#4 Story Jam - Road Trip

Sept - Nov 2005
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Post by mnaz » November 12th, 2005, 4:23 am

my god, it's a hellhole of a desert out there. Who ever thought to build a city in that place? Fuckin' insane. Never been to Maryland, but I have passed along I-10 Arizona in 112 degrees, windows down.... hell that was only last summer, and I had visions of 105 degree relief at the California line, though I never made it that far. I eventually pulled off on a side trail and melted straightaway into the driver's seat.

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Post by tinkerjack » November 12th, 2005, 4:28 am

got to find jimboloco's night mare picture to post.

Cerittos NM (sp?) night sky desert sky full of stars, a horse peacefully grazing

The desert on a clear night, winter nights so much sky, so many stars, is there a cathederal that could feel anymore sacred? makes me happy to just to think of it.
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Post by mnaz » November 12th, 2005, 4:35 am


The desert sky in the deepest chill of outer space night.

A magnificent cathedral, origin manifest.


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Post by palephx » November 12th, 2005, 6:01 am

The etheral cathedral met-
and god said to me,
"Jealous much, bitch?"

Your monkey babble doesn't sell,
and not because no one buys it,
but because those who do don't count.

They reflect your ego nice-ly.
They deflect your insults blind-ly.
Let's be smiley.
Let's put an emoticon after we're cunt-y.
It'll make it all bet-ter

as we travel down the road.
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by tinkerjack » November 12th, 2005, 10:40 am

Lesson 2-The Ending
All too often, the budding author finds that his tale has run its course and yet he sees no way to satisfactorily end it, or, in literary parlance, "wrap it up." Observe how easily I resolve this problem:
Suddenly, everyone was run over by a truck.
-the end-
If the story happens to be set in England, use the same ending, slightly modified:
Suddenly, everyone was run over by a lorry.
-the end-
If set in France:
Soudaincment, tout le monde etait ecrass par un camion.
You'll be surprised at how many different settings and situations this ending applies to. For instance, if you were writing a story about ants, it would end "Suddenly, everyone was run over by a centipede." In fact, this is the only ending you ever need use.*
*Warning - if you are writing a story about trucks, do not have the trucks run over by a truck. Have the trucks run over by a mammoth truck.

inside out side
over the road
on the road
high brow people lose their sanity
when the middle can not hold

moved through the arteries of the USA like the flying Dutchman, happy as a clam in a 18 wheeled can. Everything gets so intellectual sometimes, so abstract. Symbols get corrupted, and thus men keep there innocence like Dorian Gray. Hell I don’t know a got dam thing anymore. There are always two people, as seen through a wind shield only
Now here is a picture of a west texas road, a two lane or interstate, no idea of the time of year, but too me it looks cold, hard Wyoming winter blue norther cold, freezing rain and there he stands, as seen on Husserl’s TV, the two fold continuous multiplicity of a windshield

I am not an artist, I could not tell you what I see in that drawing. It could have been a boiling hot day in the Texas pan handle that day. But somehow it makes me feel cold. The serenity of the solitude of the road. Back on my wheels again.
courtesy of jimboloco

sounds like you need to water your tires
ain't no pissing contest here stranger
sorry I meant no offence
can we move on here.
about to fall asleep at the wheel
fucking phoenix traffic
come around sunrise curve on the ten, when genuis in the DOT designed that road. It must have had something to do with that law suit that held up the intersated for thirty years. the last section of interstate ten completed was that bit on I-10

nothing personal, phoenix is just a hell hole.
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Post by Doreen Peri » November 12th, 2005, 1:26 pm

Whatever happened to Pops, Johnny and Sissy?

Where did they go?

Where was Pops taking them?

What did they do when they got there?

Who was there wherever they went?

Did anything happen to them when they arrived?

Where is Paul Harvey?

I'd like to know the Rest of the Story.



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