The "Bristol Palin Joke of the Day!"

A humorously serious look at life’s trials & tribulations,
American politics, religion, and other social madnesses by Beth Isbell.

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Post by Nazz » June 30th, 2009, 1:25 pm

I don't understand why we can't condemn the right-wing religious moralistic politics of ignorance pushed by the (presumably elder) Palins and their ilk, while at the same time respect each others' opinions as to whether off-color slam humor directed at a teenaged Palin daughter is funny or "appropriate." They're different issues, aren't they? Can't we "walk and chew gum at the same time," as Tony C might put it?

To me, the saddest part of this story may be that the daughter is (perhaps) in effect a "victim" of sorts of her mom's narrow-minded, self-righteous politics-- ie. preaching abstinence only and opposing any and all efforts at sex/reproductive education, etc. Perhaps we can all at least agree on that much.

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 30th, 2009, 1:30 pm

Perfectly stated, mnaz! I agree completely.

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Post by roxybeast » July 3rd, 2009, 3:55 pm

Here's a recent Huffington Post article about the idiotic nature of Palin's attack on Letterman, which contains a funny video framing the debate, and links to scores of other bloggers, who like I, support Letterman: ... 17713.html

While some may think jokes about Bristol Palin are tasteless or inappropriate, we should remember that the whole point of the Bristol Palin joke of the day is that this IS how whole the controversy started - by telling an off-color joke about Bristol as an attack on her mother. If you don't understand the genesis of the approach, then perhaps you wouldn't or shouldn't find them funny. On the other hand, Letterman, I, the majority of bloggers, and based on Dave's recent ratings spikes, the majority of young Americans ... do! :)

Breaking News - Sarah Palin is resigning as Alaska's Governor ... perhaps we had an affect ...
A Republican source close to her political team told CNN's John King that it was a "calculation" she made that "it was time to move on." The governor's "book deal and other issues" were "causing a lot of friction" in her home state, the source said, adding that he believes she is "mapping out a path to 2012."

Following Palin's announcement, the Democratic National Committee blasted what it called her "bizarre behavior."

"Either Sarah Palin is leaving the people of Alaska high and dry to pursue her long shot national political ambitions or she simply can't handle the job now that her popularity has dimmed and oil revenues are down," DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse said.

"Either way, her decision to abandon her post and the people of Alaska who elected her continues a pattern of bizarre behavior that more than anything else may explain the decision she made today."

Republican strategist and CNN contributor Ed Rollins said, to a certain extent, Palin's announcement makes her look "terribly inept."

"I think everyone is shocked by this, and I think to a certain extent everyone is going to assume there's another story. You don't just quit with a year and a half to go. You certainly don't do this as a stepping stone to run for president. You finish the job that you're in, and obviously she's not doing that," he said.

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Post by roxybeast » July 6th, 2009, 5:32 pm

"Bristol Palin joke of the day!" ...

"What is my mom Sarah's best race?" ...
Answer: "the iquitarod" ...

Read the Huffington Post Article Here: ... 25989.html ...

and the in-depth Vanity Fair expose on Palin: ... alin200908

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