Oh bother!

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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Oh bother!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 9th, 2011, 3:41 am

Pooh: Oh bother. Think, think, think.
Chistopher Robin: It is a nice house, Eeyore, but...
Kanga: It is a lovely house, Eeyore, but...
Piglet: It's the best house in the... whole world.
Winnie the Pooh: Tell them it's your house, Piglet.
Piglet: No, Pooh. This house belongs to our very dear friend... Owl.
Rabbit: But Piglet, where will you live?
Piglet: Well, I guess I shall live... I suppose I shall live...
Winnie the Pooh: With me. You shall live with me. Won't you, Piglet?
Piglet: With you? Oh, thank you, Pooh. Of course I will.
"Tigger: Come on, Rabbit. Let's you and me bounce.
Rabbit: Good heavens! Me bounce?
Tigger: Why, certainly! Look, you've got the feet for it.
Rabbit: I have?
Tigger: Sure. Come on, try it. It makes ya feel just grrreat!
Piglet: Pooh! Haven't you been listening to what Rabbit's been saying?
Winnie the Pooh: I listened, but then I had a small piece of fluff in my ear. Could you say it again, please, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Well, where should I start from?
Winnie the Pooh: Well, from the moment the fluff got in my ear.
Rabbit: Well, when was that?
Winnie the Pooh: I don't know. I couldn't hear properly.

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Re: Oh bother!

Post by zero_hero » January 11th, 2011, 11:51 am

Oh sister thanks for posting that. Now I can get Saint Jack's comment that G D is the great pooh bear. :D

How could I have not read that as a child? I was such a serious child, no time for children's stories, But the older I get the happier my childhood has become. Go figure :? .

First think that crossed my my mind when I saw the title was Oh Brother Where Art Thou.
Oh Sister :mrgreen:
Ulysses Everett McGill: Hit by a train! Truth means nothing to a woman, Delmar. Triumph of the subjective. You ever been with a woman?

Don't mean nothing
I am back in the monky house after a month of seclusion, restored my sense of humor. :arrow:
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"the lesson is... if you want it? keep a copy of it." Doreen Peri


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Re: Oh bother!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 11th, 2011, 2:38 pm

My favorite children's books.... and some of the first poems i memorized.

My Dad used to read them to us.

Also, someone very clever wrote a book called "The Tao of Pooh"... maybe you're familiar with it. Clever usage of the Pooh characters to relay the wisdom of Buddhism.

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Re: Oh bother!

Post by still.trucking » January 11th, 2011, 3:05 pm

Someday there are so many Buddhas in the way
Fortunately it is easy to kill a Buddha

Always plenty of books around when I was a kid, I still remember the first book I read. Little Dog Ready at Home. Just not the Pooh. Fortunately I am entering my second childhood and will be able to catch up on it.

on a personal note:
My dad used to play chess with me
he would play with his chair turned around
his back to the board
he would call out his moves to me
and I would call back mine
he kept that whole board in his head
see it with his mind's eye
I would have enjoyed the games more if he had played me face to face.
Or maybe he was having compassion on me cause I was so afraid of him :?

always enjoy chatting with you sis
always seem to reveal something to myself
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Re: Oh bother!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 11th, 2011, 3:10 pm

No kidding! Wowowow! Your dad must have been brilliant! He memorized the board and could call out the moves without seeing the board? I just about fell off my chair reading that.... omg! That's really fantastic! No wonder you're so bright. Heredity.

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Re: Oh bother!

Post by SadLuckDame » January 12th, 2011, 8:11 am

I love Pooh! all the characters. I wanted to build Eeyore a house, also I wanted to see what a heffalump and woosle would do, I wanted to boost piglet, etc. just thought if I lifted him on my shoulders like a small child, to see his smile.

I'm learning chess from this child, so I can play a master chess champ and knock his socks off. Just started yesterday, actually.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
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Re: Oh bother!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 12th, 2011, 12:54 pm

Dame.... my favorites... yeah! :) I probably still remember 10 poems by heart.

There's a new chess game on FB. The Agualara brothers, the ones who developed Scrabulous (I site where I used to play Scrabble years ago until they got sued by Hasbro).... anyway, they developed the new chess game on FB. If you're interested in playing, I'd love to play a game over there with you one night. I haven't played chess for years but i love chess! It's really one of the only games that doesn't have any luck involved... only skill. The developers are very talented so I'm sure it works seamlessly! Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you a link to the chess app over there.

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Re: Oh bother!

Post by SadLuckDame » January 12th, 2011, 11:07 pm

I better learn my moves faster, then. lol!
I still haven't played a game, just inquiring who does what and looking at what I'll be able. As soon as I get a practice game in, dearest doreen. You'll be first to know it and we'll get started on fb.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
~Lewis Carroll

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Re: Oh bother!

Post by Steve Plonk » January 16th, 2011, 6:02 pm

Why is that honey jar always getting misplaced when we need it? Need some help from piglet again... :idea: Time to ask the daughter to play some chess...
Keeps my mind off of food... :)

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