Dream Interpretation?

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 4th, 2011, 5:01 pm

Dream #3 of a series. Interpretations welcome.

In the dream, I was asleep. A knock came at the door which woke me up and I answered. There were about 20 people standing at the door. They all came in (more like barged in) when I opened the door and started making themselves at home, sitting in various rooms, talking amongst themselves, going into the kitchen, making meals for themselves, etc.

I didn't know any of them. They had apparently all traveled together on a plane and were going from some destination to another and stopped by my house since something had happened to their flight and they had to get off early and had nowhere else to go. Many of them were disheveled, and needed baths. The others were dressed neatly and clean but none of them were polite.

The group of people ranged in ages from little kids (toddlers) to elderly people and every age in between and it wasn't my house, really, it was some larger version of my house with more rooms and so it wasn't that I didn't feel capable of accommodating them as there was plenty of space but I didn't know them and I felt I was intruded upon since they took over my house and didn't even seem grateful. They were eating my food and talking with each other but practically ignoring me.

It was especially an intrusion on my privacy and time since in the dream, I was anticipating a visit from a man coming in from out of town a few days later, and I had been so much looking forward to his visit as there was the possibility that we may become lovers and these strangers were messing up every room and taking all my energy so I couldn't get ready for the guest I was expecting. Unexpected guests who I didn't know were screwing all my plans up.

Also, the rooms were very odd shapes and there were belongings in the house that I didn't recognize and I kept explaining "this isn't mine, I don't know how it got here" when pointing to various objects or pieces of furniture, etc., as if I owed them an explanation.

Soon, there was a scene when the expected guest arrived, the man I thought was coming to visit several days later and he was there, joining in with the conversations the strangers were having with each other and talking to them as if he knew them but he told me he didn't know them either, he was just being friendly. He said he was on the same flight they were on and was sorry he was late. I said, "You're not late, you're 3 days early" or something like that.

Anyway, I wanted everybody else to leave except the friend who I had invited but nobody would go. They just kept hanging out in these odd shaped rooms making themselves at home and refused to leave when I asked them to leave and none of them would tell me their names. They were very rude to me and were taking advantage of me and I was angry and it was nightmarish because I couldn't get any privacy in my own house and I felt used and hurt and I wanted them gone! For a minute I thought the only way to make this end was to just give them the house and vacate myself but I didn't want to leave my friend there alone with them since he had come a long way to visit me and I didn't think that would be fair to him.

And then I woke up.


This is not the first dream I've had, by the way, where my house was different than it is, shaped differently, different room configurations, much larger, and where there were intruders. I've had 2 similar dreams within the past couple of years, all very vivid and movie-like and all with a similar feeling of being trapped in a nightmare without being able to have any control over the intrusion of other people. The other 2 dreams had different plot lines than this one and the people were different people, but still.... a similar theme of intrusion by people I didn't know who were taking advantage of me and zapping my energy and disrespecting me.

Just wondering what this all means.

Any dream interpreters out there?

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 6th, 2011, 5:28 pm

no dream interpreters, huh? oh well...

i'll keep writing them down anyway. Helps me remember them... plus there's something significant in dreams. It's a way for the subconscious to figure stuff out.

Had a wild one this morning. I went back to a place I used to hang out at when I was in college and nothing much had changed except the people there were people I know now. It was all very vivid and there was a baby in it which I was given to take care of and everyone was drinking but I couldn't drink because I had to take care of the baby someone gave me. One of the places where I worked was right next door in the dream and had been completely remodeled and had 3 levels instead of one. It included a movie theater space and there were three girls on the stage dancing and it was all choreographed. The manager asked me to go up on the stage and join them but I told him I didn't know the steps. He said it didn't matter. I needed to get back into performing again and he offered me a job dancing. But I had this baby someone had given me (though in this scene the baby wasn't with me) and I was worried about the baby and had to go back next door to where I left the baby since I was the selected caregiver so I declined the invitation to get up on the stage and dance and also declined the job. When I woke up, I as angry at myself for turning the job down. I wanted to dance on stage again. I should paint or draw the place. It was so vivid and the architecture was amazing and the 3 levels were all different, one level with beautiful stone walls and a granite bar (very upscale when in actuality the place I worked at was a dive.. haha), and the movie theater level with the stage had royal blue chairs and there were lovers in the chairs, paired up, loving each other watching the performance. The girls on the stage were wonderfully talented and I so wanted to join them!

I really need to get back to the dance studio.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by neologistic » January 6th, 2011, 6:24 pm

I really like these, sorry if they were disturbing but wonderful that you could recall so much

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 6th, 2011, 7:01 pm

Thanks. The first one was disturbing. The second one wasn't.

I think it's a combination of two things regarding the reason they're so vivid and the reason I can remember details:

I get insomnia and anxiety. So I stay up real late at night. Then I have to take something to sleep and the chemicals change. Then I oversleep and when you oversleep you spend a lot of time in REM sleep which is the dreamtime. And since I oversleep, that's prolly why I can't sleep at night when it's time to sleep. LOL ... so that's one thing.

The second thing is practice. You have to practice being half asleep when you wake up and not jump up too fast so you can lie there for a while and try to remember everything (or as much as you can).... the half-awake half-asleep part is really important trying to remember them. I really want to get better at this because I find dreaming to be a very important part of discovering your sub-conscious and learning more about the issues your subconscious is trying to work out in the waking world. I need to start a dream journal.

Speaking of which, have you ever seen this movie? Waking Life?

Highly recommended... I loved it!

Thanks for reading my dreams, James!

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 6th, 2011, 7:02 pm

whoa! my avatar is gone! wonder why? maybe it's my connection? weird

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by neologistic » January 6th, 2011, 7:07 pm

oh that looks good, no i haven't seen it. looks to me like your avatar is still there

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 6th, 2011, 7:27 pm

It's animated. It's sort of a creepy movie because it's animated on TOP of the actual filming of real people, meaning they turn the live film footage into animation. And people stop and talk philosophy about life and levels of metaphors in both the dream and waking state. You'd really like the movie! Let's rent it! ... I kept a VHS copy of it I rented from blockbuster once choosing to keep it and pay to buy it rather than returning it, I liked it so much. Ahh but no VHS player any more.. LOL... still, I could watch that movie several times over again. I can't figure out why it only got 6 stars (or 7?) on IMDB. I'd give it 9. It's a very unique film and the parts where they're talking philosophy are poetry! ;)

Thanks for letting me know you can see my avatar. All I see is a little x in a white box. Thought it might be a software glitch. Maybe restarting my browser will help.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 11th, 2011, 3:13 pm

This morning, I had the same dream again only different people, different circumstance. Intruders taking over my space, my home, coming in and taking over with barely an acknowledgement to me. It was really not a restful sleep. When I have repeated dream themes, I definitely get concerned. I need to figure out what it means. I'd go into more detail but this one I almost totally forgot except for a few images and that it was the same thing.... the strangers coming into my home and intruding, taking over. It's troublesome. Maybe I need to go get shrunk... er, go see a shrink. LOL :)

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by neologistic » January 11th, 2011, 7:41 pm

That's wild. Does sound like your mind is telling you something, wish I could help more. Thanks for recommending 'Waking Life', wowowowow

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 11th, 2011, 9:26 pm

I wonder what it's trying to tell me. If I have another one, I'll go get shrunk. :P

You're welcome. Did you see it?

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » January 12th, 2011, 2:13 am

You already know who all these people are, and all of them have the same name. And you take care of them like a mother with a child. You've taken care of them all so well for so long that you might not be able to see yourself without them. You've even got your house growing bigger to accommodate their presence. When your real life shows up, whom you have been waiting for, you can only treat it as another guest and then to top it all off, you are disturbed when that life talks with everybody else you've got in the house with you friendly like. What did you expect? So you then are angry with your life and it's supposed to wear your blame and change it's ways while you get to go on unchanged? One standout facet of your first dream was the admission that you went around telling these "strangers" that this item wern't yours and you had no idea where it came from and that item wern't yours & you didn't know where it came from either. You won't even own it in a dream. Which is why you had the second dream. Your life wants you back bad let me say. Wow. So since you didn't really act on the heavy-duty medicine of the first...wait, let me back up on that. Maybe you did act on it by posting it here. Yeah, on second thought, you did. Ok. Your second dream don't need any sorting out of the signals. It's straight up. Your life is waiting for you back where you left it and I don't mean school days so much - when was the last moment you spent free of any kind of anxiety? Turn around & find it, it's there somewhere, right along with your life and I guarantee you it will just be you and him. Put the baby out and turn around and have a good time. Your messengers know more of the hour than you do and they have given the knowledge of it to you. The rest is up to you.

Mingo has spoken. That will be $242.35. But, since this is your first time (and because you're sweet & beautiful) I'll call it a consultation. All consultations are free. Just don't tell my Indian uncle, he'd skin me alive with pleasure and throw my flayed carcass to the coyotes.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by neologistic » January 12th, 2011, 10:40 am

Whoa! Mingo, that was awesome!

And yes, Doreen, I saw it with my friend Tyler. Wowowow, what a movie.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 13th, 2011, 6:41 pm

You already know who all these people are, and all of them have the same name.
Mingo... thanks very much for this detailed interpretation. I know you're VERY right when you say that my real life is calling me. You've seen me post about how isolated I am in the real world and how I thrive around people and want to be a part of various artistic endeavors in my real life many times. I've read this interpretation of yours several times and thought about it for a couple of days.

I'm unclear about the above quote. Are you saying all of the people are the people I haven't met yet in my real life? What is their "same name"?

Or are you saying all of the strangers in my dreams are my internet friends and because I spend so much time on the internet, I don't have the real life I need and that's what my sub-conscious is telling me so the people in the dream are named "the internet"?

I'm so confused but don't worry, I'm confused about a lot of things.

Thanks so much for your free consultation and I'll gladly pay you and your Indian uncle additional fees as soon as I become gainfully employed. For now, all I can give you is your own artlog and a place to type whatever want. LOL

If you have time to clarify and answer these questions of mine, I'd be grateful. If your time is limited because YOU have a real life (you lucky son of a gun), then I'll understand. And if you and your uncle can think of an appropriate barter for now in order to help with a clarification, well, that's certainly workable. I've got some macadamia nuts covered with chocolate and I'd be happy to bake and ship you a homemade pie. I can't think of anything else. heh

Thanks again! :)

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » January 14th, 2011, 3:13 am

Hi 'reen, what I meant was that all the house "guests" in your dream are representing every anxiety, every worry, & every fear you can dream up. That's what I meant in saying you know all their names and it is the same in every case. Your spirit is certainly under the impression that you need to look at the rampant nature of the part of you that insists to worry. Things take root and grow in the rich soil of worry, greedy things, things that mean no one any good.

My uncle is half Indian, of the Haudenosaunee, Oneida tribe, born to the Wolf clan. From when I was little I was to learn that for every helping thing he gave me four-fifths was pure bull and one fifth was pure gold. He always left it up to me to figure which fifth was valuable. Dreams go back for the Haudenosaunee 'til no one knows any more. They have always been a big part of their culture. My uncle says dreams are messengers. He didn't teach me interpretation so much. He taught me to listen.
I listened to your dream. It was beautiful. You have strong messengers and they are not screwing with you.

Did you say homemade pie? In that case to hell with my uncle. He'd throw me over in an eyeblink in any situation involving women, money, or food. Let him find his own pie. The one you're goin' to make ( if I ever find myself ever again in Virginia ) is all mine.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 15th, 2011, 4:58 pm


That makes perfect sense! It's absolutely right on target. I am definitely a worrywart about too many things. I get unsettled and anxious and even experience anxiety attacks. I want to accomplish too much and there's too much to do.

I can't thank you enough. I would have had to invest thousands of dollars to pay for a shrink's vacation to the Caribbean in order to discover this message.

I owe you. Pie and more. :)

Your uncle taught you well. You listen well. And these conclusions are right on target. Now, what to DO about it?


I had another dream this morning where I was driving a very small vehicle around a curved ramp to get onto a highway and there was a huge truck in front of me. The driver slammed on his brakes for some reason and the truck fell on it's side, blocking the entire ramp on the highway. I had to slam on my brakes so as not to hit it and when I did that, my little car hydroplaned or went into a tailspin and spun around several times before hitting and knocking down a portion of the concrete barrier around the ramp.

Luckily, the car I was driving landed on another level of pavement not too far below but it was like a roof of a house or something. Had that level not been there, the drop to the highway beneath was a very long distance and I would have certainly died!

My car landed on its wheels. but I was hurt. I hurt my knees, my neck, my back, my legs. Help arrived, I guess an ambulance or something and there was this very handsome young man who put me on a stretcher and was pushing me on the gurney to the hospital.

I told him I didn't want to go to the hospital when we got there. The lines were too long and I said I would be OK and just wanted to go home. He started flirting with me and even laid down beside me on the gurney at one point and kissed me. He didn't look like anyone I know but was very handsome and young. He DID, though, have the same exact first name as someone I know who is also very handsome and very young. Haha.

So anyway, he said OK and rolled me out of the hospital but we weren't headed to my home, we were headed to somewhere else and I didn't know where and I got scared he wasn't being honest with me and he was taking me somewhere I didn't want to go. Then we entered this building and I was walking at this point, and he started filling out some forms for some type of help with some type of social agency and he put "Studio Eight" on one of the lines on the form and I asked him how he knew about Studio Eight and he just smiled and wouldn't answer me.

This dream was very vivid. Not extremely disturbing but I feel it was trying to tell me something for the mere fact that I had been hurt in the dream and there was this stranger going out of the way to help me and I wasn't sure whether I trusted him. I just wanted to go home. I was lucky I survived the car accident.

No need to interpret this one or attempt to.... I'm just writing them down because I'm trying to train myself to remember them because I believe as your uncle believes, that dreams are subconscious messages and I want to learn from them.

If you feel like interpreting it, I'm open to that, of course, and if anyone else wants to, go at it!


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