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Post by WIREMAN » September 26th, 2004, 10:45 pm

..this sounds really interesting hest......i for one plan to record all the bizzare and coincidental occurencesthat crop up..... as they happen to me.......mark

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Post by Glorious Amok » September 27th, 2004, 11:22 am

wanna hear the latest, most interesting thing i learned in my classical theatre class?

on the final day of the big greek theatre festivals, 10 judges would cast their votes for the best performer or playwrite, and then 5 of the votes would be randomly destroyed.... you know why? to allow for the intervention of Fate, to give the Gods a chance to vote also.

i like this approach, because it allows for not only Destiny, but also Human intervention, to co-ordinate themselves. the free-wills of the competitors, and also of the judges, are not disregarded, but incorporated.
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Post by Glorious Amok » September 29th, 2004, 7:19 am

that's just the thing tho, hesty, things like that are not being done these days, tho it was a common practice in ancient greece.

what do you think would happen if the same approach was applied to vote-counting these days? would you want that random intervention of fate? i can think of one person who probably wouldn't ... George W. Bush. but then again, what would be the situation today if that approach HAD been levied?

i'm not saying things would be any better, but i do feel curious about how it might change things. and me at your party, hester? you had to know i'd be swinging by a room like this!
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Post by abcrystcats » October 1st, 2004, 10:08 pm

Hester, what do you think about the Age of Aquarius stuff? We just went into it a couple years ago, didn't we? I don't if it was a coincidence or what, but about six months prior to that my whole energy started to change. Speaking of eruptions -- I just about DID erupt! My tolerance for BS radically reduced itself. I became absolutely uninterested in anything having to do with a "normal" life and then I started having all kinds of weird ideas. Now, I'm a jobless person living on savings with an entirely new vision of what I want to do with my life. Was it the Age of Aquarius working on me? The odd part is that I started changing before I even knew it was imminent, then some hippy person told me over the phone and blamed my rebellion on the "convergence". I was surprised because I don't normally give too much credence to that stuff. Now I wonder ...

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Post by abcrystcats » October 2nd, 2004, 12:01 am

"or like I'd gone mad"

Yeah. I feel like I've gone mad, at times, in comparison with everybody else and their expectations of life. The weird thing is that I don't care. If this is madness, then it's generally good. I'd rather be mad like this than sane like all the rest of those crazy people pushing down their desires in favor of a more conventional life. I don't care too much about the future. It's weird, but I don't. I think I cared far too much about the future before. I have no ties that require my participation in a game I don't believe in.

Since this is a "mystical" site I thought you'd have some reflections on the Age of Aquarius, but it doesn't matter either way. Whatever it is/ was, I am tuning in to my own self-awareness. I don't need to have some "movement" to blame it on. It's just me. I think you said it very well.

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Post by Lucy! » October 2nd, 2004, 3:14 pm

I completely understand you Cat and Hester captured the essence of what I have become. I was always a little "weird" but this summer was a terribly painful one and I emerged from it a renewed person and I am actually happy with my life and myself. I still have my insecurities, but its like I was born again and gave birth to the real me- so long to the old Lucy with so many complexities and fears. I am so much more positive and I feel like I am sparkling, I feel like the me I have always wanted to be. I am eating well so as not to let anthing harmful into my body and I let negativity bounce off of me. The beginning of September was exceptionally hard for me, but about 3 weeks ago, I woke up and felt it, felt myself awake as the person I longed to be- I saw the sun and felt its warmth and I couldn't believe how marvelous life is and I just outgrew myself. I have had my down days here and there, but even those days are good in comparision to the days of bleaker times.

I tapped into my inner energy and allowed myself to really shine through and disposed most of what was ailing me. I harmed myself with negative thoughts about my body and mind but I am the only me I've got! how can I not value and revere it?

I have a whole new life full of goodness and happiness and growth and whether the spacial arangement of the stars helped any, well so be it. But its all about how I chose to take over my life as well, and any help overcoming my broken past is surely welcome!


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Post by Doreen Peri » October 4th, 2004, 10:51 pm

hey, hest.....i'd like to know why i write so much poetry with astrological metaphors... my poetry is riddled with moons and stars and galaxies and i have constantly used these images as metaphysical metaphors for relationships, internal discovery and life experiences.... As you know, i'm not a follower of tarot cards or magic, but I consistently use images about this stuff much of it has intrigued me, even though i don't buy into it much (but i fully realize, i may be missing out on something)...

I'm ALWAYS using imagery in my poetry about these things...I write poems about girls being cut in half on stage... I write poems about meteors colliding.... well, you know, of course they aren't really "about" this stuff but it is the imagery that intrigues me...

why is that?
is it in my astrological chart somewhere? i am a moonchild, after all (i've been told anyway)

once, someone said to me, "i'd rather read *real* poetry. poetry about stuff that really happens in your life" and i was like, geeezzzz... don't you get it? this IS stuff that really happens in my life... these are metaphors, layers of metaphor and imagery... i hope, anyway..

but why do you think i dwell on these images? why do i use them so much?

if it's ok with you, i'll post a few of those poems in here....

thank you for this studio idea and wanting to take it on... I think it's terrific!... i'll be back! (as long as my horrorscope says it's ok! heh. :))

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Post by Rat Bag » August 5th, 2005, 8:51 pm

Dor, it's funny about the images that you use but don't know why. The more I learn about (open up to) mysticism and the occult, the more I understand some of the concepts and images that I used in some of my really old poetry. Themes and images that really didn't make much sense to me at the time are becoming clearer and more meaningful. I think it's something to do with time not existing. We are living but one moment (like it says in waking life) and slowly realising it. The stuff I wrote ten years ago is still relevant because I haven't fully realised (perhaps never will, given the nature of this realm/dimension, tho I'm open to the otherwise) that it is all but one moment folding in upon itself and over and over and in upon itself infinitely.

I'm beginning to think that the images etc. from my old poems etc. that I spoke of above,... the archtypes of the tarot, etc. and whatever else I haven't yet learned,... are the secrets of "truth" that become revealed to us as we realise that time is but an illusion and we are living one moment upon itself, folding infinitely, over and over. If you are using these themes/images, then it is good that you are asking yourself "why?" Keep looking, surge through fear and find your "truth".

Abcat -- You mentioned feeling as if you've gone mad. Reminds me of a short passage that someone posted at Another Community. I suspect it had Castanada origins. It spoke of realising that one is going mad. While the weak one breaks to the madness, the 'warrior' realises they are going mad but bides their emotion and just carries on, not falling prey to the stupor of madness. That's not exactly what it said, in fact it used weird language that I couldn't replicate, but I think that's the gist of it.
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Post by Dog_Man » October 9th, 2005, 11:37 pm

The age of aquarius is a reflection of a certain understanding that mankind is collectively re-discovering. When the barriers of the self and the greater self have been abolished, then there is very little distrinction between the outside the inside, the reflection and the reflector, the observation and observer. Perhaps your association with the age of aquarius is a reflection of a certain understanding that you have reached inside. The internal change eventually leading to external expereince and fufilment of your inner realisation.

Heres a thought: In ancient astronomy, Where the stars dependant on events, or where the events dependant on the stars.

In keeping this in mind, usually when there is some concept occuring inside, it will usually be outwards perceived as having a reality outside the mind, when really it is all mind and comes down to more a matter of perception than any kind of external definitive information source.
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Post by Doreen Peri » January 24th, 2010, 10:30 pm

I wonder what happened to the first post of this thread... the announcement itself.


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Post by stilltrucking » January 24th, 2010, 10:34 pm

Is it gone because Hester got accidentally deleted?

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 25th, 2010, 1:07 am

no, that can't be it ... because the post should still be there with "guest" as the author

i can't figure it out... sighhh... oh well, i can't figure a lot of things out

just happened to notice this tonight

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Post by hester_prynne » January 25th, 2010, 3:20 am

Hey yeah! Wonder what happened to it?????
H 8)
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