
On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Post by WIREMAN » September 1st, 2015, 7:04 pm

Jump on in, it's like haibun in a way.....all u gots to do is spread ur wings and fly....... 8)

By way of explanation let's call it a kinda loose, beat, 1st thought/best thought, traveling journal, with haiku...and whatever else u wanna put in the mix :lol:
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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the mingo
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Re: Hobobun

Post by the mingo » September 1st, 2015, 8:44 pm

Today was a day of bridging gaps & solving mysteries - of finding the right tools for the work to be done. A day for young girls discovering wooden frogs that can sing. A day for men looking ahead to winter. A day for moving things packed in chests - for seeing the flash of wings in the corner of the eye - the fields rich with full flowering goldenrod, green and yellow whose dried brown stalks will stick up to rattle & bend here and there in the wind that will blow above the snows of January -

goes onward
there is
no other choice
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Hobobun

Post by WIREMAN » September 2nd, 2015, 12:46 am

From dream I awake
Endless in form
A journey of mind vision

Torn from the guts of imagination I ride to a swifter shore. Complex illusions confound me as I wake from my reverie. Free at last for perchance to dream. The hell hounds not giving up the everlasting vision. Tonight I finally could relax and simply, blissfully dream. When I awoke it all seemed so clear, even though I never knew those faces or that amazing place we all learned so much, a couple of hours were like a lifetime.....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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the mingo
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Re: Hobobun

Post by the mingo » September 2nd, 2015, 5:29 pm

you write it
you live it

Each day most amazing when you go to rack up the moments, each one of them filled with more than words can express or possess. Headed out this morning in one direction to do a thing but ended up in an entirely different direction doing an entirely different thing - it's this crew i've fallen in with since moving up here to the Plateau - one thing leads to another up here in almost a paranormal procession.

Today i discovered that you can catch a strange buzz from sewer gas.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Hobobun

Post by WIREMAN » September 3rd, 2015, 6:11 pm

Just where was I at? Oh yeah it was somewhere between Paris and petticoat junction. Sorta of a function with all the players lined up in the most interesting order. A small town indeed, full of smiles and beguiling sashays. Know wonder I never wanted to leave. But of course this was dreamtime, reality was about to kick in.

Slow awakening comes
Sitting on 7 minute bench
Train horn resounds

In city dreams, riding that train. I went back at it again. Had to shake myself for a moment when the conductor announced, "Rockville!". There I sat in dark silence on the platform. Took the elevator to the street and some needed Java at the metro mart.
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Hobobun

Post by the mingo » September 6th, 2015, 9:57 am

A few fallen leaves appearing on the river now, riding the current downstream. Funny how living next to a river affects your thinking & your speech. Different than living next to lake or having no body of water near at all. In a desert you have no use for the word "downstream" or "upstream" - I look out on this small river every morning from my bit of deck at the end of my river house - see it's day-to-day changes, sometimes hour-to-hour changes. Right now the current is slow, steady but slow. If it rains long enough the current rises in response to all the water that makes its way to the river. I was here when the snow melted at the end of last winter - Whew! This river roared. In many sections there was serious whitewater. The speed of the current was awesome. None of that today. Just a few leaves going by, slow & steady. Two crows flying over, Indian file - crickets ... dragonflies ... turtles ... frogs ... fish ... me, standing here looking ... listening ...

one crow
two crows
an early morning's traffic
down by
the river
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Hobobun

Post by WIREMAN » September 6th, 2015, 2:05 pm

banks of the flow
Mind wanders far
Red, yellow,
float away

Town sizzling, sideways glances abound. A toddler falls, then screams and cries, soon it's all over. Mirrored reflections from across the street. The coffee tastes good, it's going on two pm.
I ponder a kindle purchase. Lazy Sunday indeed.

Cars stream by
Everyone looking, dreaming
Leaves changing soon
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Hobobun

Post by the mingo » September 6th, 2015, 7:14 pm

Doctor Sax lived in the woods, he was no city shroud. I see him stalking with the incredible Jean Fourchette, woodsman of the dump, idiot, giggler, toothless-broken-brown, searched, sniggerer at fires, loyal beloved companion of long childhood walks - the tragedy of Lowell and the Sax Snake is in the woods, the world around -
Doctor Sax - Jack Kerouac

Quiet here now, the day another scorcher - evening on everything - every house growing in shadows - the river dark in its bed - I wonder where those two crows are that I saw fly across the river early this morning - wonder to what they are doing now as the day closes up -

just wonder ...

neither gravity
or wisdom
can ever hold me
i was never born
& can never die
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Hobobun

Post by WIREMAN » September 6th, 2015, 7:27 pm

Nobody knows
When I die
Where I go
Ain't nobody knows

Fact, like the boom Shaka lack, there of hallowed be thy kingdom come. Old Dr. Sax knew as he blew them bowels of the imagination to kingdom come. Jack was on that merchant ship, a ghost all them nights,it was the not knowing of that I'm sure. Acceptance the key, your time will come, snapped to the other side. I thought I was goin there in '76 off the top of that pickup truck on a dark road, but it wasn't my time for dyin'.....

I was alive
All I could do was laugh
The lights shinin"
On me in the road
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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the mingo
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Re: Hobobun

Post by the mingo » September 6th, 2015, 9:58 pm

My days
of being
a missile
are behind me
now too

Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Hobobun

Post by WIREMAN » September 8th, 2015, 7:02 pm

Warm night asphalt
Obliterated by the binge
Salt scents bluegrass

You coulda heard a pin drop, silence was deafening. A circle of stars encompassed me. My life flashed before my eyes. I knew I had fucked up but I was not afraid. All I could do was make like superman and hit the road.
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Hobobun

Post by WIREMAN » September 12th, 2015, 2:01 pm

.......dateline, weather abysmal for the populace.....I'm ok with the washout.....wet people coming in the bar....I'm diggin it cause it's real cool outside ......just bought a new kindle, ferlinghetti's travel journals......feelin alright, although I gots my fingers crossed.....good to have health ins. after 8 years, felt like I was doin a crap shoot with my life....got my card in my wallet now,legit......

Dreaming better daze
Coolness under sheltered walls
Snug bug in rug

Time marching oh so fast.....yet....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Hobobun

Post by the mingo » September 12th, 2015, 3:52 pm

I got the VA so not too worried just yet - of course there are limits to everything, like King Solomon said. Why am I thinking of long gone Hebrew kings on a rain drenched Saturday on Tug Hill Plateau ? If I had the true answer to that I'd probably also be able to manipulate the next lottery drawing.
Monday I'll be working for wood. No money involved. Paid in wood. I don't have a problem with that and come December & January & February & March I'll be smiling my nice warm ass over it all.

Time moving
always moving
today's rain
is tomorrow's snow
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Hobobun

Post by WIREMAN » October 11th, 2015, 12:44 pm

90's music invasion
Sitting here at the bar
Suddenly it's fall

......dreamy night, so wore out from the week, just wanna surrender. Always reading bout Jack Kerouac it seems. Remembering that time awhile back and my daughter calling him a homo, I threw her out of my house. So fuckin' what if the guy sucked a few gore vidals when he was young, he was a helluva writer......this 90's music getting old....trying to listen to miles Davis on my buds but I can't drown it out.....less than a half hour it'll be kickoff time....Ravens and Redskins games in simultaneous stereo.....me writing hobobun's all the live long day, my one day off from the grind....but you know what?....I love that grind, keeps me alive....movement, escape....rattle ....rattle.....Columbus Day mañana, no trains gonna hitch a ride to the museum....thanks be to good friends....

Buzz then the itch
Looked into them demon eyes
Fucker winked at me
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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the mingo
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Re: Hobobun

Post by the mingo » October 11th, 2015, 2:04 pm

Ain't written a hobobun for a month - leaves were all still green last time I wrote, now much color. Not flaming bright though, more like all the hues are flat - the river is carrying many leaves caught in its currents. I think it's more the leaves letting go of the tree than the tree letting go of the leaf -

blinded by grass
tilting to one side
an old car, long abandoned
sinks slow
into the earth

Gonna go back to my river watching - maybe I'll count the leaves going past for awhile. Got an old Simon & Garfunkel tune been going through my head from '69 I think. A song about memories no less - guess I'll count that going down the river too.

the day seems
brighter with music
the night, darker

Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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