The "Bristol Palin Joke of the Day!"

A humorously serious look at life’s trials & tribulations,
American politics, religion, and other social madnesses by Beth Isbell.

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The "Bristol Palin Joke of the Day!"

Post by roxybeast » June 20th, 2009, 8:15 pm

The "Bristol Palin Joke of the Day!"
Beth Isbell (2009)

All the feigned moral outrage of the Sarah Palin camp & her followers is just plain ridiculous … so, to support Letterman, this past week, I started posting a "Bristol Palin Joke of the Day!" on my facebook page everyday:

This is how it works - everyday I post the set-up for a Bristol joke & then everybody adds their favorite punchline ... no holds barred. (If Studio 8 readers want to weigh in & add a punchline then just copy the set-up line in your reply & add your funniest punchline)

These are the unedited & sometimes hilarious responses:
(I'll try to update this post to add new jokes/punchlines daily until we stop running the contest ... so check back for updates ... and if you want to participate in the daily joke/punchline - add me on Facebook)

Day 1: "What do you get when you cross Bristol Palin with a baby seal?"

A: "A cuddly creature that loves heavy petting!"
A: "A cold hearted fur queen that makes you want to go clubbin' all night!"
A: "I don't know, but it has an angry polar bear for a grandmother and can see Russia from it's house!"

Day 2: "Why did Bristol Palin cross the road so many times?"

A: "so she could make more Tripps!"
A: "I don't know, but it certainly wasn't to buy condoms!"
A: "to hook up with Alex Rodriguez!"
A: "to get to the other side ... politically!"
A: "mall, store, mall, store, mall, mall, store, store!"
A: "to try to find at least one person who isn't brown-clad and marching in lock step."
A: “that's where all the dick is.”

Day 3: "So the Pope, Bristol Palin & a Cheshire Cat walk into a bar, and the barkeep says, 'Welcome, what can I get for y'all' ...."

A: "And the Cheshire Cat, with a mischievous grin, says, 'give me an LSD blotter with my picture on it, a glass of sacramental wine, and a pregnancy test for the one whose mother proclaims her as the new virgin Mary!'"
A: “So Bristol sez ‘The Pope and I will have wine. Give Barack here a saucer of milk.’”
A: “the barkeep points to Bristol and says, 'I can't service her’
The drunk sitting at the end of the bar says, 'Looks like somebody aready did.’
A: “So the Pope says ’I think we're lost’. Bristol says 'Men!’. And the Cheshire Cat says ’So, Dude, have you seen a white rabbit?’ ".
A: “the Pope orders a red wine, Bristol orders a Shirley Temple without the cherry, and the Cheshire Cat says, ‘I'll have what the Caterpillar is having.’"
A: “The Pope says, ‘Nothing, thank you. One of us is infallible, one of is unflappable, and one of us is a knocked-up slut.’"

Day 4: "How do you make Bristol Palin's eyes sparkle?"

A: "by shining a flashlight into her ear!"
A: “by holding a torch up to her ear!"
A: "flip the light bulb switch on!"
A: "glow in the dark condoms!"
A: "setting off political fireworks!"
A: "a candle light dinner with Alex Rodriguez!"
A: “Neiman Marcus and a credit card from the RNC”
A: “crystal meth and a guest slot on Letterman”
A: “a nice corvette”
A: “A 40 oz beer and a high school football jersey.”
A: “telling her she's pregnant again so she can tell all the other boys she's a sure thing cause you can't knock her up if sombody already has so FREE RIDE!”
A: A mom that lets you drink and have sex when you're a teenager. Oh wait, that's everyday for her

Day 5: What did Bristol Palin say when she found out she was pregnant?"

A: "Is it mine?"
A: "OMG! You can get pregnant from that? Every time I walked in on Mommy & Todd doing it, Mommy always told me they were just practicing their political mud wrestling and Todd was planting his political seed!"
A: "but when I asked Mommy what f*cking meant, she told me it was something she did to her political friends!"
A: "that is so not funny Mom!!!, ... putting pez in my birth control dispenser!!! (while Sarah lfao!)"
A: "I feel a book deal comin' on ... I'll call it Immaculate Conception"
A: "He told me he took the Pill"
A: "How did that happen?"
A: "Not AGAIN!!??"
A: ''Oh, so that's what happens''
A: ''AWESOME! My boyfriends were wrong, I'm not just getting fat!''
A: "There goes my Abstinance speaking tour."
A: I'll just become a "born again virgin" later!
A: "But we didn't have sex. I only gave him a blow job before I passed out. I don't know what happeded after that" (bats eyelashes)
A: "but gosh Mom, when I had sex with Dad's cousin at the picnic, he told me that I couldn't get pregnant!"
A: "but gosh Mom, "Uncle" Pee-Wee said that was just a special kind of toothbrush, so I just thought that boy was cleaning me down there too!"
A: "So... Flintstone vitamins don't keep you from getting pregnant??"

Day 6: "Was anyone really surprised Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston broke up, I mean after all even ...."

A: "the Russians could see it coming!" :),
A: "her mother's political advisors had an office pool going on the exact date!"
A: "Lindsey Lohan keeps her panties on more often!"
A: "the entire school hockey team had free admission!"
A: "her mother thought the odds of McCain winning the election were 5-1 better than them staying together!"
A: "the mascot on Levi's hockey team couldn't miss that open net!"


Editor's note:

A little background to how the Bristol Palin joke of the day started …

This all started when Letterman told a joke about Sarah & Bristol going to a Yankees game & Bristol getting knocked up by Alex Rodriguez in the 7th inning stretch - which due to current events was really more of a slam about Alex Rodriguez cheating on his wife & Sarah not controlling her daughter despite being very preachy about family values - turns out it was the younger 14 year old Palin at the ballgame, not 18 year old Bristol - Despite knowing that Dave was referring to the 18 year old - the Palin's decided to launch a web assault accusing Letterman of approving of the "rape" of their 14 year old and feigning outrage which caused a bunch of Christian fundamentalists & other hard core right wingers to join in - and eventually CBS, fearing loss of these viewers, forced Letterman apologize on air twice. The “Bristol Palin Joke of the Day” mocks the Palin's values & feigned outrage, & shows support for Dave who is barred from fighting back!

And to those who feel the desire to defend Bristol or think such jokes are not fair to her ….

So you approve of Politicians feigning high moral outrage, who preach family values and rail against unprotected sex and minors even having sex, but then don't practice what they preach in their own home? You approve of the vicious right-wing backlash against Letterman for telling a fairly innocuous joke about an 18 year old & her mother relating to conduct the 18 year old freely engaged in, a pro baseball player who can't keep it in his pants, and the mother who feigns piety about moral issues?

The real target of the joke, if it's not obvious is Sarah Palin and her followers - Bristol is just the foil ... and yes, they deserve to be mocked for the heights that they went to protest & their deceit in interpreting a joke they knew to be about their 18 year old as being against their 14 year old, even then spinning a joke about consensual sex as meaning rape, and their feigned outrage over the deceitful interpretation that they themselves created - so you approve of their conduct? ... is it fair to Bristol, probably not, but she is an adult and it is her & particularly her parents conduct that made any and all of this fair game. And, besides the BP joke of the day really is quite funny!

Bottom line …

I'm just coaxing Momma Bear out of her cave into the open to have a fair intellectual fight ... Sarah v. Sarah ... bring it on bitch! :)

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Post by Nazz » June 23rd, 2009, 7:39 pm

Funny stuff. Thanks!

Agree with your "practice what you preach" comments.

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Post by mtmynd » June 28th, 2009, 12:30 am

Very funny comments you have received, Beth... very, very clever.

Enjoyed! :)
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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 5:48 am

In my opinion, there's no way to make funny comments about this topic.

None of these "joke" lines are remotely funny.

The girl had sex. Why? She's a HUMAN BEING. And human beings have sex.

She's not a slut just because she got pregnant.

Almost ALL human beings have sex at her age. Average age of becoming sexually active is 16 or 17.

All over the world.

The fact that she got pregnant was a mistake.

What she did was make a VERY adult decision, along with the support of her mother and family....... a decision which has changed her life forever.

To make fun of the young lady because she got pregnant isn't at all funny.

To SAY you are really attacking Sarah Palin or Sarah Palin's politics (not certain which it is) ... doesn't come across one iota.

Bottom line....... If you want to attack Sarah Palin, attack Sarah Palin herself.

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Post by Nazz » June 28th, 2009, 3:21 pm

I see what you mean, Doreen. True, Sarah Palin is the outspoken hypocrite re: "family values" (and other issues), so she is the appropriate butt of any Palin joke. But I also think there is such a thing as a "slut" (I've actually heard the term applied to both females and males), referring not just to sexual activity but to frequent (and sometimes indiscriminate) sexual activity-- that's where the jokes are derived, and I suppose they work somewhat on a "gutter humor" level. It seems we're periodically bombarded with that sort of humor, so people can get a little numb to it all.

But you raise a good objection as to the appropriateness of making a 17-year old kid the butt of these kind of jokes. That's a good question, and I guess I didn't think about it too much. Perhaps the jokes are inappropriate and not particularly funny in the end. I mean, I heard so many "envelope-pushing" jokes about Bush's party-animal daughters at times that maybe I just got "desensitized" to the whole idea. I don't know. Good point, though. Something to think about.

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 3:31 pm

Jerry Springer level humor, in my opinion anyway.

Not trying to spoil the party. Just sayin' ....

It's my nature to speak out, I guess, when I see someone being unjustifiably slammed.

I "get" the hypocrisy .. sure... but leave the poor young lady alone. She's being very responsible.

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Post by roxybeast » June 28th, 2009, 3:56 pm

Doreen ... woe the rich big bellied 18 year old celebrity woman! ... she's just a "human being" who made a "very adult decision" to give into her sexual desire and have unprotected sex & produce a baby that she knew the father did not want & neither of them could support (after all, maybe she's catholic) ... while her Mom preaches that we all (e.g., apparently only meaning "the rest of you" non-Palin slobs) need to maintain higher standards of morality and personal responsibility! We should also rejoice in her "very adult" decision to break up with the father while continuing to push her celebrity on us!

Doreen ... perhaps you have book to sell that sets forth a more detailed version of your views on sexual and personal responsibility that I can buy? I'd like to begin teaching my twins from it, particularly as they become teenagers ... perhaps every boy they ever meet greatly will appreciate your teachings! :)

Love ya lots Doreen,

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Post by Nazz » June 28th, 2009, 4:21 pm

I'm not sure how much "celebrity" has to do with it, Beth. She's trying to "push her celebrity on us"? Hmmm. Anyway, sounds like it's a little tricky to make absolute judgments about BP's situation either way. Yes, I suppose there are personal responsibility issues to consider, especially if she's 18 and has engaged in an ongoing pattern of irresponsible behavior. But then, I don't know BP personally, nor all of the particulars of her situation.

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 5:48 pm

I don't see her as a celebrity at all. I see no type of celebrity status being "pushed on us."

Who said she had unprotected sex? I got pregnant when I was in my 20's and was on the pill. I took them regularly every day. But I got pregnant anyway. The pill is approximately 98% effective. That leaves a 2% possibility of getting pregnant.

Was I irresponsible to get pregnant when I didn't plan on it? I don't think so. I was human and had sex .... protected sex.

I'm not saying that I am an authority on sexuality and responsibility. I AM saying, however, that adolescents DO have sex. Why? Because they're human and it's a natural thing to do. It doesn't make them sluts just because they have sex. It makes them human.

The average age a person becomes sexually active is 16 or 17. Google it. It's true. And SOME of them get pregnant, unfortunately. There are 2 choices, obviously, for a girl who gets pregnant. Sarah Palin's daughter chose one of them. It takes a strong person to make such a decision.

If you have a problem with Sarah Palin preaching "family values" and think it's hypocritical that her daughter got pregnant and her family supported her through the decision to have the child, then tell jokes about Sarah Palin.

Her daughter has nothing to do with the hypocrisy. Absolutely nothing.

And if you truly think that the girl deserves jokes which suggest she was promiscuous just because she got pregnant, then your views are more ancient and puritanical than Sarah Palin's "family values" speeches.

The REALITY of it is again, that young people are sexually active and it doesn't make them bad people, it doesn't make them sexually promiscuous because some get pregnant by ONE father. It just makes them human.

In my opinion, she should be praised for her strength in making a very difficult adult decision during a crisis situation.

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Post by roxybeast » June 28th, 2009, 6:26 pm

See, I knew from your other posts Doreen, that you were actually taking this too personally ... If she's on my TV screen & newspaper screen as often as this girl is then I do consider her as a celebrity ... I don't think she made good choices (and btw her choice of a mate/father didn't work out either) ... and it does make me wonder exactly what "family" values Sarah Palin is passing on to her children ... and if they are the same as the pious ones she is pushing on the rest of us in her political speeches.

I think I've previously addressed all the rest of your post several times ...


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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 6:40 pm

Nothing personal here. I'm making comments about a girl I don't even know. As are you. She's not on MY tv screen. I only saw her once on TV, during the debates when she was in the audience. And if she split up with the father of the baby, so what? Sounds like a strong woman who knows what she doesn't want in her life.

Beth, it really sounds you're the one with the pious values since you're judging this young lady so harshly.

I wasn't going to reply to this thread at all after our conversation about it on Facebook but, if you remember correctly, you posted something to ask me to come over here and reply. So I did. :)

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Post by mtmynd » June 28th, 2009, 6:57 pm

This is how it works - everyday I post the set-up for a Bristol joke & then everybody adds their favorite punchline ... no holds barred.
If one doesn't find the punchlines funny at all, then everyone that posted one is to blame, right? Or should Beth be held responsible for the content of all the punchlines?
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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 7:05 pm

Hey, Cecil ... It's just my opinion that the punchlines aren't funny. *shrug*... Just expressing my opinion. I'm sure all the people who posted them thought they were funny.

I don't get the who should be held responsible question. Everybody is responsible for themselves. Right? I don't understand why you're asking that question. What's this blame thing about? Why should anybody be "blamed" for anything?

People have different types of senses of humor, I guess. To me, slams aren't funny. Especially when they are totally demeaning someone's character. So, I'm an outspoken person and I speak to things like this.

No big deal. I'm not going to change the world or anything. The people who thought their lines were funny will continue writing similar stuff and raking the young lady over the coals. As if her life isn't hard enough right now.... And I find it sad. But my opinion won't change anything, I'm sure.

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Post by mtmynd » June 28th, 2009, 9:36 pm

What's this blame thing about?
There were a few comments I felt the 'blame thing' and even a bit accusatory... what do you think?
If you have a problem with Sarah Palin preaching "family values"...

And if you truly think that the girl deserves jokes...

... then your views are more ancient and puritanical than Sarah Palin's "family values" speeches.
I'd probably be rather defensive upon reading those if they were directed at me given the fact that the thread was nothing quite out of the ordinary given the press Sarah Palin got for jumping on Letterman's case for his humor. I see it as merely an extension. Let's face it - Sarah Palin sucks using her daughter to promote abstinence while holding her baby as if anyone would buy into that. Would you?

The punchlines are as farcical as the Palin's efforts to make themselves out to be pro-family value while dumping the father. You can be sure the father will pay for that child for 18 years regardless of how Bristol and her family treat him... family values be damned. Whose values do you think are being judged in that story..?

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 28th, 2009, 9:53 pm

The daughter who got pregnant. That's whose values are being judged.

At any rate, Cecil, if you don't like my style of writing when I try to make a point... if you think it's accusatory.... I'm sorry.

I am simply pointing out that it's not funny to make fun of the young lady who got pregnant.

I stand by my opinion.

Beth has tried to explain that the humor is pointed at Sarah Palin, not her daughter, and has stated similar comments as you're making here.

I don't see it. It doesn't come off that way to me at all. This is a human being .... a young lady.... who is being made out to be a loose woman, a slut, and a drunk.... apparently for the purpose of ridiculing her mother.

But it doesn't work for me. I don't know how many other ways I can say it.

I find it to be Jerry Springer-like.

Am I blaming people for having a ridiculing sense of humor? I wouldn't call it blaming. I'd call it shedding light on the fact that it's not very nice to tear down someone's character like that.

It's not funny. To me it's not funny. If the writers of the punchlines find it funny, oh well. I can't change that. But I can speak to why it isn't funny to me. I have the right to speak.

I know nothing about the Letterman joke other than there was one and he apologized for it. But I didn't hear the content of it and I don't really care to know.

Humor that mocks a person's character who didn't do anything to justify the ridicule is just not my cup of tea.


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