From Scotland with Love

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Shoving Words
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From Scotland with Love

Post by Shoving Words » March 7th, 2014, 8:59 am

Hello, Studio 8, or rather, Hello again, Studio 8...

A long hiatus has hurled me back. It's a very typical thing in Scotland; a lot of our traditional songs, poems, tales, are about someone leaving here, going far away, and realising on far off, distant shores, that home really is where the heart is, and, full of longing, lingering laments unfold, like the waves we long to hear, as they carry us gently, back to our well known shores.

Or, to put it another way, hi, I'm Bennie, back again after years at sea. A metaphorical sea.

I haven't written much in quite some time, not sure why, because I used to love it, and still crave it...but I started to think on it all too seriously, and the fun in it faded.

I've just ended a 14 month relationship (my longest one to date) with a woman carved from the dreams I used to have. A very strange relationship, towards the end, filled with mostly prepositions followed by question marks. A relationship lacking verbs and nouns. On? Off? or Under? The breakup itself was okay. We both decided that the traditional first stage, the "Romantic" stage, of the relationship had ended, and we didn't feel like we were moving together in the same way... these things happen, I'm told. The carved woman of my dreams now lies crumbled in the back of my brain. The last sentence relates to last weekend when I met her, and her new boyfriend, a mutual friend of ours, at a friend's band's gig in Glasgow. The breakup itself was fine, but now it hurts. She's in the list now. Number 1 with a bullet!

Anyway...enough of these morbid lashings of heavy rain and howling wind. My name is Bennie and I'm pleased to meet/re-meet you all.

As I quickly flicked through the posts on here I noted some familiar names. Many I still keep in contact with online.

How is this doing as an introduction? Shall I tell you my waist size? My favourite breed of dog? Shall I tell you that I don't like liquorice, or that I'm actually supposed to be doing February's invoices just now?

Or shall I tell you some important stuff, by way of a "how do you do?"?

My favourite poets: Philip Larkin; Allen Ginsberg; Dylan Thomas; Federico García Lorca; Pablo Neruda; Arthur Rimbaud.

My favourite album (at the moment): Beck - Morning Phase

You know what? You can just ask if you want to know anything else. Hello...looking forward to reading your work, and hopefully I'll get off my arse and write something worth posting and sharing with you all.

Peace out! and don't mention the war.

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Re: From Scotland with Love

Post by Doreen Peri » March 7th, 2014, 12:37 pm

Welcome back, Bennie!

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Shoving Words
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Re: From Scotland with Love

Post by Shoving Words » March 7th, 2014, 2:01 pm

Cheers, Doreen :)

The challenge I lay at these here boards, is to get me inspired out of a writerly rut, and heartache. :p

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Re: From Scotland with Love

Post by judih » March 8th, 2014, 12:14 am

no problem
just jam it onto a page and watch the river flow

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the mingo
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Re: From Scotland with Love

Post by the mingo » March 8th, 2014, 9:44 am

don't know bout the heartache, Scotland, but around here the ruts don't stand much of a chance
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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