Amy and the Return

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Amy and the Return

Post by sooZen » July 24th, 2011, 9:05 am

Have been listening to Amy Winehouse this morning. What a sad ending for such a talent. She had a rich, jazzy voice that was truly unique. She joins some other notables that died at that age, burned brightly and then gone... People wonder why so many die at 27 but not I as I am aware of the taskmaster Saturn and it's first return to it's place in the natal chart. Especially hard on those that are troubled and can't get beyond their personal demons. You either survive that return and learn some hard lessons or you pay the ultimate price. All the "returns" of Saturn are difficult and entail lessons and if you are really lucky, you may actually survive three of them but most of us just go through two returns.

At around age 27 you start to experience the effects of approaching Saturn to where Saturn was in your birth chart. The transit is slow and the effects last for a few years prior and after. That first transit also coincides (which is no coincidence) with the maturity and development of the frontal lobe of the brain which controls not only motor skills but the consequences of actions and choices. As we climb out of adolescence and into maturity, Saturn is our teacher and our brains reach full connections. This transit has spelled the end of many a bright and promising young person who just couldn't escape the lessons of the old taskmaster and will never really "grow up" and handle the responsibilities of maturation. Amy, Janis, Jimi, and Morrison are just a few of the talented examples of this difficult transit but there are many artists, poets and musicians that burned up like meteors at that age. And quite a few that just barely escaped with their lives.

The second transit is one that I am personally well aware of as I just experienced it (around 58 to 60 yrs old.) It was not easy and entailed a lot of lessons about my health, my choices, my very peace of mind but I don't think the second return is nearly as traumatic as that first one. (Just an opinion.) My brain was connected and I was a whole lot more aware of consequences of actions...unlike the first time. Some astrologers say that the first return is when we must come into maturity and grow up and the second is when we acquire the wisdom of the elders. The third return, if your live to see it, occurs around 86 to 88 years and is either the transition to a second childhood or perhaps a transit to the great beyond. All of the transits of Saturn are shifts to a different level of experience which are undeniable.
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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by stilltrucking » July 24th, 2011, 10:19 am

Nobody, I venture to say, knew better than the young poet that for every failed or wasted life there must be another and another and another, without end, without hope—until one sees the light and elects to live by it.
Henry Miller discoursing on the spiritual suicide of modern youth.

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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by Arcadia » July 25th, 2011, 9:40 am

her name sounded to me, but in fact, I didn´t knew who she was & sang until I saw her on TV last saturday... seeing from here, it´s sad...
Trying to remember local musicians who died at 27 but the only ones who crossed my mind are Tanguito and Luca Prodan (not totally local and older). Gracias for the Saturn references, Soo, I didn´t knew about it.

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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by judih » July 25th, 2011, 11:31 am

thanks, Soo, for giving us a hook to understanding this age-phenomenon.
I'm about to try out my second return. Looking forward!

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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by stilltrucking » July 27th, 2011, 3:37 pm

sorry I misunderstood your post
I thought you were talking about the souls rebirth in another life time.
I was not aware of the Saturn transit but I have heard that the late twenties could be traumatic for some people.

I hope you are right about the second return but my second Saturn is in my rear view mirror and I am half way to my third and I am still a fool. But at least I have come to the realization that I am a fool. That might be worth something. Maybe.

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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by sooZen » July 28th, 2011, 7:27 am

Thank you all for the replies. Arcadia, I am sure there are some (there always are in that transit.)

judih, I am sure, with your wisdom, you will breeze through this transit. You can check the ephemeris to see when it is exact to your natal Saturn (not difficult with the computer now) and be aware. You might also want to do a bit of research on the "second coming" (hah!) to see what might be in store. Do you know what house your natal Saturn is in? (First, second, third, etc...) That would be an area that would be strongly affected as well as each house rules a different portion of your life. is a good resource for doing your natal chart and then seeing the transiting planets and forecasts. (I remember seeing your chart but it has been years!)

Jack, no, I have no info on rebirths. One of life's mysteries that I am not sure about but have some guesses and intuition but that is all. Astrology has been an almost lifelong study for me.

"I hope you are right about the second return but my second Saturn is in my rear view mirror and I am half way to my third and I am still a fool. But at least I have come to the realization that I am a fool. That might be worth something. Maybe." You are what you "think" you are...we are self created and creating beings.
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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by stilltrucking » July 28th, 2011, 7:53 am

"You are what you think you are"

I think I am a fool, but even so
I think: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made"

Have you ever wondered what George W. Bush thought he was .
I do, but I got too much time on my hands...
The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool
I love that bit, it is so circular, am I wise because I think I am a fool. :|

thank you for taking the time to reply to my foolishness.

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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by sooZen » July 28th, 2011, 10:18 am

No, I haven't given a thought to G.W., none at 'tall. (and could care less what he is thinking or thought.)

I like that saying too Jack, a wise one. You are welcome and I thank you also for an old friend...
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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by judih » July 28th, 2011, 3:17 pm

sooZen wrote: judih, I am sure, with your wisdom, you will breeze through this transit. You can check the ephemeris to see when it is exact to your natal Saturn (not difficult with the computer now) and be aware. You might also want to do a bit of research on the "second coming" (hah!) to see what might be in store. Do you know what house your natal Saturn is in? (First, second, third, etc...) That would be an area that would be strongly affected as well as each house rules a different portion of your life.
my Saturn's in the 1st house (libra)....i'll go google for awhile.

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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by sooZen » July 28th, 2011, 7:28 pm

First house transit of Saturn will strip away any illusions (you may have) of who you really are. It will become crystal clear.

Here is a good interpretation of natal Saturn in the first house, ... ouses.html
and then transiting Saturn in the first house, ... ouses.html
Interpretation is the real art in the science ('tis what it 'tis) and this site is fun and well done. Putting all together is an art as well, and intuitive. Enjoy the trip...
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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by judih » July 28th, 2011, 11:41 pm

thanks, Soo - i found the first link yesterday, and now the second link is a gem.
& perhaps this is why my partner did a total diet revolution when he turned 60 - pure vegan, total health- voila!

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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by VanessaJan » April 17th, 2015, 12:37 pm

Good thanks for the first house explanation, I sure needed it I remember like this
astrology site had it 8 years ago ....... I can't read it anymore. Can anyone tell me Uranus houses pretty pretty pleassseh
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27 Club

Post by wylde » April 23rd, 2015, 8:40 am

Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison all died at the age of 27 between 1969 and 1971. At the time, the coincidence gave rise to some comment,but it was not until the death of Kurt Cobain, about two and a half decades later, that the idea of a "27 Club" began to catch on in public perception.

In 2011, seventeen years after Cobain's death, Amy Winehouse died at the age of 27, and there was a large amount of media attention devoted to the club once again.

Three years earlier, she had expressed a fear of dying at that age.
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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by mnaz » April 23rd, 2015, 1:51 pm

Revolution 9 . . .

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Re: Amy and the Return

Post by wylde » April 24th, 2015, 3:52 am

and pi will always remain pi. whether eaten or in the face :)
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