March Free Poetry Jam!

Spontaneous poetry event - March 1 - 31, 2012
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March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by judih » March 1st, 2012, 10:47 am

Welcome to the poetry jam.
Please reply with poetry only, no commentary.
This is a spontaneous poetry jam.

through snow and storm
sand and winds
March roars

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by Chuquai » March 1st, 2012, 2:26 pm

Time is a railroad
with Life steaming across it like a Nation;
Time is a child
laughing innocently from a cracked mirror;
Time is vain because Time knows that time
is forever.

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by Doreen Peri » March 1st, 2012, 2:41 pm

Measured by seconds,
minutes, days, weeks, months,
time is a trickster, a hooligan,
the conductor of the damn
train, and when he drives
the thing, it's sometimes insane!

Around bends and curves,
up hills, and down 'round
a steep slope, we're railroaded
through snow banks, teased
by a spring breeze, and soon
we see wildflowers carefree
sprinkled on a field,
the world going by sideways,
days blending into years
and oh do we fear
that final destination?

Or are we looking forward
to getting there?

Let us out at the next station, please.
We need a break, to stretch our legs,
and the wheels may need a bit of grease.

I need to walk.
My feet are flat, they've lost their arch
and here it is, only March.
We have a long long
way to go.

Time goes too fast.
Time goes too slow.

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by judih » March 1st, 2012, 3:18 pm

time rushes by
as internet crawls, stalls, enthralls
while waiting for a post
march whispered hello
keeping me company
tapping the knuckle of night

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by Chuquai » March 1st, 2012, 3:31 pm

I didn't want to think about it
I didn't want to know,
trying to hold back the hands of time
and not sure if feelings will show;
and i'm drifting away in outer space
just like old Major Tom
I don't know how i came to this time and place
I just miss them, my dad and my mom

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by Doreen Peri » March 2nd, 2012, 12:11 am

I miss June. I miss July.
I miss August. I miss wondering why
I miss lovers, I miss yesterday's letters,
I miss the forgetfulness, the forgetters,
the remembrances, the memories.
I miss the cannot sees and the can sees,
the breezes in spring, the way we'd sing
when we did 2-part harmony, the wings
on a plane going somewhere.
I miss the dares, the risks, the brisk
crisp autumn air, the where I was when
I wanted to be there. I miss missing
everything that's missing, missed the
train a time or two, missed the bus,
missed you when you weren't here,
missed you when you were and ignored
me, missed the ability of a statement,
the way the creation made me want to
create again. I miss the heaven, the sin,
the joy, the changing of minds at the last minute,
the beauty and the ugliness, the decrepit
reminisce of a dream, the seemingly perfect
memories, the pictures framed and unframed,
the printed and unprinted kodachrome color
sequences, the betweens and the professions
of forever, the death inside my veins, the
futures never claimed.

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by judih » March 2nd, 2012, 12:42 am

pleased to wake up
what? morning?
a smile as i feel my feet
the looming possibilities
the present moment
never-ending current state of mind
open to suggestion

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by Doreen Peri » March 2nd, 2012, 1:05 am

I'm tired of missing. Missed appointments,
kissed off by the insistence of a dream mantra,
the sound of my own voice rebounded off walls,
tall buildings freefalling from a bomb or plane
used as a weapon, the incantation of an elusive
space station operated by unregistered engineers,
alien tears weeping the way affectations cause
a pause in thinking what may have been versus
what is. None of this makes sense.
It's just words on a page,
the rage of missing syllables,
missing meaning, missing seemingly
connected events.

It is pure and utter nonsense.

Nobody needs to miss anything, really.
It's a futile endeaver, whether there are reasons
which seem reasonable or not, whether there are
ink blot tests somehow supposedly determining
the verified truth of it all,
yes, it all is all in the imagination.

There's nothing to miss.
Not relations. Not vibrations.
Not musical phrases or poetic verse,
not pluses interspersed with significance,
not abbreviations standing for something more.
There's nothing in store
that happened yesterday or the day before.
There's nothing to miss.

Bliss is found within a moment of thought.
And that, my friend, is when the realization
of a second is found. Down that with a sip of
wine and time will stand still.

Like a photograph.
Weathered. Dog-earred. Faded.
All we have, after all, is confetti
and a box full of ticket stubs.

I miss nothing.
Only love.
And how can I miss that
when I love daylight when it intrudes
upon a never-ending night, the light
from a candle somehow reflecting hues
and tones on cheekbones and chin,
the way a heart shines through the eyes
out from within the surface of an iris?

There is nothing to miss
except the kiss of a rainbow dawn
on an ocean wave skimmed by a stone.

Throw another one.
Toss it straight out from the shoulder.
Ahhh.. but then you would miss today,

Bad idea. Never mind.

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by judih » March 2nd, 2012, 6:53 am

miss universe
miss world
miss dakotah
miss university
miss world peace
miss duck soup
miss universal concepts
miss world wide webs
miss daiquiris

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by Chuquai » March 2nd, 2012, 8:25 am

misinterpreting the rules
like all the years i spent vegetating in foreign schools,
misunderstanding what comes and go
missing pieces that stop the flow,
mis-representing culture because it doesnt fit the ideals
of handwritten dialogue from obscure movie reels;
mischief in the guise of backward chance
but they only want me to do the chuckle dance,
dis my style because it isnt hiphop singsong
because anything over 24 years is just plain wrong;
and here i sit brokenhearted
misinformed and happily misguided.

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by judih » March 2nd, 2012, 11:50 am

ah shit, the man brings me into higher planes
no good just spitting it out, the dude exclaims that life
kicks us in the node of resistance, strife contrives
to shift the doubt to insist that we throw up our past and
gamble on new, mistakes await to show themselves true
get out of the habit, move the lobes and just grab it when
it knocks on your door, it's lucky that you're the one hurled into more
screw the bargain basement life you consider your own
no guarantees, man, but you're still growin
naturally lazy i'm forced up a cliff
i risk collapse, and heartache and with it all
some bright shiny karma
yeah, right, dalai lama, who said you get anything in the 80 year old night
no promises, y'all but gotta see if you might.

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by joel » March 3rd, 2012, 3:29 pm

No promises, no premises: I march in time with nemeses
I've trained to jump-track grimaces that travel through my crevices—
but still I don't know what it is I'm jumping, skipping, timing, dripping—
worship services I'm lipping outta sync with time I'm tripping
spit the chewed-up chaw I'm dipping,
ripping out the write-up pages,
sinking— Save me, Rock of Ages!—
winking as I mock the sages as my rage is clocking on—
check your king, mate, 'cause my pawn is gonna win
this game of chest pain— time is spinnin' like your classes at the gym—
I'ma cycle on the whims of a thought, a shot at truth
fuck you, Oprah (misspelled): Ruth's gonna be King David's granny
give her time, she'll knock your fanny to the floor—
it's time for more; what's the stash you keep in store
for the March month's lion start? Beat it, Lamb of God, my heart—
beat me down and march aroun' and beat upside the head my frown:
dress me down and gown me up
with better times, Love, fill my cup.
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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by judih » March 3rd, 2012, 10:56 pm

care for a cuppa
a cuppa be nice, no?
a cuppa tea, a cuppa warm sweet time with me
a cuppa, i say
a cuppa love
a cuppa billion years of love
care for a cuppa?

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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by still.trucking » March 4th, 2012, 1:31 am

the time I wasted
tripping my brains out
on this and that
before I remembered that poetry is acid

it leadeth me to dark waters

a cuppa jimson weed tea
and the stars were going out
and from a distant mind
I heard time.

such a lovely melody
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Re: March Free Poetry Jam!

Post by judih » March 4th, 2012, 8:28 am

between wall streets i climb towards jupiter
gotta pull myself over the moon
soon as possible
before venus gets away
gotta get there before venus checks the time
slips out the door
gotta get there before


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