Son off to Rome for soccer tournament

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Son off to Rome for soccer tournament

Post by judih » May 5th, 2007, 3:19 pm

Don't believe them when they say that time doesn't exist
it does.

My 15 year old son just gave us kisses goodbye as he got onto a train that'll take him to his dormitory where he'll pack up his official sweats and 2 pairs of soccer shoes and then take another train to the airport (at 1:00 a.m)
He's leaving for Rome. He's meeting his teammates there.
He's alone, he's confident, he's doing it.

What's to say? He's growing by leaps and bounds. Aside from each well-trained leg taking on the size of a small grecian column and his six pack leaping to 8, he's exponentially maturing, taking care of things and leaving me open-mouthed in awe.


Ciao, Rahm.
See you next week, dear child.
May you be strong and bring yourself home with some tales and an arriverderci. (excuse the spelling but listen to the lilt of a slightly teary loving mama)

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Post by stilltrucking » May 5th, 2007, 5:52 pm

Happy landings
fortunate son

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Post by judih » May 5th, 2007, 10:22 pm

Thanks, Still.
He called from the airport before he boarded the plane. He should be landing in about 3 1/2 hours.
Good morning, Roma.

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Post by sooZen » May 8th, 2007, 6:42 pm

Yes, the old adage is so very true..."they grow so fast"
time rushes by and they sprout wings on their feet
or at least on their soccer shoes
and Rome! How cool is that? How far is that?
I know you must be proud and trembling at the same time
I hope he kicks butt
I hope he returns safe and soundly
(My, what a handsome boy/man!)
Freedom's just another word...

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Post by judih » May 8th, 2007, 10:29 pm

hi sooZ
so nice to have you rejoin in wonder.
they grow so fast is the biggest understatement of all.

And to think, he used to claim the trophy for the most excessively huge cheeks under the sun.
As a kid he bypassed the crawling stage, prefering to go from trampolining on his butt to walking to flying. He spent a good deal of his pre-school days wearing only a cape (he had several for cleanliness' sake) and leaping.

Well, i guess nothing's really changed - he's just claiming a different physical form and has decided to wink a lot to his mother and sing when he's not involved with a soccer ball.

It's Wednesday. We've been able to call his coach to send our love.
Wonder how he is?

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Post by Doreen Peri » May 8th, 2007, 10:44 pm


You will soon talk on the phone to him to find out how he is.

How exciting this is!

sisterly hugs ((((judih))))) ... yeah they grow up quick.. but they take all you gave them with them ...

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Post by judih » May 8th, 2007, 11:09 pm

oh, what a loving gesture, dor. Thank you.
spot on heart.
mm sigh

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