After Israel has left Gaza - (yikes)

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Post by judih » July 12th, 2006, 12:40 pm

This thread is about what's happening since the disengagement (which occurred one year ago) in the area called the Gaza strip.

Thanks for asking, Still -t and sock p.

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Post by stilltrucking » July 12th, 2006, 12:46 pm

hey what am I chopped liver?
Yester day I was Still T
Now i have been demoted to Still t
You force me to go buy a paper this morning?
I might find an eye witness report on page 12
so what's new?

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Post by judih » July 12th, 2006, 12:54 pm

What's new is more of the stories of war.
Just found out that there was action in Lebanon (warning, off-topic)
Two soldiers were captured/kidnapped (the terms are used depending who's talking)
7 were killed.
A ex-student of mine, same age as my daughter, is classified as in 'moderate' condition having been hit by bomb shrapnel.

It's tense. When you know the wounded and know this is what it means to be in a state of war since the inception of the state, it's tense.

Over here, we had continual 'booms' all night. i left the area for Tel Aviv at 6:30 a.m and heard reports that the 'booms' continued during the day. This is the scene lately - it's not 'new'.

Since coming home this evening at 5:30 p.m., i haven't looked at the papers but i was watching the news to see what we were being shown and to hear that the names of the dead have not yet been announced.

When things like this happen, phone calls are made. On the bus, cellphones start ringing - people share news. My brother-in-law called to ask about a son of a swim coach he works with. The country wants to know who is involved.

There is a huge and immediate wave of family concern - since there is always a friend of a friend wherever you go here.

What's new. What's new?
And where are our eyewitnesses in Mumbai and Afghanistan. We need to know.

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Post by judih » July 12th, 2006, 1:18 pm

The post had two parts; the note and the details which consisted of the quotes from the magazine. I originally was gearing up to post them only in the Kibbutz thread but as I was gathering the quotes from the original Smithsonian article that I posted here in September of 05, I realized that I had originally wanted to post these same quotes here, in the Gaza thread back in September but I hadn't due time restraints.

That was in the back of my mind, when I came back unto S8 to post the quotes in the Kibbutz thread. And, after I posted - I realized I had come back into the Gaza thread instead. But that seemed right to me ... that these quotes were here too because I had originally wanted them here as well back in September of 2005. So it became a two part post. One part explanation of why I was posting such into an older post; and the other part the information I had originally wanted to post at that time, but hadn't.

And I wrote a note at the beginning of the post here in Gaza saying as such; posted it all and then went to the Kibbutz thread and posted that same quotes again ~ but without the note.

Judih then said: "deb posted something here (a double post) and i deleted it, but then i realized that she had added a message, so i'm quoting it here to respect her original intent. The rest of the post can be seen in Eyewitness reports in my thread on the Dead Sea and Kibbutz Ein Gedi."

I disagree with her actions.

I feel my post was fine as it was and didn't need editing.

For me, my posts are like mini works of art, or writings. The duplication of information I had in the two threads was intentional - not accidental. I was using the duplication of information between the two threads the way you would use a refrain between stanzas in a song, or a poem.

I came back …

And found my post … stripped … of it’s refrain.


Judih calles this organization, not censorship.
Doreen agrees

I still disagree and now call what happened ~ crap.
Since you're now stating all this, and giving the additional information that your use of the same article in two places was being used as an artistic statement, i most sincerely apologize.

It never occurred to me.
Nor would i have thought to ask if this was a form of art.

This column to me is very personal in that it's my living space. It's my reality.
This is my home that i'm describing.

And yes, i currently have the ability to administer, but if you, deb, want a log, you too will have it. It goes with the territory.

Again, forgive me for destroying your artistic intent - it was never my intention. My aim was simply putting one kind of article with like kinds of articles.
Ashkelon may seem like Gaza to you, but it isn't. It's right on the beach. Gaza strip is a chunk of land that sits between the Med and the western most part of the Negev which is kibbutzim. The other settlements are on the other side of the highway. Kibbutzim take the qassams and get used to the sleepless nights.

The one miserable city that has been in the news is Sderot, a target for quite a while, even before the Disengagement.

Ashkelon is now recently in the news as recipient of a more developed qassam that can travel further.

But this is all a little tender, it's all very new and this post is after all to comment on your explanation about your double post.

Again, i'm sorry for destroying your artistic statement. i never saw it as art - i saw it as posting an article twice, so my deletion was based on the fact that the article still stood in its entirety in the Dead Sea thread.

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Post by stilltrucking » July 12th, 2006, 1:28 pm

on topic
I am so wired I can't sleep. Going to shower and walk down for a paper. Something about a news paper that makes it easier to face the news. Like holding onto a blanky.

Off Topic:
Nothing hear but trains and jet trainers passing over.

Japan going to change its constitution, going to ok pre-emptive wars.

I am such a coward I don't want to read about it.

ok yep there is plenty of news these days

"nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the exception of bad news which obeys its own special laws"DNA

Take care. Chewing the cud with cp the other day, she said there will never be peace in the valley. It is that duality thingy.

One more thing I just remembered that is on topic.

That guy lowry who I quoted above part of what he said that I left out was about a possible way out of current situation

a deal modeled on the one Israel has with Hezobolah(sp)

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Post by stilltrucking » July 13th, 2006, 7:36 am

Listening to morning edition on NPR. Reading the NY Times. and The Jerusalem Post.
JERUSALEM, Thursday, July 13 — The Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah surprised Israel with a bold daylight assault across the border on Wednesday, leading to fighting in which two Israeli soldiers were captured and at least eight killed, and elevating recent tensions into a serious two-front battle
The expectation among political and foreign affairs analysts is that Hamas and Hezbollah would never have taken such provocative actions without at least the tacit approval of their sponsors in Tehran or Damascus.

. ... r=homepage
What was I saying about Hexbollah yesterday---- :roll:

Bush in Germany says Israel has the right to defend itself but warns it not to undermine the stability of Lebanon’s new government.
NPR morning addition

From the Jerusalem Post this morning

Jul. 13, 2006 0:10 | Updated Jul. 13, 2006 13:50
Comment: An opportunity to restore deterrence

Israel seems to be caught in a war - albeit a limited one - on two fronts. This has already required a partial mobilization of the reserve force. The relatively new government headed by Ehud Olmert, which includes the inexperienced Defense Minister Amir Peretz, faces its first serious challenge.
The option of a prisoners' swap has become untenable politically. This government is unlikely to give in to the demands of Hamas and Hizbullah because much more is at stake than the lives of three soldiers.
Beyond the importance Olmert and Peretz attach to their political careers, they understand that Israel must restore a modicum of deterrence and its ability to secure some tranquility for its citizens living along the borders ... 2FShowFull
Breakfast in Texas
Lunch in Israel
Peace not on menu

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Post by judih » July 13th, 2006, 8:32 am

no peace today. Try coming back tomorrow.

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Post by stilltrucking » July 14th, 2006, 11:27 am

come on home for a while
find a little peace in Virginia.
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Post by Doreen Peri » July 14th, 2006, 3:04 pm

The news is scaring the shit outa me!

What's it gonna be?

World War 111? Armegeddon?


judih, you ok????

check in please. :)

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Post by judih » July 14th, 2006, 11:48 pm

okay, here i am.
The news is not the best way to wake up in the morning.

Yet here i am. Alive. Dylan once sang: 'it's not dark yet'. That's how i feel - wake up, feel my toes, it can't be that bad.

Now, that may seem simplistic, but what else is there? Can't live a life in fear, so gotta take stock of immediate options. Looks like here in the Negev we're in ordinary mode.

Turn off the news. Let's go write some poetry.

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Post by Dave The Dov » July 15th, 2006, 4:10 am

Both sides just need to stop altogether!!!!
Mercedes Benz 220
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Post by Zlatko Waterman » July 15th, 2006, 3:01 pm

May Elohim keep you and your dears covered with their benign veils, sweet friend J.


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Post by ellipsis » July 17th, 2006, 11:53 am

hey judih. don't have your email address and this was the one place i thought i could find out whether you were okay. the news is always horrid but i'm happy to see you're okay :)

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Post by judih » July 17th, 2006, 1:16 pm

here i am!
fine and thankful for the good wishes!

many thanks, z!
and ellipsis, you sleuth! i'm alive. alive and accounted for.

Down in the Negev, things are totally business as usual. i walked home from school and there was not one 'boom' or anything other than slow small tractors stacking haystacks. The smell was delicious and real.

Things are real.
(if there's one thing you do today, make it turning off the news, although if you're watching, i've been told that Fox news is airing some interesting pieces)

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Post by stilltrucking » July 17th, 2006, 4:07 pm


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