3AM Visit by Anger

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3AM Visit by Anger

Post by Doreen Peri » October 8th, 2004, 12:38 am

It was 3 o'clock in the morning
When Anger knocked down my door.
Off its hinges it came with a gust and a rain –
He tore up my entire decor!

The drapes ended up on the carpet.
The sofa was quickly destroyed.
He broke all my windows and tore off my roof.
Seemed demolition was what he enjoyed.

Within between two and three hours,
My house was a shambles, a wreck!
I screamed to him, "Stop!" but his only response
Was to use a chainsaw on my deck.

By the time that the damn dude was finished,
He was exhausted, completely worn out!
With the aim to appease, I begged him, "Hey, please,
What the heck was this ruckus about?"

"Are you asking me why I am Anger?
No-one's asked me that question before.
You're kidding! You care? Well, I do declare!
How very kind of you, Ma'am, to implore."

I gave him a cup of coffee,
Sat him down on the chair that remained.
"Yes," I said, "sir, I would like to confer
With you. Are you quite rational? Sane?"

He looked like he thought I was crazy!
"Sane?" he asked, "Me? Don't you know?
Why, undoubtedly, to a certain degree
I'm as sane as the next one, although,

I belong to a man who's a tyrant.
He tries to control how I act.
I'm locked in a pen for days, months on end,
It's been years, as a matter of fact!"

"Why does he treat you so poorly?"
I asked him, "That's awful! So mean!
"Well, he has the impression that my interjection
Could cause problems for him and his scene.

You see, he's a con-trolling fellow,
He doesn't allow for the steam
To escape from the pot! It builds up, it's a lot
And so when I break out, it's extreme."

"Are you trying to tell me more freedom
From your life as a prisoner might
Have saved me my deck and my house that's a wreck
If he'd only allow you daylight?"

"That's exactly what I am explaining.
You have listened quite well, Ma'am! I'm glad.
Could I stay here? Oh please! Now the pressure's released!
You'd be the best master I've had!"

"No, sorry, I have my own Anger.
I don't have any room for you, sir.
I release him each week or more often to peak
At the world. And at times, I'm chauffeur."

"I'm jealous," he stated, quite frankly.
"You allow him to go where he will?"
"Not so, not precisely," I answered, concisely,
"I control where he's going with skill.

I never allow him to wander
Without being mindful, alert.
He's a child of mine, see, and I must purposely
Make it certain he's safe and not hurt."

My guest then said he must be leaving
So I showed him the door he'd knocked down.
I suppose he returned to his prison unearned
Since it's clear he's no longer around.

I checked my own Anger this morning.
He was fine, safe and sound, not outraged.
I asked, "Did you hear we had company here?"
He said, "Yes! What a war that dude waged!"

He asked if I'd give him the freedom
To hunt down our unwelcome guest.
I told him, "Not now, I'm afraid that somehow
If you did, it would make a worse mess."

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Post by WIREMAN » October 8th, 2004, 9:33 am

-d....3 am sojourns into the otherside......wow!....doesn't this wired man know where yer comin' from.....when that anger man comes knockin' at my door or even knocks it down....I sit him down and load the peace pipe up and we both go away with great big smiles, knowin' the lowdown.....hester said it last night ...cj says it to me constantly t.t.s.p. this to shall pass...by the way -d that was an entertaining read.......sittin' here in limbo......el marko

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Post by Doreen Peri » October 8th, 2004, 12:47 pm

it was just a rhyming answer to the Anger assignment on litkicks, mark, which remains unpublished

a little philosophy .... I could have just said "don't hold your anger in... it isn't healthy"

would have been more concise

i haven't written rhyming poetry in ages so i thought it would be fun to try it again...no great literature here, that's for sure....i need to write some real stuff

see? you share a peace pipe with him? i share a cuppa coffee.... same routine, different household *smile

thanks much

(PS - your reply to my whine post was much appreciated, but please understand that my impasse slump is only related to pushing myself too hard for too long)

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Post by WIREMAN » October 8th, 2004, 4:07 pm

i sure do know about pushing yerself too hard.....that's how I make my livin' ya know.......after these shows and the open studio tour I think I'm takin a week off..........for sure...... 8)

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Post by magicmystery » March 23rd, 2005, 5:39 am

I'm in here reading all the stuff I missed first go around.....

The dude sounds like me... a most agreeable person most of the time to the point of becoming a doormat... but woe to the person who is wiping their feet on me when I think I've had enough...

This carpet gets up and the poor schmuck ends up on his ass wondering how he got there.

I liked this so much that I had to print it out and hang it by the mirror in my bedroom.... a daily reminder to let out the steam a little at a time to prevent certain calamity.

Sherry :wink:

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