Solstice thru New Years 2009 Light-the-World Jam

Dec 2008- Jan 2009
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Post by stilltrucking » December 24th, 2008, 5:06 pm

I pretend a lot about Christmas Jimbo
but I don't want to go there with you

My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night, I jump in mr peabody's wayback machine and set the dial to midnight on christmas eve back in 1914, around a little town in Belgium called Ypres.

I like your tree
I like the tree in on the banner today
The view from the windshiled of my needle nosed Peterbelt coming over Soldier Summit Utah in winter.

Top Banner Studio Eight Christmas Tree today 12/24/2008
painting courtesy of gmart

Stille Nacht

I hear it every Christmas eve at midnight

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 24th, 2008, 7:06 pm

christmas meant
more to me when
the myth was true

when the night was
holy, a sacrament,
incense scents and
light, when belief was
eminent, the true gift,

my joy, my faith,
the space between
all time eliminated
with one moment,
the birth,
the birth

now it is a lovely
time of year,
but i insist
it is much
the myth
being true

on the tree,
i hung a note
which reads
"you are
the light the
world has been
waiting for"

but frankly
i don't want
that responsibility


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Post by mnaz » December 24th, 2008, 9:47 pm

It meant more to me too,
when the myth was true.
I liked its promise of peace,
so maybe I could mean more
to the myth, to its promise.

No lights on the eave.
I am the light, so are you.
Only one big tale of we
will get us through.

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Post by Lightning Rod » December 24th, 2008, 9:56 pm

the myth IS true
as far as myths go

what makes it true
is what it does to your heart

He wasn't born in Winter
He was more likely born in Spring

it doesn't matter if He was born at all
those ole myths are only in your head

the myth is the message
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by mnaz » December 24th, 2008, 10:32 pm

I always thought
one of the cruelest jokes ever
might be a soldier's Christmas.
The guns go silent for a few hours,
and he prays to a savior of peace.
Imagine that.

Yeah, it's definitely internal
gone external, and vice versa.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 24th, 2008, 10:38 pm

No body was praying they was having a partay
exchanging gifts and singing songs
I think if I was a soldier I would have been grateful for respite from the war even for a few hours
But I am just a peasant
I don't have the imagination to see the cruel joke.

War is a cruel joke

I like that
such sweet nonsense
"When the myth was true"
so poetic
When the myth was true
When the sky was blue
When America was the good guys
When the only good injun was a dead one
When my blood ran red white and blue

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Post by stilltrucking » December 24th, 2008, 10:47 pm

Imagine this okay
what I love about world war one is that it was the last good war.

a war where both sides were evil

And the numbers were astounding
five hundred thousand casualties single battle. along the western front

My father's war.
Let's move on now
they are all dead

Well how do you know it is december in the northern hemisphere
Because the sun is keeping bankers hours.

Happy thursday everyone
Last edited by stilltrucking on December 24th, 2008, 11:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by mnaz » December 24th, 2008, 10:49 pm

cruel irony then, perhaps?

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Post by stilltrucking » December 24th, 2008, 11:05 pm

imagine peace
imagine a respite from fear
imagine thinking I will live for a little while longer

I gave up trying to imagine what war was like,
there are men here who have witnessed it.
I was told a long time ago that I was lucky to be crazy
Lucky to have not gone
blessed are those who have not seen yet believe

I don't know mnaz
this is the kind of shit we think when we are safe in our homes, away from the dawns early light
away from the bombs bursting in air

away from the poison gas
from the artillery shells
the mines
the snipers

I don't know
I don't know how you measure out your life with coffee spons
or seconds lived

it is too horrible.

I can't think about it no more
I have heard it lasted a couple of days in some spots. It was a hell of a scare for the general staff.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 24th, 2008, 11:11 pm

let us please
eat drink and make mary

she deserves a good time too

I am sorry I went there
I was not going to jam
cause I still got so much anger left

beautiful lights
the days getting longer
friends and family
not fears
christmas in Baghad
in bethleham
in mule shoe texas

Cholera in Zimbabwe
but every one can't be happy

it is a big old goofy world

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Post by mnaz » December 24th, 2008, 11:21 pm

It's one of the reasons I never could stomach those special Christmas broadcasts from the latest war zone, with all their pretensions of peace and hope. No. Those people were sent there to make war. That is their job, in a war zone. To make war. To kill. To take lives, maybe save some too, who knows? And all for a noble cause, of course. The last good war? Show me the first good one!

But we don't have to go there.
The place has been drifting out in the cold for so long
that I'm simply trying to come in and get warm.
That's all.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 24th, 2008, 11:28 pm

my fault for going there

is good

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 24th, 2008, 11:56 pm

i remember when i curiously questioned
the fact that dad's handwriting was the
same as santa's handwriting the
year before.

rude awakenings
often offer a jolt,
a sneer
and a grin.
the jokes on all of us.

but now i'm all grown up and question
the purpose of war.
nobody ever wins.
what the hell is it for?

population and real estate control,
i suppose.

i really do miss the twinkle in santa's eye
and his bulbous red nose.
what was he drinking
to make his nose shine like that?

at night during christmas,
let's recite the psalms.
then thank the good lord
we don't hear any bombs

ahhh but some hear them, right?
the joke's on all of us
some silent nights.

i bet santa and dad and jesus
all are hanging out on a cloud
laughing aloud at my verse.

but as dad used to say,
"things could be worse.
i could have the same
handwriting as you."

i tend to scribble, it's true.
shoulda been a doctor.
if i were, i'd prescribe myself
some decent deal-with-it meds.

'twas the night before christmas.
gnight... going to bed.

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Post by mnaz » December 25th, 2008, 12:01 am

Jack... my fault as well perhaps.
...Or no one's fault in particular.
Not sure why "Favorite Things" popped into my head this morning.
Kinda out of nowhere. Had to read up on "Sound of Music" just
because of it. Seems like an anti-war flick. Or just pro-light.
Never noticed it, I guess because it's just too saccharine
to really sink in. And it's a musical.

just a jam.
Hope I can remember where I left the red and green paper and tape.
Ah well, g'night y'all...

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Post by judih » December 25th, 2008, 12:45 am

morning, sparrows awake
skies are silent
quiet deliverance


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