If I'd had more time .....

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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If I'd had more time .....

Post by Doreen Peri » September 14th, 2010, 12:28 pm

"If I'd had more time, I'd have written a shorter letter." ~ Mark Twain

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by the mingo » September 14th, 2010, 12:37 pm

8) kinda wordy ain't ya ? 8)
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by Doreen Peri » September 14th, 2010, 2:25 pm

Yeah man, i went to the blah blah blah, had a blah blah blah when I was blah blahing blah blah blah, because blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and it was obvious that blah blah blah blah since blah blah blah blah. Know what I mean? Sure you do. I'm tellin' ya, it's a blah blah, a real fricking blahdieblahdiblah since blah blah blah made it obvious that blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah! And I'm fed up with it! :mrgreen:
:arrow: :shock:

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by the mingo » September 14th, 2010, 11:12 pm

I know I know & all of it with the wind knocking at the windows. There seems to be a growing number of shadows in my sandwich. For some reason the autumn seems to be coming at me sideways and twisty. Snakey around the edges to top it all off. The flavor of things flattened right out.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by Doreen Peri » September 15th, 2010, 10:04 am

that's poetry, mingo!


I rarely write the stuff any more.

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by the mingo » September 15th, 2010, 2:34 pm

I know what ya mean, I don't either. I still jot a word down from time to time but for the most part the fun has gone out of it. It's all dwindled down to painting now and a lot of that is digital. I still enjoy making constructions out of driftwood down on the lake shore. But I ain't done much of that this season either. Been a long time since I and the world have been much impressed with one another. It's not so much that things change as that we change, wanting to or not. It's not that I don't think of things or am impacted by them or other notions but that I don't feel the need for the expression of them so much as I once did. Content to let them go right on by. Lazy in my old age maybe. Spend much time kayaking since I took that up. That's been alright. It may prove to be the last good pastime between nostalgia & the future I find in this place. Boat on the waves, ass in the seat, paddle in the water, facing the wind or being pushed by it. Sounds melodramatic don't it ?
Maybe turn around to head for shore one of these fine days to find that guy
standing behind me on the water who was said to have walked the waves of a storm way back when...I wonder which of us will be the first to ask the other: "Need a lift?" 8)
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by Doreen Peri » September 15th, 2010, 5:41 pm

The kayaking sounds wonderful! Really fabulous! And the artwork is great and I'm so glad you're creating it! The driftwood sculptures... omg, that's just terrific! That's what it's all about... real stuff like that!

Anything connected with nature or something that's tactile and real... it's all good. I need to go through all my poetry and save them all into a manuscript and print them out because this media doesn't last forever like some people think. This is the most transient media there ever has been. Websites disappear, posts go out into cyberspace and you never see them again. I've written reams of poetry... I used to write and write and write and write and write and write and I couldn't stop. And then I realized that it was just going out there into nowhere and most people didn't even get it. Just look at this artlog blog of mine. Poem after poem after poem without reply. It's sad. LOL... I once asked a friend of mine years ago, "why do you think i'm such an unpopular poet? why do so few people reply" and he answered, "They don't know what to say. You're too good." Hahahaha... He was just being nice. What he really meant was, "because they don't understand a word of it." Anyway, if for nothing else other than for my children to toss into a trash can when I bite the dust, I'll print the damn things out. I turned to painting myself and even that got quelled when I got sick. But now I'm getting better so I'm back to swimming and should be back to painting soon. Swimming is like kayaking. Same thing sorta. I mean it's real, in the flesh, exercise and air and being there doing something. Poetry just ... disappears... it just goes out into the air and then where is it? Nowhere! I think I created this website because my poetry wasn't getting any attention and I have a weak ego and needed someone to recognize me for something. You know what they say, right? "Those who can't, teach"... well, also ... same... "Those who can't, create websites for those who can." Sometimes I feel like that, anyway. Sometimes I feel like I wasted years of my life writing the crap. But it's as much a part of me as my legs or my arms or my hair or the color of my eyes. I like it anyway.... and I also like real life.... like this.... I see this banner up there now... a photo by dave the dov


Put your kayak in the river right there and I'll be sitting on the bench... I'll put my thumb out and take that lift. Yeah... gimme a lift, wouldja?


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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by the mingo » September 16th, 2010, 1:28 pm

"Anything connected with nature or something that's tactile and real... it's all good." Yeah it is, something that you can feel in your bones, or takes you "out" of yourself, contains the spark that makes it all worthwhile. That little spark. Means everything. At least as it makes us aware of our living selves. I've read more of your writings than I've commented on, sorry I ain't been more communicative on the subject. The reason I do read what you write is because every so often you write gutsy and edgy on the money with power and passion and it rips up my guts and scatters them around my head and heart and around the place I'm sitting in and I'm left to wipe the sweat from my forehead and my guts from the walls and go Wow ! No lie. I look for that in any poet I read. I come looking for the flesh the blood and the bone and when the mood is on you you do it as well as the best of them, either contemporary or historical. And with your own moves & style & verve. Nobody gets all the magic all the time so no need to beat yourself up over any of it. Whatever "it" is you've got it. Enjoy.
Yes, the kayaking is more than I expected, (& I expected a lot). Stupid little boat is not only everything I've fantasized about over the years but more than I ever thought it would be. It not only takes you up (or down) the rivers, streams, and creeks of the landscape but also takes you up (and down) the rivers, streams, and creeks of your imagination as if it too were a landscape. Shows you places "within" yourself you had no idea even existed. That's one part of it. The other part, and I'm not aiming for mysticism here but just trying to put my finger on the pulse of something best described as a feeling - the other part is the floating. In the boat on the water you are between earth and sky, unable to touch either, suspended...not as an idea or concept or notion but for real. That state does something to me through and through. I like camping out of the kayak too, a lot. You truly become the nomad your soul was always convinced you were and are where the boat is concerned. So, since I could go on quite a distance from this point, (blahblah) I'm gonna stop here. Except to say that the name "kayak" is a native word that means "hunter's boat" and believe me it hunts things that may be other than what you set out for. But it's all been good so far. If I ever see you sitting on that bench though I'll be sure to wave ya on down to the water's edge, say Hi! hand you a life jacket and a paddle and ask ya if you've a destination in mind or do ya just want to go ? I'll keep an eye out. It's tactile and real. Catch ya later, 'Reen and thanks for giving me the opportunity to gather all these scattered notions about kayaking and arrange them after a fashion. Never thought about it all before all at once like this. 8)
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by SadLuckDame » September 17th, 2010, 10:43 pm

the name "kayak" is a native word that means "hunter's boat" and believe me it hunts things that may be other than what you set out for.
How cool is that. That's the good stuffs to life, all the unexpected is like birthday and unbirthdays.

I know, Doreen, I think I stopped writing poetry too'
unless it sneaks up on me sometimes,
but I don't try to be a poet any longer.

I still likes reading poetry people write.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
~Lewis Carroll

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by Doreen Peri » September 26th, 2010, 7:36 pm

I didn't mean to ignore you. Please forgive me for being tardy replying. I was trying to get my life together, to find my kayak, to get on the river and go downstream! You're just such a special person, yanno? And I have so many things to say about all of what you've described here but I don't know what to say at the moment because my kayak is currently turned upside down, stored next to the pier with one of those kayak covers on it since I'm trying to keep it safe from bad weather and I can't seem to get out of the house even when the weather is good to remove the darn tarp and get in the thing and just row, yanno? What you said about my poetry makes my heart sing and I am eternally indebted because sometimes I think everything I write is worthless and though I hate egotism, absolutely despise it because it's so unbecoming, somehow I'm stuck in this damn condition called the human condition and even babies who don't get held occasionally, can't thrive. They just die. So I'm going to believe that your comments are sincere and if I took you to some point or another where the lines meet and the tangents make sense and you connected, then our human conditions connected with each other and all that's so good, it's just as good as kayaking, really. Thank you for sharing your insights about the world and life with me. :)

You, my friend, are one fine poet.... I love reading your writings, straight from the hip, from the heart, from the spirit of who you are. Being a poet doesn't mean having to TRY... it is just who you are. You do it. And when it comes to you, it comes out and it becomes what it is... the beauty of you shines. Don't try. Just let it come. And I'll come to it and read. On your artlog, your poems are embedded in the threads, and the threads are beautiful conversations and I want to dig deeper in there and discover more you've written. I wish sometimes you'd post more up on the Poetry board. The spontaneity is so splendid! I'm so glad you're here. Thank you! :)

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Re: If I'd had more time .....

Post by the mingo » September 27th, 2010, 11:04 pm

It's ok 'reen. I did wonder what happened. I read the post you left yesterday up in your log. You're not stupid. Hang in there.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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