Good Gaza!

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Post by Nazz » January 13th, 2009, 1:39 am

Tony C:

Have it your way. Let's continue to bomb the crap out of the Palestinians for week after week and see if that settles it. And while we're at it, why don't we all talk about the ongoing bloodshed in a callous, disrespectful sort of fashion. God is bloody!!!!! Yeah, good stuff man. Peace and love, my brother.

Jack, I'm not leaving. I just need a break, that's all. I've learned much from you over the past few years, even if I don't always comment. Thanks for your perspective, always.

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Post by tonyc » January 13th, 2009, 9:04 am

Let's continue to bomb the crap out of the Palestinians for week after week and see if that settles it.
Naw, let's continue to lob 90 missiles a day at Israel and expect them to lay down and take it.
You're contradicting yourself, you expect Israel to put up with what you're denouncing.
why don't we all talk about the ongoing bloodshed in a callous, disrespectful sort of fashion. God is bloody!!!!!
Well this whole deal as most wars are based on religion (belief in God)..thus...." God is bloody" makes sense to me, maybe I'm just a little slow in my old age... :wink:

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 13th, 2009, 9:08 am

Geez... and two wrongs make a right?

War is stupid.

This particular escalation is not only stupid but terrifying in that citizens are being targeted and nobody's blinking an eye.

They need to give the Palestinians some land back so everybody can have a home.

It's really that simple.

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 13th, 2009, 10:56 am

Just one more thought. Seems to me after the Jewish people have experienced so much oppression in their history and all they went through with Hitler's genocide, that Israel wouldn't be oppressing the Palestinians and murdering innocent civilians. It really makes me upset and ill. Neither side is innocent, of course. There's blood on all their hands on both sides. Children and citizens are innocent, yanno?.

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Post by tonyc » January 13th, 2009, 1:15 pm

doreen peri
They need to give the Palestinians some land back so everybody can have a home.

It's really that simple.
Hmmm, seems to me it would be easier for Hamas to stop shooting missiles at Israel and quit hiding behind civilians...
Why do the Palestinians allow terrorist to use thier land to attack Israel?
Why do they allow Hamas to hide in their homes and behind their kids?
Seems to me if you're gonna voluntarily allow yourself to be used as a human sheild by a gang of thugs, you don't have alot of room to complain.
Ok, I'm done already....
oops, I forgot...
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Post by mtmynd » January 13th, 2009, 2:26 pm

Seems if we all have an answer, why is nobody listening?
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Post by tonyc » January 13th, 2009, 2:34 pm

Seems if we all have an answer, why is nobody listening?
Because terrorist don't have ears, none of the "answers" involve the total inhilation of Israel, nothing less is acceptable.

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Post by mtmynd » January 13th, 2009, 3:38 pm

what kind of answer is that? of course these people have ears.

this is an opinion, not an answer.
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Post by tonyc » January 13th, 2009, 5:14 pm

this is an opinion, not an answer.
Oh yeah? Have you ever negotiated with a suicide bomber? They may have ears, but they sure don't listen, for some reason they seem set in their ways.
Hamas has broken every cease fire, the Paletinians hate Israel, that's why the let Hamas use their land to launch attacks on Israel.
The only thing that will pacify Hamas is the total destruction of Israel, they've stated that millions of times, it's the reason for their existence.
You can't reason or negotiate with homocidal nutcases hell bent on murder, you'll lose every time.
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Post by one of those jerks » January 13th, 2009, 5:35 pm

Have you ever negotiated with a suicide bomber?
Yes he has. I used to be a suicide bomber, if not for mtmynd I would still be one.

You are a funny guy tony c.
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Post by mtmynd » January 13th, 2009, 6:33 pm

Hi, TonyC... I'm somewhat impressed by what evidently must be your first hand account of the means and ways of Hamas. During your dealings with them, obviiously first hand, you have certainly reached the conclusion of which you speak.

Which returns this to what I stated today -

"Seems if we all have an answer, why is nobody listening?"

If the world agrees with your assessment, TonyC, why is it they are not reacting in the manner in which you speak? Is the current regime in Israel the only people listening to you?
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Post by tonyc » January 13th, 2009, 8:08 pm

Hmmm is any one denying the fact that Hamas launched over 6,000 missles into civilian targets in Israel over the past eight years?
People will see what they want, Hamas is playing the world for fools, along with the Palestinians.
This isn't my opinion, these are obvious and admitted facts, you place your priorities.
I've never understood how people sit back and never complain once about Hamas attacking Israel on a daily basis, but then rise up when Israel retaliates..
Hamas is a terrorist org, who's stated mission is to destroy Israel, they target civilians, they don't target military targets.
This isn't my "first hand acount" (that's just silly) these are well documented facts....

Israeli Operation Spares Civilians; Hamas Targets Them
Moreover, in January 2006, Hamas won an electoral victory in Gaza and in June 2007, ousted all Fatah forces in a military takeover. Soon after that, Hamas turned Gaza into a base for terrorist attacks on Israel, forcing the latter to close the crossings that brought both terrorists and workers into Israel. Since 2005, Palestinian Arabs have fired over 6,000 missiles onto Israeli civilians, according to Israeli and Arab sources.

Results 1 - 10 of about 14,700 for Hamas launched over 6,000 missiles at Israel during the cease fire. (0.25 seconds) ... h&aq=f&oq=
And on and on…

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Post by one of those jerks » January 13th, 2009, 9:22 pm

I don't have any answers Cecil. Only questions. Fatah and Hamas both have charters that call for the destruction of Israel. Yet Israel talks to Fatah but not Hamas.

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Post by mtmynd » January 13th, 2009, 9:37 pm

I am in no way a supporter of Hamas and their stupidity, however it is my understanding the rockets are still be delivered into Israel during the death and destruction within Gaza. Is there a better way?

I'm quite positive the results of the actions by Hamas and Israel's actions have only increased the hatred of both their enemies. The families that have lost loved ones, on either side, will continue to burn their own candle of revenge towards the opposition long after the bombs have dropped. Is this any way for anyone to live their lives? It's thankfully not my decision to answer but only to wish peace upon them, their families and their future.

Interestingly, the Chinese began their occupation of Tibet in 1949, one year after Israeli occupation. Since that time it has been reported the Chinese have killed 17%, (over 1 million), of the Tibetan population. I don't know if there are any records of how many Chinese have been killed, but the number wouldn't be any where close to one million. Where is the public outrage for the outright criminal behavior of China? Tibetan defenders have been shouting for justice for over 59 years and nobody has accomplished anything toward alleviating the death and despair of the peaceful Tibetans.

I am quite positive what is going on in Gaza and the region for 60 years will meet, (and has met), these same people shouting for justice for whichever side the support favors. The only thing most people worldwide want when they hear of these wars going on for years and years and years is two words : "Stop It!" And that's about all any of us can do - shout "Stop It!" because if these people hear those two words often enough, maybe they will listen to somebody other than themselves. Nothing else seems to work.

And to you, TonyC, I shout "Stop It!"... your words only encourage the continuation of death and destruction. Your words in no way have an effect of stopping anything, despite what you write. Your words only fuel the fires of violence and retaliation.

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Post by mtmynd » January 13th, 2009, 9:45 pm

Thanks truck... the chart does show some slowing down as far as the rocket launches, which leads me to this -

The rockets come from somewhere other than Gaza, i.e. the origin of their manufacture. For Hamas to launch such a large amount would tell anyone that Hamas not only has the money/support, but has a supplier of these hundreds of rockets. Would it not be wise for Israel to cut-off the supplier or supply line or even the manufacturer of the rockets? Going to the source of these weapons seems like a wiser move - cut the head off the snake thing. They will never kill the hatred of these people but they could possibly reduce the weapons of hatred.
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