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Posted: October 28th, 2006, 6:09 am
by mnaz
What I meant to say was,


To all....
(even me).

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 11:50 am
by jimboloco
we got a veterans day junket coming down november 11th.
i missed the one in october
gotta make this one
stand in line for the open mike

October 31, 2005

Veterans/Armistice Day Ceremony

and Pro-Peace movie show

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Veterans For Peace Tampa Bay Chapter 119 </center>
Veterans and world citizens against war are urged to participate in a ceremony to honor the living and dead of war and to remember the origin of Veterans day as Armistice Day. The origin of this day is from the Armistice treaty that was signed on the 11 month, 11th day, 11th hour and 11th minute in 1918 to end World War 1. Armistice Day was later changed to Veterans Day during the Eisenhower Administration. Yet we hope to bring back the true meaning of this day: to make peace instead of celebrating the horrors of war.

Memorial Ceremony
will be held at the Veterans Memorial in Williams Park, St Petersburg on 1st Ave N and 3rd St N between 11AM to 12:30PM. Invocations will be given by the Muslim, Jewish and Christian Clergy. The Fallen of Tampa Bay and Florida roster will be recited from the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. A movable memorial will in place. Speakers may include Veterans, elected officials, poets, singers to lead us in song and anyone is allowed an open mike for those with a message of peace for humanity. Street parking is available.

Movie Show of Anti war films will held from 2 to 6 PM at the St Petersburg Times Newspaper Building auditorium on the 400 block of 1st Ave S on the first floor. All the films are free to view. Pro-peace classic films include Stanley Kubricks " Dr Strangelove," and Jean-Luc Godard's "Les Caribiners' and other films as time permits. Parking is available in the Times parking lot to the south and streets around the building.

Then with Studio 620 on 2nd Ave South and independent radio station WMNF 88.5 FM will show two more pro-peace films "Winter Soldier", and 'Sir No Sir."These films will begin at 7PM and end at 10 PM. There will be a five dollar donation asked at the door. Scott Camil will appear, he is a founder of VVAW (Vietnam Veterans Against the War) and VFP (Veterans for Peace). Mr. Camil will speak on the films in which he appeared. Also radio host Rob Lorie of WMNF will also be at this event. Parking is available at the YWCA parking lot behind the building. Come and meet those involved in the local and international peace movement this holiday for Veterans.

Speacial thanks to Radiostation WMNF, the St Petersburg Times and Studio 620 for their kind support to make this event possible!
For more information
Veterans for Peace Tampa Bay 119

2816+ US Military and 120+ Floridians killled in action in Iraq.
343 + KIA in Afghanistan. 107 KIA this month in Iraq...

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 7:21 pm
by Artguy
peace is all in the head ...kinda like sex...You want it but nobody is giving it away for free so you go out and buy some only to find out that it ai'nt all what it's cracked up to be.....

Posted: November 8th, 2006, 10:35 am
by jimboloco
It's easy to say from Canada, mate.
inner peace is always available at the humm of an ommmm.
it ain't so peaceful otherwise.
we already paid for our peace, so now where's the diividend?
Lost, obscured, by irrelevant bashings and tragedies.

Posted: November 8th, 2006, 7:06 pm
by stilltrucking
I am cashing my peace dividend
Because peace is at hand
The price is right
buy peace don't sell it.
give it away

jimboloco I hate Veterans day
no disrespect intended
A generic Veterans day
I can't remember when WOrld War two ended, or Korea, or Vietnam, that pisses me off. Yeah lump them all together in one generic one size fits all memorial day.

Lets call it Armistice Day again, for every soldier that died to make the world safe for J P Morgan and the European banks.

Every war should have its own Armistice Day, its own veterans day.

After we have 365 wars, we will have to stop starting wars cause the calendar will be full. Except for leap years.

defense depart
change the name back to War Department I say
It was good enough for Lincoln's cabinet and it is good enough for me.

Armistice Day was a serious day in my family, my dad was a world war one vet. That was how he got his citizenship.

He was a stoker in the merchant marine, they put the immigrant Jews down below the water line with the African Americans.

Posted: November 9th, 2006, 7:25 pm
by Artguy
The whores of peace strutt their stuff on the corner of tigris and euphrates and costs a quart of oil....

Posted: November 9th, 2006, 11:42 pm
by stilltrucking
Listening to TV show about vietnam war as I type, a member of Charlie Company describe an ambush in March of 1968. A story bad enough to give a certified four f hippy concientious objecter a case of PTSD.

And I tried to do my patriotic chore in 1964, but I was certified, took me a long time to get upgraded from 4f to 1y, but by then I had the low down, If I had to go now, if I was thirty five years younger, I would go as a chaplin's assistant like Billy Pilgrim in Slaughter House 5. Nothing more dangerous on me than a pencil stub.

only worthwhile thing to come out of that war the brotherhood.

I hope you have a good Armistice Day jimboloco. If the weather is fair enough my baby sister in me may go to the cemetary. My zinnias looking good, I got nice vase for 50 cents at the greater randolph communtiy thrift store. Nice shape, press glassed but it looks good, it may fit in the bronze vase.

I may buy a poppy to for our uncle morris, november 11th was his birthdaydriver in luzon blown out of this truck, six foot four but a buddy from baltimore managed to pull him to safety. He seemed seven foot tall to me, a hero.

What's the deal in Canada Kurt, do you all call it Veterans day too?

ten four on the strutting
hydrocarbon man in all his glory
bloody oil/filthy lucre

My god the Federal Government broke standard oil of new jersey up in 1913, now almost a hundred years later it has merged back together like The Blob. Oh lordy I got dem old meta-fiscal blues again.

Posted: November 10th, 2006, 9:56 am
by stilltrucking
"the death we can handle
it is the taste in my mouth
the constant fear
I would like the folks back home to have a taste of that"---a grunt in Vietnam.

PTSD is nothing to joke about
Nothing to be ashamed of either
Battle Fatigue
Shell Shocked
During world war one, over three hundred soldiers were executed for cowardice under fire because of it.

A lot of people have it in NYC,
They say the closer they were to the towers the more indelible it is.
There is a difference between watching it on tv and being there.
The closer you are to an event the more indeliblely it is stamped in memory. I can never know what war is like, and I don't want to know. I don't pretend to be a war hero anymore, did plenty of that when I was just a little jackster. Bang bang , your dead, fall down. Do little girls ever play war?
I was crazy before the war, my draft board was kind enough to ceritfy me so. My friends who are veterans tell me I was lucky, I believe them. Blessed are those who have not seen...

The grunt who was talking about the ambush of charlie company tells about the medic who came to his aid, then he says the medic got dead, you can almost see a physical gesture, a tone in his voice as he tries to shrug off his feeling of guilt about the medic's death.

Posted: November 10th, 2006, 2:19 pm
by mnaz
peace is all in the head....
so i put a bug in the ear, note on the wall,
a fly in the ointment, a monkeyed wrench
coz I notice the armored death trade mob...
its voracious appetite for material and jobs,
and linings of a heart turned brittle gray,
and i declare war on mob speech,
a simple pause, peace in the fray,
set up the mic check, testing 1,2,3..
coz i march to a bass and drum,
no five-star temper tantrum
D.U. scrum...

Posted: November 10th, 2006, 4:48 pm
by mnaz
this one goes out to me,
one-two, mic check,
self-check, what do I see?...

I got 4 walls and a roof,
I got my back yard peace,
I got open roads to open land,
I got a measure of freedom to be...

so how can I blame those close to the flame?
or those directly in the path of plague?
how can I fly my abstract flag of peace
from a safe distance?

an eye for an eye
leaves the whole world blind,
the truth is simple, the living is not.
just as I thought..

Posted: November 10th, 2006, 7:42 pm
ah the scent of peace....even though it sounds so restless outside my chamber door........

Posted: November 11th, 2006, 3:16 am
by mnaz
and restless it shall remain.

within reason, of a season.

Posted: November 11th, 2006, 6:13 am
by stilltrucking
the christmas peace the first winter of the war
British and German troops seranaded each other with Silent Night
The general's staff was in a fright, peace had broke out among the troops

Too soon, too soon
Millions would have yet to die
Before the Armistice

The problem is there is not enough trauma
Too many men go to sleep on clean fresh smelling sheets
They have no war trauma

It is just a game
The have no stench of death in their nostrils
No screams of agony

It is all so sanitized
So easy
Just strut across the deck of The Abe LIncoln and declare victory

There is no peace
except the peace within my chamber door
when we all have peace within our chambers
then there will be peace in the world

for me the scent of peace is the scent of a woman.
the world stinks of testosterone right now.
we need more balance in our government.

Hilary wash the blood from your hands and I may even vote for you bitch.

Posted: November 13th, 2006, 4:09 am
by mnaz
as I once said,

"the receipts are all stashed,
the real cost is never known"...

war may not be 'terrorism', per the dictionary,
but how many terrorists does it breed?
how many broken people will come home?
and will we give a damn?

I apologize, I guess...
Gotta get out a lament;
it's real, and it's necessary,
but stay positive too...
keep the light on.

Posted: November 13th, 2006, 9:04 pm
by stilltrucking
I feel like I want to hold my breath
remind myself to breathe
we keep the light on for ourselves
the Buddhist say

I appolgize too.

"Father forgive us for what we must do
You forgive us, we forgive you
We will forgive each other until we both turn blue
Then we will go whistlin and a fishin in heaven"

silly diddy by john prine.