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Post by tinkerjack » December 1st, 2005, 3:07 pm

me and my sister are the closest
I think that is true for me too. The pyschological theories about birth order are interesting. I am twelve years older then my sister. Homeboy the oldest one of us is 19 years older then her.

It was great having a baby sister in high school, talk about your chic magnet. But I never really needed one, met a girl at her sweet sixteen party and we went "steady for five years. Got engaged to be married but I got some bad advice from my mother. Oh well, I broke her her heart so many times and she only broke mine once.

my baby sister in the red dress almost in the center of the picture.

Thank heaven for little sisters, they grow up to be such good old girls
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Post by K&D » December 2nd, 2005, 2:15 pm

how come you got all these pictures of your family on hand? just a random question.

sometimes i feel since i'm the oldest that my sister often just wants me to listen to her and in many ways she doesn't nessicarily care or at least isn't use to talking about whats going on in my life, its kind of an intresting dynamic that comes with being an older sister.

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Post by tinkerjack » December 2nd, 2005, 3:10 pm

just a random question.
A random answer would be that my nuclear family is getting younger. The photos come down from the old folks. Family treasures.

All the snow has turned to water
Christmas days have come and gone
Broken toys and faded colors
Are all that’s left to linger on
I hate graveyards and old pawn shops
For they always bring me tears
I can’t forgive the way they rob me
Of my childhood souvenirs
I got a random question for you. I was talking to someone your age (twenties) I said that I don't read much fiction except for the stuff on S8. He said he read a lot of fiction.

I know how you feel about Kerouac, but what about Kesey?

I always wanted a big sister, I used to feel that way about Diamond Lil, I still do but I have to be so careful when I hug her. She has gotten so frail. A good old girl if there ever was one.
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Post by K&D » December 2nd, 2005, 7:07 pm

i use to respect kerouac more when i was younger, i think i was more into the escapism and romanticism he offered and not nessisarily seeing him as he was nessisarily.

Ken Kesey was a good man. i think some of the quotes he has documented in the Electric Kool-Aid Acid test are amazing. i like his unique way of talking. and of course i love the way he writes to, have you ever read Sometimes A Great Notion, big ass fat book but very good, the way he describes things sometimes i get a real clear picture of it in my head.

i don't know as much about him, obviously i have certain feelings about the whole idea of a Beat Generation, a community of artist of varying temper, color and character...something about that attracts me to the beat generation. with Kesey and the merry parnksters it was different, he was definetly the ring leader, sometimes i feel that way in my own group and am rather sad about it, because i love the mix of individuality that came with the beat generation, not to mention the sence of community.

its like you know community and individualism are like opposites its hard to find the right balance a couple years ago i went through this whole, rather jaded thing about individualism being the only way things were, very existential. but i've always, even at this time in my life longed for community. i think the beat generation was a community of individuals, i mean really different people, different from one another, now if only we could achieve that on a national or global level. i'd love to acheive it in my own life.

i could go on and on and on about this shit.

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Post by tinkerjack » December 2nd, 2005, 8:35 pm

have you ever read Sometimes A Great Notion, big ass fat book but very good, the way he describes things sometimes i get a real clear picture of it in my head
I read the book, saw the movie. Movie was ok, liked the book better. More than his message which I suppose was about individualism? I like this descriptive writting about the flora and fauna, I am such a city boy, all I got is industrial images, I can hardly tell one tree or flower from another.

Yeah Kesey a good man, I think he had a more mature voice with women than did St Jack with his real gone chicks.
with Kesey and the merry parnksters it was different, he was definetly the ring leader, sometimes i feel that way in my own group and am rather sad about it, because i love the mix of individuality that came with the beat generation, not to mention the sence of community.
Feeling sad about being a ring leader?
even at this time in my life longed for community. i think the beat generation was a community of individuals, i mean really different people, different from one another, now if only we could achieve that on a national or global level. i'd love to acheive it in my own life.
I felt that way about litkicks, this is the only text based community that I have posted too since Litkicks became a closed exit ramp for me. Well I did post to thistles and marigolds a few times, and to The Scroll. And I made a bunch of posts to Freedom Hall before I found my way here. Knip warned a new poster here to be wary of "group minds" I felt that on litkicks, I don't here.
i could go on and on and on about this shit.
yeah me too, thanks for the comeback, I got to go. I owe myself a shot of whiskey, it is jitterbug's birth day and I want to drink a toast to him.

The windows are open it is a beautiful san antonio night, a low flying jet fighter as just flown over as I type, a Southern Pacific train is blowing its horn and rumbling by.
Momentary silence, I take three deep breaths and listen for the sound of happiness. A sereen goes off, ambulance.

later gator
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Post by Dave The Dov » December 3rd, 2005, 7:56 am

Have either of you two read the book "On The Bus"???? It documents the famous bus trip that Ken Kesey made in 1964. Speaking of Southern Pacific that was the railroad that Neal Cassady work for during his life time.
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Post by tinkerjack » December 3rd, 2005, 12:47 pm

Yeah dave I saw the movie, I must not have read the book because if it was anywhere near as :D :D :D as the movie I am sure I would remember it. So many books slipped away while I was a gypsy trucker, Kesey's Garage Sale was one I sorely miss.

Well anyway it turns out that those sireens I heard were not an emergency it was a parade starting from the Taj Mahal down the street. I am working on a snippet this morning, here is a bit of it.

I am taking a tip from marksman, he said he likes to read out doors, I love to write out doors, the rest of this a mored edited version is on a notebook, switching it over soon
this is all I have here so far.

Stevie’s Parade:
I did not know it was for him.
At first I was annoyed because the street was blocked in front of my shack by the Southern Pacific tracks. When I accepted the fact that there was no exit from the parking lot, I decided that I would kick back and enjoy it. “The True Women” riders of Schertz Texas were the best part of the parade. And the bag piper.
Silent riders on bright shinning horses.
And the bag piper played on
And I joined the parade

Got dam musicians dieing young. I fuking hate it. I hate myself. He lived on my couch for 18 months a mean drunk
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Post by Dave The Dov » December 3rd, 2005, 1:07 pm

Did not know there was a movie made on it???? Yeah the book came out back in 1990. I think it's Thunder Mouth press that published it. Hopefully it's still out there. I've read it and liked it!!!! Taj Mahal???? Say are you in India right now or are you listening to Taj Mahal????
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Post by tinkerjack » December 3rd, 2005, 7:39 pm

Just on the other side of the rail road tracks I can see a building with gold dome, the natives around here and air force veterans call it the Taj Mahal. Speaking of the Bus Movie yeah I was lucky enough to see it in college park maryland back in the early seventies. It had a great sound track naturally.

A song based on the "wheels" Ezekial, maybe from a black spirtual

"the big wheel turns by the grace of G-d
the little wheel turns by the fire and rod
everytime that wheel goes round
bound to cover a little more ground
you can't go back and you can't stand still
if the lightning don't get you the thunder will"

paraphrase from memory.

I finally finished my snippet and posted it.
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Post by K&D » December 4th, 2005, 2:41 pm

just a heads up,

this week, i'm going to be working on taking finals and packing and saying goodbye to friends and then i'm getting on a plane and flying home, then that week i might be kind of busy saying hi to friends, mainly the old man and my video teacher and hanging out with them so i'm not sure how much time i can fit in to be here on studio eight.

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Post by tinkerjack » December 4th, 2005, 6:31 pm

ten four

happy landings
happy motoring
happy holidays
good luck on tests (it always helps to study too :P)

just thinking about those exam nightmares I used to have, where I dreamed I had over slept and missed a 8 AM exam. I woke up with such relief at seven 15 AM. Crazy Mike would tell me that I could set my own mental alarm clock)

any how thanks and write when you can.

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Post by K&D » January 20th, 2006, 8:45 pm

i'm don't feel like typing much theese days, probably when things slow down i'll write more.

classes seem cool, i'm taking World Religions and it seems not only extremely fun and intresting but easy too!

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Post by stilltrucking » February 4th, 2006, 1:27 pm

Good to hear from ya.
Write when you can.

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Post by gypsyjoker » April 15th, 2006, 3:28 pm

Grouchy old fool. Drop me a line anytime you can, any who :oops:
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Post by Doreen Peri » April 15th, 2006, 3:45 pm

You asking yourself to write to yourself?

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