Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Welcoming 2006 - Dec 31, 2015 - Jan 10 2016
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Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by judih » December 30th, 2015, 10:33 pm

2016 Welcome Word Jam
December 31st until January 10th 2016

Here we go!

Let's warm our hearts
Let's lighten up the atmosphere
Let's celebrate Life together
Come on!

Let's get ourselves a good hefty start to this new Calendar year

Never been to a Word Jam? Word Jams are a series
of ongoing spontaneous writing events hosted by
Studio Eight dot TV

not so fine print: BYOM
Bring Your Own Muse or Get Inspired By The Muse Of Others

Feel free to post your artwork or photography to the Jam
thread, as well as your words.

Hope to see you!

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by judih » December 30th, 2015, 10:35 pm

the mingo goes first

gotta go
gotta go
gotta go go go
snow on the ground
dark river running
lew welch still lost
somewhere in the woods
and i'm stackin' wood
against the house
against the cold
against the blues all around
it's winter & i'm in fortress mode
the neighbors have bought more chickens
eggs all 'round
hashbrowns anyone?

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by judih » December 30th, 2015, 10:45 pm

it's been a long few hours
inching towards the jam
sensing the moment
pulse way ahead of me
mind playing etch-a-sketch
all directions, no control
losing it without a net
do you feel what i feel?

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by Doreen Peri » December 31st, 2015, 12:09 am

Wait a minute! What happened?
Are we here? In the next century?
Seems like yesterday we were traipsing through
the 20th trying to figure out how to figure out
where we were going from men on the moon,
the atomic bomb, Haight Ashbury, VietNam,
people telling all the people they were lost,
trying to find ourselves at all cost and then
half a century later, we have war upon war upon war,
all of us wondering what the hell we're here for,
computers in our pockets, access to knowledge
so much more multiplied than when we went to college
and we are at the door of infinite futility or frivolity,
doors opening up like they never did before and I am
on my knees pleading to be in it, whatever it is,
but wait a minute, what century is this and what
penitentiary are we in? Can we be released to begin again?
Participants wail and cry, sigh not knowing why and I
myself want to simply dive off head first into the highway
from the over-extended bridge, ridges on my fingernails,
wailing, help me help me help me, as I freefall into the pavement,
caws of ravens accompanying me.... oh say can you see the end?
It's not the fall, it's that quick stop that hurts, but then we climb back
up the scaffolding and it's yet again
another year, all of us dozens of other years older
and so we wrap ourselves in a blanket of lies,
hold ourselves in the hearts of tries and tries again,
begin to see the horizon out of the corners of our eyes
as the ball drops
dammit, and it's a mishmash of arms legs heads
wondering if we're dead
or alive, striving to see
striving to see
what the hell we are doing....
pursuing a jam?
Dammit, a jam?
And I thought it was strawberry preserves
or somethin', spread on a piece of i-don't-know-who-i-am
shortbread, still alive, not yet dead, brothas and sistas,
so let's DO IT! Shall we?
Break free from the bondage and GO GO GO GO GO!
Two Thousand and SixTEEN. I mean...
Drop your pick-up sticks and pick 'em up again
just to throw 'em down! Give us your words, my friends! It's not the
end yet! It's only the beginning!

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by Doreen Peri » December 31st, 2015, 12:44 am

and nobody's here but me,
walking off the precipice from futility
to splash. hey, anybody out there got some cash?
i need to borrow a few bucks, 'cause just my luck,
i'll be roaming the streets without a meal.
can ya feel me?
i'm starvin'.
need some lucidity, darlin'.

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by judih » December 31st, 2015, 10:22 am

no cash
but an orchard of oranges
ripens down the way
let's fill our mouths with life
and our bellies with sun

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by saw » December 31st, 2015, 12:23 pm

how do the poor find joy
where do they begin to look
I get by with plastic and hope
plastic hope has a ring to it
so ring in the new year, ring
in the faith of possible prosperity
'cause we are kidding ourselves
to preach positivism and love
when we no longer have a roof
so cling to things working out
believe that good thoughts
can make a difference, believe
in making new friends, loves
that understand we are all in this
together, and commit to helping
less fortunate, 'cause there's is always
someone worse off, push thru the pain
that comes with aging, push thru
the negativity of not having enough
look forward to breakthroughs, connections
with the community, support from
the community, strength in the neighborhood
strength in numbers, hope in determination
smile often, say hello to strangers
offer your help, it just might come back
to you when your really need it, never
wall off, hide in the corner of your debts
find the right folks for a communal house
make your last stand with love all around you
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by neologistic » December 31st, 2015, 1:00 pm

"the little things"

new year, new lung
(or maybe not so drastic.)
in the hospital til it's well '16,
pneumonia and sepsis ellipsis all spastic...

been awhile, love you all,
the meds make my writing worse.
better here - in a jam -
than thinking about ailing purse.

i've got to feel like its a new year for me
and all the world around.
moreso though i've got to know so
by having a heavy hand in doing so.

my resolve? to make it better, hey Jude.

for who? it's easy to see a 10k foot view of the Venn diagram that is the communities at large
when you're ringing in the new year to the rhythm of an IV drip

don't ask me why, and maybe it's the medication..
but i'm in a jam, and i like it.

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by WIREMAN » December 31st, 2015, 2:27 pm

free at last
some of us
gots to work
i wanna jam wid u
& u & u & u..........
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by Steve Plonk » December 31st, 2015, 4:11 pm

Jammin de jammin, Jammin de jammin
I flew with a fly through the flue...

I like this figurative place
I like to make a cloudy trace
Like an airplane in the sky
Even late at night like the space station... :)

There is a new heaven on this old borrowed earth
The space station is our reminder of second birth
Fear not for we have witnessed great joy
Which will overcome our sorrow-- 8)

A promise of a new tomorrow
A new slate--
The circle of life & time spins back around:
We are made new with the new year
Praise the Power that be
May the light force be with you all... :idea: :D

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by whoaisme » December 31st, 2015, 5:46 pm

blue sky
lunch time blues
27 degrees, gabe
down the hall says
he's seen colder,
much colder.

i was walking to the liquor store
and almost broke my ass
crossing the street, slipped
on a piece of that invisible

tonight, time is ours.
we tell it these little things.

we're goin drinking..
"From the sudden invasion of a mind not my own in the world. This I will record. For whom? For m y s e l f, beyond denial and beyond indifference." - Philip Lamantia

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by 68degrees » December 31st, 2015, 6:21 pm

I'll be wearing my jammies soon, me and my bride, watching the new year come in like a cold puff of air, coldest of the winter so far, which ain't saying much, ice caps melting and tears are falling and polar bears are crying and Obama was crying on TV last night listening to Ella wail away on the piano singing, You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman, and Carole King was up in the balcony going crazy and Tapestry posters were on the stage and for a minute I thought it was 1971 again and me enjoying my Xmas break, no school and mom and dad in the kitchen on Daniels Avenue and my sisters and my brother and the smells of the family and the cooking and the dog and Viet Nam on the television and maybe I'm glad it's not 1971 after all the times you thought were slower and more fun really weren't you were just younger and thought 2016 tomorrow Happy New Year's Eve everyone let's have a cold one to top off the evening see ya' tomorrow morning when we can start the countdown down to another one next year ain't life grand the way things change but really don't in another year we'll all just older, that all, folks.

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by WIREMAN » December 31st, 2015, 7:39 pm

years end
backside of a
popsicle slide
never seen
in the road
but apparent
it is a tale told
by a fool, fulla
bulla or was the
sound and fury
perchance to dream
yes another year flies
by and the sound
of thunder fills the
air, crack the sky
you reaper, crack....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by dune » December 31st, 2015, 8:55 pm

I traveled from faraway lands,
over searing dunes and flats of mirage,
pulled by deep blue waters that vanish,
thirsting for the oasis of jam;
the crazy garden of poets;
their verse entwined.

The trip was long;
my passage to the new world.
I became dune, traveler from the sun;
my arrival foretold in a thousand fortune cookies;
my text box ready to rock the beat.

I rejoice!
I repent!
I revive!
I will trod new lands in this new trip around the big fire orb.
But . . . for . . . now . . . I am . . . I jam . . .

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Re: Jam Here! 2016 Welcome Word Jam!

Post by whoaisme » December 31st, 2015, 9:30 pm

damn! you guys, go on and jam with your bad selves :idea: :arrow:
"From the sudden invasion of a mind not my own in the world. This I will record. For whom? For m y s e l f, beyond denial and beyond indifference." - Philip Lamantia


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