The 1st Annual Spring Equinox Word Jam -2005

March 2005
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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » March 19th, 2005, 8:42 pm

Adam could never understand
his role in the garden.
He was fooled indirectly
by asp and feminine will.
Adam was an outcast,
his companion effected shrill
language, demanded her position,
a siren, unearthed by lonely need.
Adam was a pushover, his mate,
a con, ousted, though
the garden lives on,
overgrown with
weeds and
choke-vines –
no chance of survival
for the ignorant.
What did Adam know?
To taste the fruit, his
sole goal.
What did Adam know?
To taste the fruit.
To taste the fruit.
To taste the fruit.

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Whitebird Sings
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Post by Whitebird Sings » March 19th, 2005, 8:44 pm

some women
like to hear
a lightning rod
speak of flowers

it illicits
warmth in us


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Post by Doreen Peri » March 19th, 2005, 8:49 pm

I am Eve.
I am married to Adam.
He elicits warmth in my garden bed
each night when light has dimmed,
each morning when darkness breaks
into a tension of tongue and tease.
I am Eve. Adam is a fool.
Adam is a saint, the first Christ
who saved me from his very snake!
He brought me out of the garden
so we could indulge in sin.
I open my heartlegs, wait
for his Second Coming.

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Post by WIREMAN » March 19th, 2005, 8:51 pm

just found a beautiful
golden pit bull pup
runnin' round the neighborhood
nice dog, Dan Van Allen at the party with his Spoon.... Doreen
and I'm bringin' Zaar home and wonderin'
what I'm a gonna do, nice dog anyone need a
puppy?????????????????????back to the festivities, Scotty Stevenson's 50th...............

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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » March 19th, 2005, 8:53 pm

Adam and Alladin
were playing dice one day
gambling for snakes and robes
the lamp wasn't for sale
but bet the farm on
the flush of a season
no logic in luck
bet the farm
but rub the lamp
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Whitebird Sings
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Post by Whitebird Sings » March 19th, 2005, 8:55 pm


i have heard
there is a president
who does not want to speak
of Adam
and fruit
or Adam
and sponge-bob

i don't think this president
knows anything
second coming

and what of lilith?
would this president
admit that the original man
who comitted the original sin
had an original wife
who was not eve?

who argued with adam
where did she disappear to

what is her tribe?

i want to believe that my blood
can be traced to hers
but then who did she lay down with

who did God create
for lilith
perhaps it was a sponge
named bob


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Post by bohonato » March 19th, 2005, 9:00 pm

lilith and her sponge-bob
under the sea
arguing with adam
where exactly
did they put that pine-apple
Last edited by bohonato on March 19th, 2005, 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » March 19th, 2005, 9:01 pm

LOL!!!!!!!! :shock: :D :P :roll: :)

hahahaha... beats me!

interesting verse, lilith...

too funny!

Who DID she lie down with?

I donno...

I'm on #16.... gotta continue the saga... I write these as parts of one piece.

keep on keepin' on! i love it!


sorry to break the poetry flow with conversation..... Mark, watch out for taking home stray dogs.... Give Dan my best greeting... it's been over 20 years since i've seen him... enjoy your celebration! Happy 50th to Scotty!

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Whitebird Sings
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Post by Whitebird Sings » March 19th, 2005, 9:41 pm

...and who did Cain and Abel
have children with?

not their mother
that would be another sin

their sisters
their twin sisters

why are they not mentioned?
why are they not named?

no lilith in the christian bible
no sisters
no names

the invisibility of women

it wasn't always so
but it has been for long enough

it is time
we are now visible

we step into spring
we step into our fullness
we step into our power

we walk hand in hand
with other women
with men
with our children
with the beasts of the air
with the beasts of the water
with the beasts of the land

and with the beast of the fire...
the phoenix
and so we rise

soon it is spring
and there is no going back

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Post by WIREMAN » March 19th, 2005, 9:47 pm

We are all stray dogs
round here, she takes
us in gives us a lil food
and a whole lotta lovin'
Me....Zaar....Chief Kitty
the birds and gold fish
what a managerie we
make, Queen CJ's toys.......

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Post by Doreen Peri » March 19th, 2005, 9:48 pm

They have set the base to pour
concrete into Eden. They dug it out
like a grave, stretched plastic between
poles and posts, eliminated soil
with a backhoe, tomorrow the filling.
They will execute the death of perfection,
level the dirt until it's covered with asphalt,
mark the spot with a tombstone etched in stone.
Born date. Death date. Cause of death, unknown.

Where did the tree of knowledge go?
Where is the deceptive snake now?
I don't know but I know somehow that
we should participate in the digging up
of skeletons, let them run rampant through streets,
meet Eve halfway up the hill, make a plan to use
machinery, a jackhammer perhaps, to break up the
sealing in of a miracle.

Eden is being imprisoned.
Release the city! Allow her to breath!
Her inhabitants are sufficating!

Hurry! They have set the base to pour
concrete into Eden! Hurry!
Let us take to the streets
to protest and save her from
the burial!

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Post by Doreen Peri » March 19th, 2005, 9:53 pm

It is all a myth.
Cain. Abel. Lilith.
Make no mythtake
about it. It is all
a myth. No truth
except this....

All truth lies within
the eyes of the perceiver.

I will be a believer
of Love, the apex,
the joy, I will not be
decieved! I will believe
in Love.

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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » March 19th, 2005, 9:55 pm

a cave of treasure
or a garden of eden
or a toysRus

there is a candy store
in the eyes of every kid
my eden
is hairy as a tarantula

skin-popped reality
set in stone.
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by Doreen Peri » March 19th, 2005, 9:58 pm

my eden
is hairy as a tarantula
:shock: 8) :lol: :D :P :roll:

hahahahahaha.... LR, you kill me!

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Post by judih » March 19th, 2005, 11:16 pm

as doreen lay dying
wrapped around a maple tree
sapped and on the line for syrup
lilith, eve, sarah and hagar
came to visit

lilith laughed that throaty laugh
hurling lightning bolts at the sky:
"Ha! Did you think you could bury me away?
Hide me in the closet?
Turn me, Me? into compost?

eve blushed and then found her tongue:
"Really? Did you really think
did you truly believe that you could frame me for this?
Pin it all on me?
From clothes to spring sales?
It ain't me, babe.
it was simply the cosmic plan. It ain't me....."

Sarah regally lifted her eyes:
"And this? Was it not enough to turn the globe
Making an old lady pregnant?
Was it not enough to give me a revolutionary for a mate?
Was it not enough to grant me my heart's wish?
Why was it essential to make me the matron of division?
Have you no shame?"

Hagar was, by this time, furious:
"And me? What in the world were you thinking?
Tossing me in the sack with the old lady's man?
giving me a babe and then sending us away,
Alone, unprotected, bereft of all status?
You must have been a sadist"

And Doreen listened, enrapt
wrapped round that maple
as syrup collected in her eyes and poured down her cheeks
and she said: "No Adam, Alladin or Abraham will tie me down
I, woman, am the pinecone of chance.
I shall replant the world with poetry
and art
It shall be done"


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