OPEN YER DAMN EYES FOLKS (SooZ’s on a Rampage…)

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OPEN YER DAMN EYES FOLKS (SooZ’s on a Rampage…)

Post by sooZen » December 9th, 2015, 12:20 pm

Journal Post by SooZen

Sometimes. I. Just. Want. To. Scream…!!!!!!!!!!!
I do… (Really SooZ???)
Why you may ask?

There is so much tragedy in this world and we Big Apes (us humans) can spend all our waking hours focusing and tuned in, 24/7, on what is wrong?, who is killing whom?, who is saying what?, what is on sale where?… and it tends to drive me nutz (as if you weren’t already Soo).

Our species is totally focused on “our species!” Never mind the rest of the natural world. It is a lot of bull puckey, to put it nicely. Because the entire planet is in crisis, fear is rampant, and “us vs them” is all some can think about. (Or, how much is that doggie in the window?)

“Crapola!”, I say (and I want to scream it out loud) but the real tragedy is so many are deaf to the screaming planet I hear EVERY. SINGLE. DAY…

How many humans were killed in all the wars on this planet?
How many humans die in plane or auto crashes?
How many humans are washed away in floods or typhoons?
How many humans fall out of burning towers?
How many humans blow themselves up?
Hell…the list goes on and on and on and on, ad infinitum…
And it doesn’t even come close to the real loses on the orb we so flippantly call “Home Sweet Home”.

Do you know how many Giant Condors are left? Those magnificent birds that used to fly freely in our previously “wild west?” Exactly 400 in 2015. Four freaking hundred!!! They have existed for thousands of years until we came along with our weapons, our chemicals, our stupid a** attitudes that the earth was ours to crap on as we please. Do you know what happens when you foul your nest??? Do you??? YOU DIE! YOUR BELOVED CHILDREN DIE! YOUR SWEET FRIENDS DIE!

No shit, we are gonna die and those we love are going down with us and the few great and small species we so love to abuse for our own profit (which is a loss we cannot recover) are gone FOREVER AND EVER, Ah-freaking-MEN!!!

IF it isn’t cute and fuzzy…SCREW IT… and if it stands silent and tall like a Giant Sequoia or Redwood tree, CUT THAT SUCKER DOWN…! It makes great decks or firewood or whatever the hell we want to do with unsustainable natural resources we “think” we OWN.

WE DO NOT “OWN” THIS PLANET! Comprende? Are you listening you silly clown face apes? (Well, the way things are going, I seriously doubt many are SooZ…even when you do SCREAM at them…so there’s that.)

All the DAMN fences, walls, dams, defenses, castles with kings & queens of the Corptocracy & Wall Street (apt name) mean ONLY ONE THING TO ME…! (What now Soo?)


Instead of being a part of the whole, we want to part and parcel it all and whomever gets the biggest PIECE OF THE PIE WINS! Whoopie!!! Hah!

The only ones that will win are the peacemakers, the awakened, the nurturers, the soldiers on the front lines between the idiots and dunces (who are killing & raping our planet) and the Natural World we DEPEND ON!!!
BLESS THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE…(I am just a beggar now, with my begging bowl outstretched to the Uni-verse…) give us all some wisdom to know what we are doing…BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS, BREATHES, AND LOVES ON THIS FRAGILE (Handle With Care) BLUE BALL IN SPACE…

Susan Elizabeth Appleby Lee
(Hump Day is “Love a RARE Bactrian Camel Day” to me)
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
7:55 am MST
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Re: OPEN YER DAMN EYES FOLKS (SooZ’s on a Rampage…)

Post by saw » December 9th, 2015, 12:55 pm

Some days I too want to scream
for all the same reasons you enumerate ....and I think it's good to do so, when we all leave our homes in unison and begin to scream at the powers that be, perhaps we will get some action

Amy Goodman did this amazing piece this morning on Democracy Now, with one of a kind interviews with refugees in a camp called Calais in northern France....six or seven thousand people living in tents and crude shacks fleeing the terror of war.....and even though everyone interviewed knew it was the US, or the UK, they still want to go there....because it's safer to live with the bombers than the bombees....and they understand our people and British people are the same as them....pawns...on the chessboard of maniacs....

I broke down crying listening to this articulate 21 year old man that fled Syria as he described how similar he was to had a car and a house, went to parties.....until the bombing....and now has nothing....all he can do is run.....and what does he want ?

He wants peace.....all of the refugees want peace.....they are folks just like ourselves....they don't even speak disparaging against the governments perpetrating their
nightmares....Calais is an international encampment broken up like small countries...
like a a mini=map of the world....all escaping bombing.....well worth it to stream her show today

Though I knew much of this, to hear the personal stories was so powerful

As citizens we need to demand that our taxes aren't used to kill innocent people

And we haven't even begun to talk about the destruction of the planet that provides us life as you illuminated so well

All I can say is, as a whole we are not ready to fight....We are still in the complaining stages
When many more citizens take to the streets we will see the powers in charge begin to listen
The late great Howard Zinn always talked about this...and he remained hopeful that we would wake up one day, til the day he died.....because as he often stated, we outnumber them ( the lunatics making decisions for us...without our input )

I don't thing it's a waste of time to scream on a poetry site, or anywhere else...this is how we raise keep it coming.....
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Re: OPEN YER DAMN EYES FOLKS (SooZ’s on a Rampage…)

Post by mnaz » December 13th, 2015, 8:26 pm

Excellent piece. I might have to come back to it, but I have to run now.

The species conceit you speak of is on the money. It is pretty firmly rooted in religious belief ("man hath dominion"), but I also think our species is just generally blind and selfish too.

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Re: OPEN YER DAMN EYES FOLKS (SooZ’s on a Rampage…)

Post by sooZen » December 20th, 2015, 10:32 am

Thanks for the responses Saw and Mnaz... and for reading. Unfortunately my time is limited (especially this time of the year!) to do them justice.
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Re: OPEN YER DAMN EYES FOLKS (SooZ’s on a Rampage…)

Post by mnaz » December 22nd, 2015, 5:44 pm

I particularly liked this part:

Instead of being a part of the whole, we want to part and parcel it all and whomever gets the biggest PIECE OF THE PIE WINS! Whoopie!!! Hah!

The only ones that will win are the peacemakers, the awakened, the nurturers, the soldiers on the front lines between the idiots and dunces (who are killing & raping our planet) and the Natural World we DEPEND ON!!!
BLESS THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blessed are the peacemakers. The money-changers shall have their tables overturned. (Am I having a "Jesus" moment here?)

SooZ, this thread reminds me of one of your LK threads from back in July 2004 (just one week before the boards shut down). And I like Cec's response-- these parts in particular:
Posted to Poetry and Politics/ by mtmynd on 2004-07-16 09:04:00

... someone or some people out there in the world that have some answers to our fragile world. Yes, there are many pleading, shoving out the message to others, to other nations, to other leaders in the world, but those people seem to dismiss these things that threaten humanity in the long run... our grandchildren may indeed live on a planet totally unrecognizable to us in the near future...

The tools of spreading the reality of what is happening to our environment are in our hands. But people must be able to read, to think beyond the box of conditionings that have been built decades ago... this is a new world we live in, a world that depends on acceptance of new ideas, new information, the newly discovered links that make us, the human being, what we are and can be.

The ideals of the past, our philosophies, our religions, our politics are what is preventing much of what has been noted by the so-called "tree huggers" and worse, to take full root in fertile ground.

We know that we are somehow all connected in one way or another... but we seem to disregard that truth, for our own insistence to outdo the other man is what is depriving the future of our species and all the other species upon this once fertile and diverse 'Garden of Eden'...
(emphasis mine)

I also weighed in on that thread:
Posted to Poetry and Politics/ by j_daniels on 2004-07-16 11:41:00

Some possible reasons why people don't care as much as they should about the environment, in general:

1). It's hard to see. Most issues are not 'tangible'; they do not (yet) affect most average people on an everyday basis.

2). There are innumerable variables to account for in making any study or prediction about environmental phenomena, which in itself tends to make the whole field seem rather abstract or arbitrary in the minds of many.

3). Related to (2), corporate money no doubt plays a role. Some, or perhaps all large corporations, for which tighter environmental regulations would cut into their profit margins, employ well-paid scientists to exploit the inexact nature of this science, selectively tweaking their variables of choice or perhaps just fabricating data to make their studies come out in the company's favor.

4). It seems most of the world's population keeps itself on a "fear diet", mostly courtesy of their leaders. If the masses are perpetually led to believe that "The Enemy will come over the wall and destroy you within a year or two if you don't act now", then what relative place in their thinking or priorities will claims of environmental blight thirty years hence occupy?

We should care, but we don't, for the most part, unfortunately.
This response of mine was not popular btw on such a progressive, forward-thinking site as LK-- though I don't think it's necessarily an inaccurate assessment.

Something else I noticed in that thread: US resource consumption was stated at 60% of world consumption. I thought it was less (though still too much), so now I guess I'll have to go look that up.

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Re: OPEN YER DAMN EYES FOLKS (SooZ’s on a Rampage…)

Post by sasha » April 14th, 2016, 6:43 am

My God can beat up your God, & unless you bow down to him now, he'll be comin' after you.

Hey, nice little spread you got here. My God says I should take it for myself.
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: OPEN YER DAMN EYES FOLKS (SooZ’s on a Rampage…)

Post by Steve Plonk » April 22nd, 2016, 11:02 am

Remember Earth Day is today, April 22, 2016. Try to act on it every day. SooZ, you're one
of the the few on this site who is constantly environmentally aware. I can count them on
the fingers of two hands. God Bless & keep on rampaging... 8) :)

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