Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by mtmynd » March 20th, 2011, 6:46 pm

[note: this is my first Sunday Stream since 12.26.10, as one or two of you may notice. I've never had such a long time between Streams which I must assume was a severe drought not unlike what is happening in Phar Lepht..? It felt good to Stream.]
~When Freemasonry Meets Socrates~
I was recently reading an article pertaining to Freemasonry, that old group that to this day retains some mystery that not everyone knows anything about.. including myself.

Within this article was something that has stuck with me over whatever else I may have read -

The three enemies of Truth are -
1) ignorance [the condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed]
2) fanaticism [excessive, irrational zeal]
3) tyranny [absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly]

These are certainly some of the more trying times we as both a Nation and as hu'mans are dealing with. So many opinions, so many ideas and ideals, so much exchange of information that it can be daunting. What is true and what is exaggeration of fact and where does both cross into downright lies perpetrated by those who are fanatical to change the natural behavior of those that disagree with them. When those believe they have control over others, despite the reality, tyranny moves in to assume power.

Truth is under assault. Perhaps not deliberately for ignorance has gained a huge foothold in our world, our politics and even our religions. Science, that brilliant subject that has led us out of the darkness of the unknown and questionable, has more and more become a subject many approach with great suspicion and doubt -"How do you know there's climate change?" and on and on. This is not say that science as we know it no more deserves to hold the reigns on truth anymore than religion or philosophy should be the ultimate source of Truth. But to foolishly disregard anything that smells or tastes like truth (intuitively) is a bold act of ignorance that stifles logic and understanding leaving the questioners/disbelievers with nothing but a feared look in their eyes... a vacancy that borders on idiocy. And we find these lost souls in positions of power and what once was respect... a respect for differences, a respect for another's ideas and religious views... a tolerance that arguably assisted our civilization to mature and prosper. Ignorance is finding more and more respect over any semblance of Truth.

Do we fear Truth or simply disregard it's possibility to exist in our world? If we have never felt the power of Truth within our very being, how could we possibly believe there is such a thing? So we put our trust, not in ourselves, but in the arms of those who believe that the only Truth is the reaction of those who follow the self-proclaimed leaders whose paths are filled with wealth and prosperity for themselves and the followers following closely behind in hopes of picking up the scraps left behind. The hungry will eat anything tossed to them as long as the fear of Truth no longer haunts them, as temporal as that may be.

It is those whom the hungry follow who easily succumb to becoming tyrants, preaching at their pulpits in voices attempting to seduce the ignorant that honor shown to them, the preachers and teachers who falsely inform their flocks that they alone know the Truth and will defend their followers from harm. They know little but to seduce crowds to hide their own fears that they harbor just as their flock does.

Fear is hu'mans biggest obstacle to overcome. Thru ignorance one will never find Truth despite the greatest of intentions. Thru a fanatical belief in what many may believe to be the Truth, will only lead to more fear in the end. To seek comfort in the charmed voices of tyrants so they may find their own comfort in the crowds they draw, the feared will never dispel the fear that they alone can conquer.

Truth itself is not so much a subject or commodity of any sort but rather an experience that may be compared to a lightning bolt crashing out of the skies and ceremoniously igniting a realization that what we have witnessed dissolved all doubt and question from our minds and left us with a feeling of fearless Freedom unlike we ever knew, intimately knew, until that moment.

Truth-seekers are not violent nor are they thieves. You will not find a truth-seeker who admires ignorance or is fanatical about any thing that does not aid in their search of Truth. Truth-seekers abhor any thought of tyranny or the tyrants who pretend to hold sway over others in any way. That would cast doubt over the truth-seeker to find their own Truth within... where Truth only resides. As Socrates is noted as saying: Know Thyself. Until we know our true Self, all others remain strangers. Know thyself and all others become one with all else.


Picture of the Week:
"Leaf me alone..."


the leaves on the branch
share with others so much:
their shape, their colors
their needs and movements

so too, do we individuals
hang alone barely touching
each other but sharing what
we know with each

in return for companionship
until our lives leave us
and we fall upon the ground
where our bodies once again

feed the wholly earth
to continue sustaining
this great circle of
photo by moi at some point in the past
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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by Arcadia » March 20th, 2011, 9:14 pm

Truth itself is not so much a subject or commodity of any sort but rather an experience that may be compared to a lightning bolt crashing out of the skies and ceremoniously igniting a realization that what we have witnessed dissolved all doubt and question from our minds and left us with a feeling of fearless Freedom unlike we ever knew, intimately knew, until that moment.... good definition...! :lol: :)

it feels good to read your streams again, Cecil!!!!!!! :D The title, specially, made me smile & the!!!!! Gracias for sharing your time with us, dear friend!!!!!!!



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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by judih » March 21st, 2011, 12:08 am

the poem is a delicious reflection of our time on this plane.
truth? my personal understanding of an essential discovery - often magnificent in its entry into my consciousness but then without the sizzle when i read the words left behind.

Objective truth? Objective lies? Without the influence of ignorance, fanaticism or tyranny, there's a chance i'll stumble upon clarity if i keep hanging out on a healthy tree.

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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by Artguy » March 21st, 2011, 9:38 am

Hey Cecil, finally I can put my boat back in the stream. I will give this a more thorough read a little later, (after coffee). However i remember in War and Peace there was a chapter given to describing free masonry as Leo Tolstoy was a free mason. yes it is a secretive little club. here in Toronto Masons hall is a beautiful building with their meeting hall on the second floor with a concert hall they lease out downstairs. Led Zeppelin once played when the levee breaks....

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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by mtmynd » March 21st, 2011, 1:10 pm

Gracias, "V" for the reply and yes, it is good to do some Streaming after such a long hiatus. I happy you enjoyed this first of the year. Good to 'see' you, as always. ;)

... Judih, Judih.... indeed the words of Truth too often ring like a bell without its clapper even tho the memory of the sweet sound will linger forever in the fortunate who have heard it sing.

and thanks for the kind words on the poem. seems i've not written a poem in quite some time either... both felt good - a pleasant release writing allows the writer.

Kurt, amigo... nice seeing you, also. I enjoy the craftiness of the Freemasons as I, too, have seen one of their hall's in ELP... such a powerful and dignified architecture. My FIL was a Mason but spoke very little of his association with them (to me).

Again, thx to you all for the replies.
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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by Steve Plonk » March 22nd, 2011, 4:03 pm

As the old biblical saying goes: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall
set you free..." But, not everyone gets there by the same road...Mtmynd, Glad your "Sunday Stream" is back...

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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by mtmynd » March 24th, 2011, 8:23 am

'Truth' and 'Freedom' are inseparable but too often confused with 'truth' and 'freedom' which battle on the fields of the mind trying in vain to overcome each other to no avail.

Thank you, Steve, for dropping in and I hope there are some more Streams waiting within... I certainly enjoyed it.
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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by mnaz » March 26th, 2011, 3:46 pm

well said, cec. the big three robbers. ignorance, fanaticism and tyranny. and what's more, they can all be played against each other along roads of greed and fear. this wondrous mind...

nice to see spring is here, and the stream is running with the snow-melt of a winter's worth of reflection...

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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by mtmynd » March 26th, 2011, 8:20 pm

Thx, amigo, for the kind words... and indeed, may the spring melt prove to bear the fruits of thought to come to fruition in some more Streams.
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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by Artguy » March 27th, 2011, 10:45 am

The problem with the truth is that there too many versions of the can all be so damn subjective. I know of someone who has a very strong and committed sense of the truth of the way things are. I think he is unfortunately swimming in his own ignorance and for that I pity him, but he feels the same way about me...calls me a godless man and for that reason I present a danger to his version of the truth....I just want to runaway to the woods and avoid all the versions of the truth and just live my own, without even knowing the existence of other truths...

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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by mtmynd » March 28th, 2011, 10:29 am

"The problem with the truth is that there too many versions of the can all be so damn subjective."

Everyone talks about truth but nobody can truthfully define it.

Yeppur, Kurt... it is subjective. Throughout my observances I have noticed many equate 'truth' for 'fact' while others use 'truth' for 'Truth'... a general confusion on what it is makes defining it, i.e. Truth, akin to defining what 'love' is or what 'god' is. It's incumbent upon ourselves to KNOW and that comes thru, as you know, meditation or self-examination as pathways to that ultimate discovery... just ask the various religions or spiritualists or even philosophers throughout history. They will add to the soup but not explain its complexities of taste or nourishment. ;)

Thanks, amigo, for the perception.

btw: you might enjoy this link:
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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by WIREMAN » April 3rd, 2011, 4:33 pm

..roaring like the march winds........
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by mtmynd » April 3rd, 2011, 6:43 pm

march winds are still blowing hard today... so much that they no longer blow but suck big time... kickin' up dirt and tossing loss things all around.

nice seeing you here, amigo.... thanks!
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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by short timer » April 13th, 2011, 4:03 pm

Phenomenological Ontology
in a nut shell 8)

thanks for the stream Cecil
so good to read you again
feels like april with a gentle breeze

'if there is such a thing as truth it is as intricate and hidden as a crown of feathers.''

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Re: Sunday Stream (261) ~ When Socrates Meets Freemasonry

Post by mtmynd » April 17th, 2011, 8:53 am

ty, JT... nice seeing your replies around here, too.

got a day planned but hoping to Stream... strange times but interesting ones.
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