Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Jan - Feb 2011
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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by stilltrucking » January 29th, 2011, 1:27 pm

don't eat yellow sknow
and the days grow longer
the sky grows lighter
earlier everyday
and that cheers me up
now if I could only
only make a poem
or a silk purse

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 29th, 2011, 3:01 pm

today i wrote that
the sun was melting
but i meant the snow

if the sun melts
would it still be day
during the day
and if it would,
how would we know?

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by stilltrucking » January 29th, 2011, 6:26 pm

if the sun melted and no one is around to see it,
does it make a sound? :wink:

I think the sun is fated to go out in a blaze in only a few more billions of years, we will be long gone shortly before it does.

But how do I know, good question doreen something to think about while I watch the seconds tick off on my microwave clock as I nuke my dinner.

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by constantine » January 29th, 2011, 10:48 pm

let the sun melt away
i don't care anymore
let it melt like a cheap ice cube
in a highball side-pocket crap out
yeah, side pocket crap out
yeah, roly poly papa doc
crap out on the chop block
i like it like that
i hate it when i like it like that

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by judih » January 29th, 2011, 11:29 pm

it's not for me to say
but one melted sun
minus the obvious repercussions
might bring a little retrograde
necessarily insinuated
that retrograde is needed
and a melted sun
might provide

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 30th, 2011, 12:22 am

but what if the moon melted too?
what if it dripped like glue and
if the sun had already blended into
the earth, the new waves of the sea
no longer pulled, the tide gone out
indefinitely? what would happen then?
what would we see
when we looked up
to the sky? no stars,
no venus, no mars,
because without the
sun or moon, nothing would
show up and soon, we could
simply disappear, and here we'd be
indefinitely, or at least until the
oceans froze, and nothing grows,
no plants, no food, no trees to give
off chlorophyl to fill the air with oxygen.
what then? that's what i'd like to know.

i have the feeling somehow life would slow
down until it stopped and so just in case,
perhaps we should hop on a rocket ship
to outer space, make a colony in a galaxy
wild and free where suns never die
and neither do we.

just an idea. i'm not talking definitely
or anything like it. just hoping the sun
won't melt and neither will the moon
'cause i don't think we'd like it much.

the rocket ship, though, isn't a bad concept.
just an idea i thought i'd interject.
just in case
the human race
is doomed.

maybe we can
board one soon.


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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 30th, 2011, 4:00 am

Last winter, 2010
oak_small.jpg (93.72 KiB) Viewed 3975 times

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by judih » January 30th, 2011, 11:03 am

rumours of snow-laden scenery
boy shovels roof and driveway
jumping into snowday freefall caprice

while desert overflows with inches of rain
rivulets floods paths
muddy sand and mini-swamp
then dry!
as if all moisture rethinks
and takes off for other lands

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by stilltrucking » January 30th, 2011, 11:36 am

retrograde amnesia
A hindu might say

The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. S. H. Plath

seventy six degrees
and I like it like that
snowbirds in cadilacs
airstream trailers
flock to the republic of paradise

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by rshreve » January 30th, 2011, 7:27 pm

inches of snow
grace my ground
wishing I was paradise bound

put on the hat, gloves
and boots too

watching the neighbors
with shovels in hand
knowing a blanket of white
is our wonderland

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by WIREMAN » January 31st, 2011, 12:13 am

february approaches
hog shadows
6 weeks
6 weeks
6 weeks
almost 1/2 way there
more snow and ice to come
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by Steve Plonk » January 31st, 2011, 3:59 pm

Soon it will be Candlemass or Groundhog Day...
We are having a warm spell down here
In Southeast Tennessee the snow has melted in
The valleys...
Will we have more snow laying in sheets?
Winter still has about six weeks...
Looking forward to a bit more snow
Hope they get it plowed up though...
Just a few folks are getting their roofs...
Re-shingled and we got a new stove & oven combo--
We had the old stove for almost fourteen years--
Hammers resound on the roof across the street,
While saws run on the new development street
Up the hill and across the woods from us....
This piece reads more like a mini-diary,
As I listen to a choirey on the DVD,
"La Nuit" in French... See link below: 8) Good Version!


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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by Doreen Peri » January 31st, 2011, 4:56 pm

Email today from my friend, Kevin Pierce, shared here with permission:
I went to Southern States to look at seeds and gardening stuff today. It's still early to get it because it's February. I need to fix the roof on the shed. It's sleeting and dangerous up there because it's February. I'm sick of the cold because it's February. I hate pink phony ass fucking Valentine's day, especially in February. The longest month of the year has the fewest days in it, and it's February. The "F" word starts with the letter F. The only month of the year that starts with the letter F is February. I fucked up and I'm not in Mexico. I'm here and it's February.

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by Artguy » February 1st, 2011, 9:20 am

Chicago blanket of white
On it's way
winds to blow
My mind afar
Another log on the fire
Cool jazz
a poem or two
Sunflower Sutra
Bring on the warm
Let the sun burn
My flesh a golden hue
Leave behind the Chicago blues
This time white
Naked at my window
There's a mockingbird
Last dried crab apple prunes
All I can do is sigh at the scene of it all..............

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Re: Mid-winter Word Jam! - Right here!

Post by WIREMAN » February 1st, 2011, 7:14 pm

life wonders
for the beauty
for the now
the mockingbird flew
in and out
of our house
taunting the cat
sowebohemian memories
like a wisteria vine in the hood
the peace of 5 am.
sunday morn on s. carey st.
a drug dealer pushing
a man in a wheel chair up a hill
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....


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