The "Bristol Palin Joke of the Day!"

A humorously serious look at life’s trials & tribulations,
American politics, religion, and other social madnesses by Beth Isbell.

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Post by mtmynd » June 29th, 2009, 11:01 pm

Doreen! What are you insinuating? I've never had sex in my life! Gawd!


Our hu'man biology has us ready for sex far sooner that society would like us to... but the drive is so strong in the early years that whatever society prefers, or even makes laws against, is readily ignored in favor of biological demands. But we parents still voice our opinions... like the youth really give a damn what we have to say. :lol:
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Post by Doreen Peri » June 29th, 2009, 11:27 pm

I just saw this. Sorry I missed it, Mark!

To answer your question about the parts of my statements which are unclear to you..... Mainly I'm saying that teenagers DO engage in sex. Some of them responsibly protect themselves. Others don't. And some get pregnant. Just like adults. I was an adult when I got pregnant unintentionally (in my 20's) and was VERY responsible... TRYING to make sure I was protected by taking the pill... but it's not 100% safe so there's ALWAYS a danger of getting pregnant when you have sex. The ONLY way NOT to get pregnant for SURE is abstinence.

Yes, you've restated my position clearly that the "jokes" have ethical questions associated with them and I find them inappropriate.

I agree that Sarah Palin's stance on NOT teaching birth control in schools (if that actually is her stance.... Is it???).... is totally ridiculous. Of COURSE we need to teach safe sex and birth control practices in the schools! And in the homes!

And again, if it's the Bible-thumping preaching done by Sarah Palin which is supposed to be what's being attacked here by these "jokes", then the person who should be attacked is Sarah Palin....

NOT her daughter.

Nazz wrote:I don't think we should excuse irresponsible behavior by anyone, even teenagers. I don't know how "irresponsible" BP actually is, but I think the joke tellers assume she has been acting irresponsibly, and thus target her along those lines, and this may or may not be an "appropriate" form of humor.

I can't tell from Doreen's statements if she agrees that many teens do in fact engage in irresponsible sexual activity or if all sexual activity should be considered normal by definition-- that part is unclear to me.

But Doreen is pretty clear on the point that the slam jokes are not appropriate, no matter how one views the ethics of the question, and I can understand that.

Ironically, as the discussion veers toward questions of "reproductive responsibility," the question of willful ignorance also surfaces-- particularly in terms of Sarah Palin's stunted far-Right "Evangelical" Bible-thumping politics. Isn't it Sarah Palin and her ilk who are the ones who want to block access to birth control and reproductive education in our schools?

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 29th, 2009, 11:29 pm

mtmynd wrote:Doreen! What are you insinuating? I've never had sex in my life! Gawd!


Our hu'man biology has us ready for sex far sooner that society would like us to... but the drive is so strong in the early years that whatever society prefers, or even makes laws against, is readily ignored in favor of biological demands. But we parents still voice our opinions... like the youth really give a damn what we have to say. :lol:
LOL!...Of course you haven't! ha! And you never even started not having sex when you were a teenager either.. heh

Yes, I agree, Cecil... we really do need to voice our opinions and I'm so happy that we have.

Thank you!

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Post by roxybeast » June 30th, 2009, 4:26 am

I'm just laughing my ass off reading this diatribe about how we should applaud the Palins & their conservative christian right wing moralist philosophy because apparently ignorant teens having unprotected sex is such a truly awesome thing for them & the rest of our upstanding society. In fact, as Doreen suggests, it's such a great thing that we should encourage more of it, maybe we could all buy our local teens more beer!

Well done, Doreen ... I'm beginning to see the uselessness of your point!
Very clever - to be funny by your choice of pointless statistics & facts!


Just noting, for the record, however that Doreen is actually a paid lobbyist for the
Coalition to Let Teenagers Get Drunk & Have More Sex campaign!

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 30th, 2009, 6:42 am


Obviously, you didn't read anything I wrote. Reading includes comprehension and you clearly have not comprehended a thing I said.

I said absolutely NOTHING of the sort. I said none of these things that you're accusing me of saying.

Not ONE.

Peace out.

roxybeast wrote:I'm just laughing my ass off reading this diatribe about how we should applaud the Palins & their conservative christian right wing moralist philosophy because apparently ignorant teens having unprotected sex is such a truly awesome thing for them & the rest of our upstanding society. In fact, as Doreen suggests, it's such a great thing that we should encourage more of it, maybe we could all buy our local teens more beer!

Well done, Doreen ... I'm beginning to see the uselessness of your point!
Very clever - to be funny by your choice of pointless statistics & facts!


Just noting, for the record, however that Doreen is actually a paid lobbyist for the
Coalition to Let Teenagers Get Drunk & Have More Sex campaign!

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 30th, 2009, 6:46 am

By the way, I'm a single mother and for you to even make such a stupid accusatory remark about encouraging teenagers to get drunk and have sex is not only appallingly untrue, it's absolutely totally out of line.

In the future, please do not reply to my text unless you show the courtesy of actually reading it.

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 30th, 2009, 11:07 am

Perhaps this joke I just wrote would make my point better than the text you haven't bothered to read, Beth:

Newsflash -
The Society for the Protection of Endangered Species has announced they will be hiring Sarah Palin to give a Family Values Seminar to the grizzly bears in California. Their premise is if the bears listen to her as well as her own family listened to her, the grizzly bear population will increase rather rapidly and they can be removed from the endangered species list. "Sarah Palin's speeches may be the best resource we have to save the grizzlies," a spokesman said. The seminar is slated to be scheduled in the fall.


An appropriate joke. And a funny one, too.

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Post by Nazz » June 30th, 2009, 12:25 pm

I'm just laughing my ass off reading this diatribe about how we should applaud the Palins & their conservative christian right wing moralist philosophy...
Who is saying that?

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Post by roxybeast » June 30th, 2009, 12:26 pm

Doreen - That joke is not that funny, takes too long too develop, and is sort of too complex for your average joke audience to appreciate ...

Just keep it simple, like ...

Scientists have found a new way to make bears hibernate longer, ... they force them to listen to old Sarah Palin speeches!

But they have not been able to cure one horrible side effect ... the bears wake up ready to kill the bitch (and unfortunately anybody else nearby)!

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 30th, 2009, 12:30 pm

You still don't get it, Beth.

Maybe the joke takes too long to develop but the point is, it's attacking Sarah Palin, NOT her daughter.

That's a pretty simple concept, isn't it?

You're attacking the wrong person. Period.

And again, you obviously didn't read a word I wrote.

I'm ready to move on. This thread has taken a lot of energy and I truly don't appreciate my words not only not being read but being completely misconstrued and twisted.

As mnaz just said....

"Who said that?"

Certainly not me. I said nothing of the sort. Not even remotely close to what you're accusing me of having said.

I even said I'm trying to convince my daughter to hold off on having sex until she's 35 years old. Did you miss that part?

To accuse me of promoting teenage sexual activity is bogus, ridiculous and insulting. Please read my text prior to responding to it.

Take care.

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Post by roxybeast » June 30th, 2009, 12:34 pm

Doreen ... I realize that your joke is about the play on the bears not listening to Sarah Palin just like her daughter did not listen to her ... but it sort of blows by most people, is confusing, and way too long winded ...

and in comedy, if you have to explain the joke, it's just not funny ...

and your version violates this basic tenet or golden rule of comedy.

But it's a nice try & we appreciate the effort :)

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 30th, 2009, 12:38 pm


Peace out.

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Post by Arcadia » June 30th, 2009, 12:46 pm

wow! the place is superpoblado!!!!! :)

(as far as I read it, the thread sounds like a mix of like a virgin, nevermind, fresh fruit for rotten vegetables, divididos por la felicidad plus some kind of parrish-like-sense of humor! :lol:)

we have enough with our own right wing, I guess! :wink:

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Post by roxybeast » June 30th, 2009, 12:50 pm

And, Doreen, attacking the wrong person is the whole point!!! It's exactly how the whole dispute between Letterman & the Palins started and got so blown out of proportion! It is the theme, indeed the very essence, of the discussion.

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 30th, 2009, 1:08 pm

Well that's my point is that I disagree completely! Attacking the wrong person is not funny. Read my posts for why I believe that's true.

You've also attacked ME in this thread.

I'm definitely the wrong person.

And I don't find it funny a bit.

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