Great Expectations

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Great Expectations

Post by Lightning Rod » November 10th, 2008, 2:35 am


Great Expectations
for release 11-10-08
Dallas, Texas
by Lightning Rod

After watching the very inspiring acceptance speech that Barack Obama delivered in Grant Park on election night, my first thought was, "The last person on Earth that I would want to be at this moment is Barack Obama."

The burden of expectations is great.

I have always had this theory that the barber in the White House has a can of gray spray paint. The only president in my memory who didn't develop massive gray hair during his term of office was Ronald Reagan. Either the man never worried or else only his hairdresser knew for sure.

My prediction is that by the end of his first term, Obama will have as much gray hair as Nelson Mandela.

The presidency is an awesome job under the best of circumstances. The circumstances that Obama will inherit after the wholesale debacle of the Bush administration will be even more taxing than usual. He has massive challenges on every front. A faltering economy inspired by an orgy of deregulation, massive debt, the two wars that aren't working out too well, terrorism inspired by our imperialistic ways, our oil habit, our shattered international prestige and the shaken confidence of our citizens in their government, will all be staring him directly in the face when he wakes up on January 21st.

The Poet's Eye sits under a knitted brow. When I listen to the pundits and partisans and purveyors of the news, I fear that the expectations rested upon the shoulders of this frail man (who Arnold the Governator thinks should do some squats and curls) might be too great. What will happen when he can't walk on water?

Yes, naturally, after eight years of being represented by an inept and inarticulate president, the nation is encouraged by the election of a leader with demonstrable intelligence, skill and integrity. Let's face it. George Bush's presidency was a national embarrassment. The whole world was wondering, 'How could this uncurious, mediocre, dogmatic person be the leader of the greatest nation on Earth?"

This is why the decisive election of Obama was such cause for joy and tears and hope. We will again have a leader who can put two sentences together. We will be represented by a person who at least understands the words that he utters and is not just a ventriloquist's dummy reading from the script written for him by a sinister corporate Illuminati.

Barack Obama surely represents hope, aspiration, intelligence and confidence. The Poet's Eye observes that he has the attitude and the gravitas and soul to be a great leader. But he is not a god, He is a mortal facing mortal problems. We shouldn't expect him to be our savior. It will give him gray hair.

"Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations."
- Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Post by sooZen » November 10th, 2008, 12:00 pm

Actually, if you look closely, you can already see the gray hairs on the man's head. I noticed that the other day and like you, I have watched what the stresses of that office do to past mortals who are burdened with that signature, President of the United States.

But I have also heard from several sources close to Obama that this is a man that never ever raises his voice, never loses control...and that is his nature. And on top of that, he has a great sense of humor. You take all of those qualities that he has, his intelligence, his composure, his capabilities to bring people together and organize them and his wish to be a great bodes so well for us and him.

Any thinking person will realize that missteps will be made, great difficulties lie ahead and with all that is wrong now in this world, his job is truly the hardest of any but i believe that the gray hairs he gets will be mostly genetic and not because he is not up to the task and will probably not age prematurely like many of our past presidents.

I guess that already we have placed an enormous burden, great hopes and dreams and much more than most men could bear on Mr. Obama but if anyone is up to the task, he has shown by his demeanor and actions that he is.

I am not afraid that he won't live up to his billing, not a whit and if he doesn't walk on water, at least he knows how to bail it out of the ship of state which was listing so badly. So if he gets gray, so much the better...maybe those that are fearful that he is too young, too inexperienced will see something beyond his youth.

He will age gracefully I think and because he comes as a wise young man to the office he can only become wiser with the mantle he bears. What a wonderful change that he may garner his gray legitimately.
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Post by mnaz » November 11th, 2008, 2:47 pm

Frail? I don't know about that. "Wiry", maybe. They say he's pretty good at roundball.. As for Ahh-nuld, what do you expect from a musclebound ex-"body builder"?

You're right about expectations though. It seems there's no way he could possibly live up to them, which could be either positive or negative, depending on which side of this polarized nation you sit.
Last edited by mnaz on November 11th, 2008, 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 11th, 2008, 3:07 pm

He is absolutely wonderful! I am so happy America is still here. I was worried there would be the same routine again with vote count "problems" and that we had already lost the possibility of reclaiming our country.

Your essay states some true points. It's a HUGE job he has. It will take time and work by MANY people to get the messes straightened out.

But already the world is different. Already the US is more respected. Just his demeanor and his honesty and his ability to articulate and his focus and his integrity and intelligence and clarity of vision have done that.

Obama is anything but frail! Not in spirit, mind or body!

Did you see him play basketball on election day? The man is FIT! Works out every day. No frailty here.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 26th, 2008, 7:16 am

I fell asleep listening to his voice the other night. It was very soothing. Reminds me of how I used to feel listening to FDR's fire side chats during the war. Such a relief after listening to the Texas turd for eight years.

They know clay. I mean Obama has already started to manage expectations.

Have you ever read The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire? It comes to mind. The emperors would come and go, a good one, a bad one one step forward two steps back. But always the spiral is downward.

Yes I am optimistic about the next eight yeas, but then what, another Bush, another Caligua, a Marcus Aureilus, a Commodus, a FDR, a Warren G. Harding, so it goes

I would like to see an ammendment to the constitution that no one from Texas will ever be allowed to be elected president.

I love Texas, it is just Texans I can't stand :wink:

Whether I agree with you or not, I admire your style.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 26th, 2008, 2:39 pm

I would like to revisit this one

one more time clay.

The Roman Empire had a pretty good run. 1500 years.

I don't suppose our accidedental empire will last that long.

I been worried a lot lately that these may be the endtimes but
I got some good news today. Pastor John Hagee of San Antonio Texas says that president elect Obama is definetly not the anti-christ.

google obama anti-christ get 885,000 hits.

I think it is good news, but I am no Bible scholar

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Post by UMBERTO UMBERTO » December 9th, 2008, 9:45 pm


Nice column. There's no question that B. Obama is burdened. I only hope no nut-- well, you know what I hint at-- I don't even want to say it, or speculate on it-- perish the thought-- and the act!

It's lovely to feel you won't have to listen to Mr. Potato Head talking about "staying the course" any more, I agree.

Obama is evidently a good negotiator and mediator, which we need.

He also has the advantage of following the slimiest group of criminals, child murderers and mercenary-employers and wranglers in just about every historian's memory.

It's been said changing the course or fotunes of a large country with a complex economy is like steering an ocean liner-- you have to do it very carefully, and it takes a lot of calculation about where you want it to go . . .

But just the other day an ocean liner outran a gang of pirates off Somalia . . .

Stranger things have happened . . .


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