I capitalized myself.

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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I capitalized myself.

Post by Doreen Peri » April 12th, 2010, 9:47 pm


Doreen Peri. C'est moi!

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Post by mtmynd » April 12th, 2010, 9:56 pm

wow! that's a Big Deal. looks good on you. ;)
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Post by Doreen Peri » April 12th, 2010, 10:13 pm

Thanks... I've been capitalized for a long time everywhere else but here so I figured it's about time! ;)

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Post by mtmynd » April 12th, 2010, 11:10 pm

You're a lucky person. I've been under-capitalized for a long time.

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 12th, 2010, 11:44 pm

lower case but never lower class ;)

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Post by mtmynd » April 13th, 2010, 12:46 am

Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 15th, 2010, 10:14 pm

That's what I used to say about me when I was doreen peri.

I might uncapitalize myself and be her again. It has a nice ring to it.

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 19th, 2010, 10:56 pm

that was some short-lived capitalism

:shock: 8)

Non Sum

Post by Non Sum » April 21st, 2010, 8:29 pm

Not Sure (NS) I get the lower case in this 'dp' case?

Is it an 'e. e. cummings' sort of arty thingy? Is it political, i.e. Democratic counter Republican snobbery, which places you in 'virginia, usa' rather than Virginia, USA?

BTW: like the hell out of today's purple bug banner pic. Your choice of pix are nearly always excellent. Thank you,

"Humility is not renunciation of pride but the substitution of one pride for another." (Eric Hoffer)

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 21st, 2010, 9:09 pm

Non Sum wrote:Not Sure (NS) I get the lower case in this 'dp' case?
Hi Non Sum.... I guess that makes 2 of us. There's nothing to get. ;)
Is it an 'e. e. cummings' sort of arty thingy? Is it political, i.e. Democratic counter Republican snobbery, which places you in 'virginia, usa' rather than Virginia, USA?
Nah... it's not political. I just got lazy one day, the first day I joined the internet and I didn't capitalize my name when I registered on a site and ever since then I've been doreen peri. BUT... some sites capitalize you whether you choose to be capitalized or not... er, I mean your name. So, as a result, I've been Doreen Peri on a lot of sites when I registered as doreen peri. They didn't seem to care. And then after that, I guess it began to depend on which sites I hung out on more often as to which looked right to me. After a while, doreen peri started not to look right to me because I'd been on those sites where I was Doreen Peri and so I capitalized myself here. But after that, I started hanging out here and I didn't like the way it looked being Doreen Peri because it didn't look natural and since I have the ability to change my own name, I uncapitalized myself again. But either way, I'm still in Virginia even if I write it down as virginia and though I'm very close to washington dc, er, I mean Washington, DC, I don't go down there much and have never met President obama.... I mean, president Obama... so it has nothing to do with politics but I did vote for him and like him a lot and I find it very strange that so many have demonized him. I wonder whether rambling on so long about nothing is better as doreen peri or Doreen Peri. What do you think? Clearly the writing is pretty bad so maybe sticking with the lower case might be better so nobody will take me too seriously. Then, as you said, it could be considered a very fashionable e.e. cummings type thing and they took HIM seriously, did they not? I loved him myself. I wished I'd have the opportunity to have met him. I wonder how often he came to virginia. Hmmm... Well, whenever it was, it was before my time so who cares, right? ;) heh
BTW: like the hell out of today's purple bug banner pic. Your choice of pix are nearly always excellent. Thank you,
Yeah, I love this one, too! It's a banner by Bennie... well now he's bennie.. but he used to be Bennie but he couldn't remember his password so he re-registered as bennie. Everybody's got a reason for capitalizing or uncapitalizing themselves, i suppose. :D

Have you seen the thread at the top of the site where the banners are posted to view them all? We have some very talented artists and photographers here at studio eight.... er, I mean Studio Eight. And I must say, my idea to make changing banners from their work (and mine too.. yes, I create them myself) was one of the best ideas I've had for this site.

Now, I just need to find a techie person who can help with writing a script so the banners rotate every time you click or refresh or once a day, or whatever we choose the timing to be so that I don't have to change them myself manually because I know it gets boring to see the same banner up there for a week.

Then again, other sites don't even change their banners at all, come to think of it! They have the same banner up there endlessly!

Which is something to think about.

Or not.


Btw, you wouldn't be a techie person would you? Or know someone who might be interested in helping me out with this automatic banner rotation idea? let me know, OK? thank you! :)
"Humility is not renunciation of pride but the substitution of one pride for another." (Eric Hoffer)
I like that quote, non sum!... I mean, Non Sum. :)

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the universe... I mean, Universe. Nice to see you here. :!:

Non Sum

Post by Non Sum » April 22nd, 2010, 8:44 am

Hi doreen,
My eyes flipped open in the middle of last night, and I thought: "cripes, did I just insult D/d/oreen with Hoffer's "humility" quote, by unintentionally implying that she was being falsely humble, or pridefully false, truly prideless, or whatever else I may have stepped into without first looking?" :oops:

But, now I see that I owe you an apology for underestimating you. And, I'm quite happy to find that to be the limit of my offense. Regretably, I can't make it up to you by solving your picture problem. I had a computer programming phase, but it ended before the internet, and any web page tweeking, was even a gleam in Al Gore's eye. But, you can be sure that there are techy forums aplenty out there that are just chock full of nerds waiting, and salivating, for the opportunity to tweek your pix into auto flics. You have but to ask, and they will come. (this is beginning to sound awfully pornographic, sorry.)

dp: After a while, doreen peri started not to look right to me because I'd been on those sites where I was Doreen Peri and so I capitalized myself here.

NS: Yes, names can be a worry at times.
When I was a wanted fugitive (not always nice to be "wanted") I took on a new name. Later, when i was in sales, I took on another, 'smoother, snappier' name. When I first began posting on forums I took on another, more mystical, name ('acosmist') meaning disbelief in the existence of the universe. That got terribly tiresome to explain. And, who in the universe was I suppose to explain it to? 'Non Sum' was easier in its anonymity. Always easier to admit to being 'no one' than to carry the phoney burden of trying to be a 'some one.' I'm not sure a capitalized 'No One' is any less of a non-being than a lower cased 'no one'(?). But, one thing is for sure: spell it either way, or misspell it entirely, and it will give offense to 'nS' (No one).

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Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2010, 11:32 am

I would not have had a clue till mt replied
I was thinking you decided to incorporate your self and have a public stock offering.

Say N.S. nothing to do with all this but all the women here on studio eight scare the hell out of me, I try like hell not to underestimate any of them but nobody more than doreen. She is a chip off the old block.

I am always on the lookout that I don't insult her because you got to be good to mama...

another video that comes to mind.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/DRGUEbqZo3A&hl ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/DRGUEbqZo3A&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 25th, 2010, 3:01 pm

yeah yeah yeah
gotta be on yer guard
with that ol' mamma,
she's a hard hittin' babe,
gonna lay ya out, hang ya up,
play with yer electrons & brain
laps of memory?
don't forget!
this gal's gonna surprise ya yet!
she's got a buncha stuff up her sleeve
never shows her hand, aces & jokers,
wild cards, brothas, the girl's got wild cards
ready to hit ya hard right in the blind third eye!
yeah yeah yeah
whether lower case
or capitalized,
the queen's gonna getchya!
better watch out!
keep yer posse behind,
place the infantry precariously
at various locations armed with oozies,
it's gonna be a doozy of an afternoon,
ya better believe it!
the moon's behind the sun
and she's down on her knees
prayin' for the harvest, jumpin' up to dance
the rain dance before the big deal,
one-eyed jacks gonna trump ya, joe,
whaddya know? it's gonna be an all night game!
pull up a chair there bud! keep yer hands above the table,
this madam's got yer ante,
are you in?

yeah yeah yeah,
she's a chip off the old chopping block,
where's big daddy when she needs him most?
they tied him to a fence post,
stuck a poker in his side,
crowned him like a king!
and when he died, she pulled those
trick cards down her sleeve,
and outa her hat the rabbit jumped,
down the hole again, cheshire grin
ain't gonna stop her now!

better watch out!
pay attention!
this ain't no burton disney flick!
yeah yeah yeah!
this girl's slick!
botta bing, botta boom!
she could make the whole
room disappear!
never underestimate
the power of a dish like this!
dig in! place yer chips in the hot salsa!
and we got peanuts, too!
care for a cold brew?

whatchya gonna do, brotha?
don't leave yet! she'll see ya
and raise ya one, too!
whatchya gonna do?
it's yer bet .....

:shock: :lol: 8) :roll: :wink: :twisted:

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Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2010, 3:33 pm

I was coming back to delete my post
So happy I did not.

Sometimes I think about your father
From what I know of him, from what you said of him.
That's what I meant about the chip off the old block

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 25th, 2010, 4:04 pm


glad you didn't delete it, too! It inspired me. :)

My father was a brilliant man... and funny, too... so if that's what you meant, I'm very honored! I miss him sometimes.... sigh

I used the big daddy image... the dude up there in the sky that came down to earth to die as the myth says... everybody's daddy! heh...

I haven't written much in a long time.. thanks for the inspiration! ;)


And Non Sum ...
it was good talking to you. Haven't talked to you before much really. Thanks for reading my ramblings. :)

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