Narrowing down the book title - Final Voting Here

S8 anthologies & member's books.

What should be the title of our first book? Please select the title you like best. All were submitted by members.

Infinity Sideways
Ad Infin8um
Infinite Tide
Eight to the Bar - Infiniti Sideways
Total votes: 27

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » December 1st, 2006, 6:27 pm

Thanks for your input, panta!

I agree with what you're saying. For now, I'm sorta strapped so if you agree that this seems legit (Clay looked at it and thought so also), then we'll probably go this route this time.

Yes, I am hoping to publish more books and years ago over at Litkicks I used to talk about this so it's been a dream of mine for a long time. Plus, I've been calling this "our first book" so yeah, that's the idea to do more of these later.

I certainly don't think it will ever be a profitable endeavor. I am thinking of the documents as the purpose. If we stay with the Cafe Press as a POD service, their prices are such that you really can't charge much more than their production cost to sell a book. So, I'm guessing we'll make maybe $2 per book and that's definitely not going to pay the bills. (BTW, we are almost to capacity of our 2gig allowance for storage space with our host so I'm going to have to buy if that's available or or some other name so that we can store some of our larger files elsewhere... or something... need to think of a solution fast before we run out of space. So this will be an additional expense to have an additional URL hosted in order to keep running. Maybe I should put a donation link up or something. I hate to ask for contributions tho... but your idea of selling the barcodes to the individual writers or artists we may publish in the future is certainly a good one to help recoup some costs)

Let's see how this book goes... whether people like the way it looks, enjoy the content, etc. Then if it's something we consider a success, we'll talk about a way to purchase a 10-pack of ISBN #s.

I HAVE to work on compiling the submissions this weekend. I keep starting then something else comes up... like work deadlines.. lol... but I'm going to dedicate my weekend to it. Moving forward.... approaching high tide. ;)

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Post by WIREMAN » December 1st, 2006, 8:07 pm

a BIG THANK YOU Doreen....i'm dedicating this weekend to getting the house fixed up for CJ's hopeful return from the between my visits to hospital to see her..... sheeeeez i miss her....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by judih » December 1st, 2006, 11:55 pm

first, a fine welcome home to CJ. Hope her recuperation goes quickly, wireman.

Doreen and Panta, you've been up to some creative solutions to this legal redtape business.

Fifty-five dollars sounds doable. All those other sums were a little overwhelming for a first-time project. Though, anemone, indeed you bring up sage points. If Studio 8 could afford to front the lump sum, it would be wonderful to be able to buy the ISBN and barcode from our own studio.

As for general donations and community support for the studio, it seems like the time has come. According to the number of voters on the poll, we have only 30 (or so) active members. Maybe we could ask the spammers to pay up for wasting our time deleting them. A dollar per spammer and we'd have a huge sum in no time.

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 2nd, 2006, 12:54 am

I wrote a buncha stuff then somehow i screwed up and closed the window.. :).. sorry

What I was saying was that this software doesn't show us how many active members we have like some other discussion board software does... and that was a really funny comment, judih, about the spam bots! lol...

We have 30 contributers to the book. I think that's substantial. I don't think it's everybody who comes here regularly but it's a lot and it's great! Thank you all!

One project at a time. Saturday is dedicated to the compilation.

Love you all.

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Post by whimsicaldeb » December 2nd, 2006, 7:48 pm

I'm jumping in on this discussion as well, although belatedly. It's been a fun & busy week for me and I'm only now getting around on the internet.

Here's my 2cents worth ...

Yes - Buy the 10-ISBN's and pay the $250.00 and recoup that cost by charging a membership fee for those of us who come and POST here - while still keeping viewing the board free. Not only does this help you out financially - it also frees you from all the BOTS and SPAMMERS as they’d have to pay to register and post, which they don’t.

In fact, many places have already switched over to doing this, and it’s been working out wonderfully.

My favorite example is Kevin Smith’s “View Askew” board (also a phpBB board). Not only does he have one of the hottest, active boards on the internet … he gets NO SPAMMERS or BOTS at all!

None - at all!


Here is where you can read/see how he set it all up start here - and where he explains how it works:

Then here is where you have to read what he says and asks others to agree and why before you actually register:

Now he only charges $2.00 (US) per person and gives the money to RAINN, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, because he’s already an established and fairly wealthy person and doesn’t need it for himself. However – giving the money awawy NOT what I would suggest for you do ... YET. Eventually you may want to, when you’ve become as established as he is, not now - because you're just starting out, I say no.

For now - I suggest you charge the contributors to the book a one time fee of $10.00 (US) [30x$10(US)] – giving you $300.00 to pay for those 10 ISBN’s for current and future use, as well as leaving you with a small amount left over for any incidentals all this may bring. For the contributors of course that would mean “Free Lifetime Memberships” (actually a discounted membership rate) and perhaps 1 free copy of the “WhicheverNameIsChosen Book.”

For the non-contributors, and new future members, you would need to set an amount for the membership charge – say $2.00(US) which is reasonable – and then feel free to use the money any way it helps you.

As a contributor both to this book and this board – I’m happy to pay my way to become a “Member” of the Studio8’s board community.

And that my dear was my 2cents worth, my suggestions - so take what works (if any) ~ and toss the rest!

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 2nd, 2006, 8:26 pm

Hi Deb! Thanks so much for these ideas.

Don't get me wrong... I do appreciate them and it sounds like the paid membership works well for other sites but I wouldn't want to do that here. Why? Because I wouldn't pay to be a member of any site on the internet since there's so much for free. I've known people who paid to go to a critique site... ... and I never understood it since there are so many sites they could go to for free.

Similarly, I couldn't charge anybody a penny to have their material published in a book.

Now, if the situation were different and I wasn't making a community project, a community document, and I wanted to start a business where I'd typeset and layout a self-published book for a fee, that would be different but that's not the goal.

This is definitely not a money-making endeavor. It's just for making a document to keep and treasure. I doubt we'll sell 100 books, to be honest. If we do? That would be great but if we make about $2 per copy, that's really petty cash.... it will help with hosting fees, sure, and that will be great!

Now if everybody likes the book and we know we want to create another one in the future, maybe we can think about putting up a "donate" link. That could be helpful. I'm not against having small, unobtrusive ads either. But I just can't ask people to pay to be a member here, even with a nominal fee of $2.

Yes, of course, I do want to get rid of the bots!!! And if this works for some, cool, but I also bet the site you referenced has some more technically knowledgeable people in charge of it than me! lol!! ;)

I really truly appreciate you caring so much as to post these ideas and your saying that you wouldn't mind paying to be a member here. That's such a lovely thing to say! You're a sweet lady and I'm so glad you're here.

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Post by whimsicaldeb » December 2nd, 2006, 8:43 pm

I understand exactly where you're coming from Doreen, and when I had my site open to others, I felt the same way and didn't charge either. So - I truly do underestand, and no problem.

I had the idea as I was posting that you'd not be interested and would not do this ... but ... It hadn't been suggested and I knew it as an option, and I wasn't sure if you knew you had other options, this typeof option ... so ... just in case ~ I posted.

It's all part of this whole grand adventure called 'being on the internet.'

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 4th, 2006, 1:15 am

and ahhhh what a grand place this internet is, huh? ;) what an adventure indeed! Thanks, Deb... I truly appreciate you caring so much to think of different ideas to help! :)

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