fuk bugs

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fuk bugs

Post by mtmynd » May 26th, 2005, 11:59 pm

We have this bug that comes around every year. I don't have its entymological name. I simply call it a fuk bug. Actually there's alot of them... a whole hell of a lot of them. They don't fly but walk... and walk quite fast. The thing that interests me about these little nondescript bugs is that they are always seen mating.

When they join together they go at it ass-to-ass - one dragging the other... the other walking just as fast backwards as the dragger walks forward.

For the longest time I assumed that the dragger was male and the dragee was female... until recently. Maybe I see the female situation clearer now than before, but it seems logical that the dragger is female while the dragee is male... hell! the male wouldn't care less what direction he was walking as long as he was getting some ass. And the female..? well, she pretty much calls the shots - 'if mama ain't happy then nobody is happy" as the saying goes... so why wouldn't the dragee be female?

This season the fuk bugs have changed their genders... for me anyway. This season the dragger is female in my book... dragging the male around while he contently has his fuk bug penis engaged within her.

These fuk bugs are everywhere... and they are always connected. Those fuk bugs gotta populate the yard for the next season when maybe, just maybe.. the male will be the dragger. I'll wait it out and see.
Last edited by mtmynd on April 23rd, 2016, 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » May 27th, 2005, 12:39 am

Not sure if is the same species. Around South Texas people called them Love Bugs. First time I dorve in to a swarm of them was like a black cloud across the highway. Covered the the windshield and the truck.

Not to change the subject but I remember a comparative anotomy Prof telling us that for a human sperm to reach the female egg is the equivelent of a hman being swimming through fourteen miles of molasses.

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Re: fuk bugs

Post by dadio » January 4th, 2011, 4:16 am

Interesting write on bugs.

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