Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post your poetry, any style.
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Re: Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post by sooZen » August 23rd, 2016, 10:26 am

Dor, I want and encourage everyone to write if that is their passion (as it is mine) no matter how badly because that is how we learn. My mistakes have always been the greatest teachers in my journey. And I was just ranting (as I am prone to do on occasion) as your hit one of my 'buttons'.

One thing that you said, "when I used to be a writer" struck me. Aren't you still a writer? I think (or believe) that it is not like a job where you can quit and move on to something else. As far as I can tell you are still writing (I guess it depends on how you define it...)

Like I said, if I see a post (a poem or a story) that is really difficult for me to read, I just don't. I used to try and slog through them all but it gets exhausting, never mind the time it takes. And if writers or painters or craftspeople do it for anything other than the love of doing it (like Van Gogh) and just for the comments they get then it becomes something else IMO.

[Of course, those that are trying to make a living with their art may have to create something that the public demands and not so much what they really would rather do...been there done that and it feels a bit like prostituting my art but hey, I've done it for the filthy lucre to feed the family... :lol: ]
Doreen Peri wrote: Honestly, after spending so many years on the internet and watching how this works, I made a promise to myself. I stop reading all writers who don't take the time to comment on other people's works. I find it selfish so I refuse to read their work. I DO give them a chance. I reply to them a couple of times and if I don't get a reply back to my comment to even thank me for reading their work, I simply stop reading it.

Some sites make it a rule to reply to three pieces before posting a piece. We suggest that here, but it's not a hard and fast rule, because frankly, I don't have time to enforce it.

Common sense is important in communities. If people want to post their own works without participating in the community, they should have a blog, not post on sites like this.
I was responding basically to your original post. I don't always respond to comments because I don't feel the necessity to always do so. I post poems, my journal and stuff like that on social media and if I get a like or a comment...great... but not a necessity for me. I have many folks (in a face to face) tell me they always read what I write but they don't comment. And it took me a long time to get to this point because I was so insecure but not anymore... (One of the beauties of age. :wink:)

I have a "blog" and will continue to journal as long as these fingers work. I like to post here on occasion because I like the beauty of this site so I think I can do both?

You keep your promise that you made to yourself (I break mine all the time. Hah!) and ignore those that you see as "selfish". Me, I am selfish... admittedly...taking care of me first now. You have an amazing place here and should be justly proud. Me, I am a rule breaker and have always been. Hopefully, we can remain as we are... and have been for many years...friends with a love of creating beauty in an ugly world.
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Re: Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post by Doreen Peri » August 23rd, 2016, 8:10 pm

Thanks for your comments, SooZ... yeah, "friends with a love of of creating beauty in an ugly world. That's exactly right." I couldn't have said it better! That's perfect!

As for me being a writer still, well I haven't written much of anything in a couple of years. The muse just isn't there and I don't force it.

The reason I posted the original post some years back is because, to me, this is a community, first and foremost. I wouldn't make a "rule" that people have to post a certain number of comments before they could post a poem or a piece of prose like some sites do, but I definitely understand why they do that. They have rules like that in order to build a community, so people interact with each other.

To me, the interaction is as important or MORE important than the content of the pieces of writing or the quality of the writing, and who am I to judge quality? I have been frequenting a critique site for quite a few years now, and boy can it get ugly over there. It seems, to some, writing is all about ego and to me it's not ANYTHING about ego. To me it's about expressing yourself. Communication. And interaction with communication is important to me as the owner of this particular site. I want to see the community aspect of the site flourish as it has for many years.

Anyway, I don't think you're selfish at all. I've never thought of you that way.

People post however they want to post. If you don't feel like commenting on pieces, there's no rule that you have to. I was simply asking people to be part of the community by commenting on some pieces, anyway, instead of what I call "a hit and run on the internet superhighway". But again, people will post however they want to and I'm not a dictator or anything. I just like the aspect of interaction on this site and sites like this more than I like anything else about the internet. Interaction is the reason I participate on the net and it always has been.

The reason we've had our Word Jam events for many years as well as the GO forum is so that writings from members inspire more writings from other members. That, to me, makes this site interactively special. Art inspires art. Creativity inspires more creativity. A community is built that way.

So, hey, I love ya! And thanks for the chat! I hope you and Judih will proceed with the idea for a new S8 forum where people write their version of other people's works or offer editing suggestions if you want. Why not? As long as it inspires people to be creative, it's a good thing!

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Re: Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post by judih » August 23rd, 2016, 10:36 pm

and this conversation is worth reading.
i thought I'd jump in and create the Soo inspired forum, but life happened yesterday. meetings got shifted, time got lost in the fray.
soon. maybe today, i'll set up something.

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Re: Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post by sooZen » August 24th, 2016, 12:19 am

Thanks Doreen for your words and thank you judih... yeah, life is kinda hectic here as well what with my fall and injuries and all the stuff going on with the house repairs. When it happens, it happens...
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Re: Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post by Doreen Peri » August 24th, 2016, 1:26 am

SooZ... I didn't know you fell. Are you OK? I sure hope so! ((hugs))) ....Write or call if you want to talk. xoxo

Also, I think the idea for the new forum is terrific. It's growing on me. What do you think about titling the new forum "Variations"? (original poster posts a work, commenters reply with their variation of the work... this title inspired by one of Judih's posts above)

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Re: Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post by judih » August 24th, 2016, 1:54 am

oh, Soo! yikes
how long it takes for the bruises to go through their rainbows of colours (speaking from the time I missed my jump onto a stage by 1/2 inch and fell splat on my legs. One calf multi-coloured, the second with a large knee bump. (just a few months ago, but still some signs)

and Variations - great title.
a forum where comments are the art!

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Re: Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post by sooZen » August 24th, 2016, 8:50 am

Yep, fell in the gravel and cement. I am shaky to start with and use a cane or scooter when I go out but I was without and in the front yard when it happened. Multiple abrasions to toes, feet, knees, hands, elbow and bruises and swelling. Decided to discard my skin (I guess). Being 68 (next month) and with my health issues (I'll spare you all of those) and also diabetic, any wounds are slow to heal and potentially dangerous. I have good wound care and nothing has gotten worse or infected so that's good. Getting up and down from a chair is difficult and I need help but I have that too.

I miss my walks and long drives but my body is just as rebellious as the woman inside and haven't been able to do much for about 2 years now as far as exercise goes. Gentle yoga on the deck and in my chair is about it anymore. (So you see why I am glad I can write! It is my outlet, more than ever...!) Cec has slowed down a lot too and has some serious back issues (scoliosis) but he still gardens, does his art and takes care of me and Nate. (And he is a really good cook...thanks to me... *wink)

Enough about that stuff...

And that offer is very sweet of you Doreen. Thank you but I have great friends and support here. Besides, I don't like chatting on the phone...never have...friends are surprised if I even answer the phone as Cecil usually does. (He can talk for hours on the phone! :roll: )

O judih...! I know you are super but you still can't leap to stages in a single bound! Hope you have plenty of Arnica gel on hand.

It seems it has been a rough year for many of us... I have lost 3 really close friends in the span of months and I know I am lucky to still be on this side of the dirt. Every day is a gift!

So let's do it... I am all for anything that is fun and not too serious (I am tired of that shit) and see what "Variations" (great name btw) we ALL can create...!
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Re: Please Comment on the Works of Others

Post by judih » August 24th, 2016, 10:52 pm

soo, you inspire.
facts are facts but the mind is a wondrous thing and one scintillating thought is enough to make a day worth jumping into (metaphorically)

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