trusting felt nice, safe

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trusting felt nice, safe

Post by creativesoul » July 21st, 2007, 11:56 pm

no jagged edges on the nerve that was spent- gifted for the people. the conversations were about every third word , misunderstanding had replaced listening and humor.the chances of ever arriving here at this exact place again were slim- this was the fourth year.
this year had sent her packing in a big way, home to the cave, and it s comforting darkness, each archway that she passed thru seemed more brillant and shining in the light. it had taken work to get there.
mexico was supposed to happen soon, she needed the women of intellect and politics to disburse that patriarcial fog that had decended on her like oppression in ceremony. Although the beauty and healing were particularly enchanting, she felt that she had weakened this time and needed alot of rest. He tried to be loving and understanding, as much as possible but his addiction to porn and talking to women on line made her feel wilted.the sun rose and her restlessness called her outside to be with the trees. the other night her favorite cat attacked her lover.
he whined about the pain but did nothing to make it better.
sometimes she wondered what was she going to do now? no agenda, just a vivid idea of what the near future looked like. she knew she had food, but tobaccco had more appeal and really good coffee.
her lover had twin boys, eight years old, they were as different as night and day, kyle was bright and loud and interested in everything, bugs, animals and people, chris was quiet and sensative and liked to draw, but equally as hyper-active. she could offer them love and the things she had learned, although at present she was obsessed with corn snakes and water dragons.
his children were in a foster home and there were alot of other kids there too. She loved them, the grandma type, and had mainstreamed kids before when the parents failed to adjust to life on life s terms, she trained them to be parents again. He was impatient to get his children back.
she loved him, and it made her afraid. she loved him like a parade in a child s mind where they throw candy from floats to the kids on the street, she had quite a bit of candy.
sidewalks filled with laughter and quickly moving energetic children lined the cells of her skin. he loved her deeply, although she was more emotional than he was.
they had alot of great sex and went places together, in support of one another.
it was a dream come true. she was sure.

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the candy

Post by wannabeguru » July 24th, 2007, 11:57 pm

Keep on thinking of the will mitigate the nicotine.
But don't don't don't give up on the coffee
especially as you go south!

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Post by hester_prynne » July 25th, 2007, 1:28 am

words in fingerpaint.
undistanced by brush,
smeared off skin.

add some lines,
shade the oranges,
deepen the pinks.

(that's the critic in me.)
it's really fine
just the way it is.

H 8)
"I am a victim of society, and, an entertainer"........DW

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