Sunday Stream (S8 - 289) - Kingdom of Trump

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (S8 - 289) - Kingdom of Trump

Post by mtmynd » March 18th, 2018, 5:36 pm

Kingdom of Trump

The psuedo-President commanding loyalty from any all who work for him, regardless of their own opinions, is enough proof to anyone with a stick of sense to KNOW what an inept, arrogant and cowardly human being that as EVER occupied the Office for We the People that there ever has been.

He and he alone, (the way he likes it), must assume, the responsibility of his continued fracturing our one time Nation that has been able to survive and even exceed ourselves by accepting what we have long striven to be - A Nation for the People and By The People and NEVER to have a tyrant anywhere near the White House, which sadly is happening right before our very eyes with a man that not only is tyrannical but lies and deceives "his" public without one bit of sorrow or apology for anything he does on his on-going assault to everything that makes and has made OUR COUNTRY what it was before the Electoral College selected this terrible excuse for OUR President that it defies logic why he is still allowed his loud and disjointed thinking to continue to DIVIDE our country for the 21st Century, a century which should continue bringing humanity together instead of the oligarchical tyrant who demands to not only be heard but to control OUR NATION as he and he alone feels fit to do... just like he does "his" Trump Incorporated... the "Kingdom of Trump.
Repeat to ourselves - Trump has NEVER worked for ANYONE. Trump has NEVER served the very country he assumes control over. Trump has repeatedly found loopholes in our Nation of Laws for his OWN benefit, the people be damned. Trump has openly cheated on his three (3) wives using his wealth to buy lawyers to defend anything and everything illegal he has done and done openly. Trump, obviously highly influenced by the Mafia, has used their techniques to cheat, steal and deceive most, if not all, his business dealings to favor his own wealth often leaving those who he contracted to accept their losses with his lawyers prepared to defend his name.

This is hardly all this man called "Trump" does and continues to do but how much do We the People require before WE oust this CON-MAN out of his position of privilege which is obviously and completely untrustworthy. If his continued degradation of our long-established and trustworthy Justice system continues his assaults what good can possibly good come of this?

Now he accuses our Justice system of not having enough people who would kowtow to his demands. Is this the sort of man we really want, much less need, to serve ALL the People? We will NEVER see the day when he will serve ALL THE PEOPLE for his only interest is money, i.e. MONEY!. He will bend and even deceive the same members of America's Oligarchy to make sure his life in the Gilded Tower will never be threatened and wealth will continue piling up to ensure his power. We've heard his mention how the leadership of China will now serve a lifetime... how we have seen (Ras) Putin controlling votes to assure his control. These two examples should be proof enough that Trump idolizes their power and beyond and doubt, we should know he would love to join that select group of power hungry men. Trump will continue his assault on our Constitution, chipping away in any way possible, using his band of lawyers to do his bidding, for cost is not nearly as important as the goal.

Let us be very careful.. very alert to what his dangerous man will do next, should he remain in office. He is NOT nor intends to ever be Favorable to "we the people." OUR future belongs to each and every citizen and not to the money mad corruption of those who enforce and (blindly) support DJT. He doesn't deserve us no more than we deserve his crooked leadership.

mtmynd AKA Cecil B. Lee
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Re: Sunday Stream (S8 - 289) - Kingdom of Trump

Post by still.trucking » March 19th, 2018, 11:36 pm

we the algorithms
of a vast right-wing conspiracy
are calling the shots
and buying the vote with Dark Money
reminds me of the Junkers who thought they could manipulate sHitler
meanwhile on Facebook
I got a billion friends I don't know

pardon the wander
thanks for the stream
just call me puckered up in Texas
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Re: Sunday Stream (S8 - 289) - Kingdom of Trump

Post by mnaz » March 21st, 2018, 1:22 pm

Well put. It just gets worse and worse.

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Re: Sunday Stream (S8 - 289) - Kingdom of Trump

Post by stilltrucking » March 21st, 2018, 3:53 pm

Got to get worse before it can get better,
wait wait, I see light at the end of the tunnel
always darkest before the dawn
so much for optimism
what ever happened to low hanging fruit

I still prefer commas to bullets
Kingdom of Trump
could turn bloody
if we let those Russian Bots take over the NEWS, we will all be at each other's throats.

We the people must carry on
and stay calm

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