a congrats on th poem from
an old friend and anti-war collaberator
gerald r gioglio, http://www.writers.net/writers/2085?PHP ... 67a64bf281

he said "i loved the poem" and told me about st francis
seems as tho he was a roman soldier and then
turned against the crusades anti-war resister

also i accidently sent the poem to a lady at work
because she was the one whose son had asked me
thise wonderful questions about the vietnam war
and she said, "i loved your poem." it was good.
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thank you

Post by sonofthesun » June 23rd, 2010, 3:32 am

thanks for your thoughts and feelings and all that that entails, it gave life to my dispursement, i wish more of this upon my posts...upon this i feel lucky, life must be talked upon, nothing shall get done with silence, the ability to share and not feel embarassed can help a lot of us out, which in turn will help alot of others...so much is done to hurt out of disillusionment, that their is no one to talk to, or more importantly, no one to listen, acceptance is a powerfull thing, allowing one to be as they are allows one to become more than they were, to find comfort in the knowledge that others question and have not experienced a perfect way to be (smiles), our brains make sure of that, and as "gods" creatures we must share, as the universe around us does so willingly
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Post by jimboloco » June 23rd, 2010, 1:36 pm

thanks for that warm reply sunny
my mother and sister and neice can not deal with it
no responses just indirect sweets

it is essentially rationality that needs to be held up in the light
i think we have built a launching platform
a stage to stand on
a page to be together on
yes this does help us
we begin to build up a faith in ourselves and are becoming so much more
coming out of the big hurt indeed
rational understanding cause and effect
the unseen pathos we all carry and cover up
needs to be uncovered
the hurt remembered
like a gold brick
the essential covenant
our species finds a way to win:win
or else
pestilence and ruin
nobody gets left behind in either case

so your perspective is now what i had hoped for
you hold yourself up in the light of your maker and our covenannt toetowards sanity
morally ethically so stated an absolute covenant
and we have got to find a way forward

no sutras?
one gold brick
god's burden
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